19 Oct 2024
Monday 30 December 2013 - 13:28
Story Code : 74707

Iran today: Technical talks on nuclear deal resume in Geneva

The third set of technical talks on the interim nuclear deal between Iran and the 5+1 Powersresume in Geneva on Monday.
The talks are seeking to implement provisions of the November 24 deal, including Irans suspension of enrichment of 20% uranium and a start to relief of US-led sanctions on Iran.

The last set of discussions were held December 19-22. They have been conducted in strict secrecy, but Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Tehrans lead negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi, indicated that progress had been slow.

Araqchi said the third round of negotiations will last only one day because of the New Year holidays.

Iran Prosecutor General: No Forgiveness for 2009 Protests
Iran Prosecutor General Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei has repeated that those convicted of taking part in the protests after the disputed 2009 Presidential electioncannot be forgiven, and said the sentences they have received are the least they deserve.

The regime detained thousands of politicians, activists, lawyers, journalists, students, and other people challenging the victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sentencing many of them to long prison sentences. Hundreds are still behind bars, and 2009 Presidential candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi along with Mousavis wife, activist Zahra Rahnavard have been under strict house arrest since February 2011.

Mohseni Ejei said the sins of the political prisoners were much too great: They sullied the reputation and dignity of the Islamic Republic, They burned peoples belongings. They attacked Basij bases. They accused the regime and the people of lies and failed to honour peoples votes.

He declared, This is something that cannot be forgotten. It cannot be overlooked and diminished.

Conservative MP Ali Motaharicalled in Parliament on Sundayfor the judiciary to review the severe sentences, saying it should be free from all outside influences.

On Monday, the regime marks the 4th anniversary of a rally to meet the challenge of the demonstrations. Three days earlier, thousands of protesters had marched across Tehran, backing down the security forces who had blocked previous gatherings.
70% of Iranian MPs Call for Enrichment of Uranium to 60%
Almost 70% of Irans MPshave signed a billrequiring the Rouhani Government to enrich uranium to 60% if an interim nuclear deal with the US and other powers is not implemented, according to a member of Parliaments Energy Commission.

The signatures to the bill to require the government to enrich uranium to the level of 60% increased to 200 [of 290 MPs], Seyed Mehdi Moussavinejad said.

The bill was initially supported by 100 MPs when presented on Wednesday.

Moussavinejad said, in case of increased sanctions against Iran and violation of Irans rights to use peaceful nuclear technology, the Government will be necessitated to launch the Arak heavy-water reactor and also increase the level of uranium enrichment to 60% to provide the fuel needs of [the] engines of Iranian nuclear submarines.

The measure is a response to moves by some US Senators, opposed by the Obama Administration, to mandate new American sanctions if the November 24 interim nuclear agreement is not fulfilled by Tehran. The 60% level of enrichment is primarily symbolic: Iran uses 20% uranium for civilian programs and has no nuclear submarines requiring the further-enriched fuel.

By EA WorldView


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