20 Oct 2024
Saturday 31 October 2015 - 16:30
Story Code : 186633

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Oct. 31

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Saturday and picked headlines from 19 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

An international gathering in Vienna on Syria and Irans presence there dominated the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Saturday. Also in the news were flash flooding in different provinces in Iran and the presidents order to rush help to stricken people in flood-hit areas.


Ettelaat: Washington has signaled readiness to cooperate with Tehran and Damascus in a bid to solve the Syrian crisis.

The announcement by the US State Department came as Vienna hosted a meeting on the Syrian crisis. Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, an Iranian delegate to the talks, said there has been no change in Irans policy on Syria.

Ettelaat: Irans pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 was toured by as many as four million visitors in the 6-month event which winds up today.

Iran has been elected as a principal member of the strategic committee of the expo.

Ettelaat: Twenty-three members of Hypocrites (a reference to Mojahedin Khalq Organization) were killed and 200 others wounded in a missile attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq.

Hossein Abrishamchi, a notorious torturer of the terrorist grouping, was among those killed in the attack claimed by Jaysh al-Mukhtar.

Ettelaat: The president has ordered swift assistance to people stricken by flooding in the provinces of Kermanshah, Ilam and Lorestan.

Floods in the western and west-central provinces claimed seven lives. One person is unaccounted for.

Ettelaat: The trees which are felled and the punishments that are never meted out.

The managing director of Tehran Parks and Green Spaces Organization says Municipality keeps a close eye on those who cut trees for development purposes and sends their cases to the Judiciary.

The Chairman of Tehran City Council says so far there has not been a single case of punishment against those who cut trees and destroy gardens to erect high rises.

Ettelaat: The New York Times has described Saudi Arabia as a gift to Islamophobia.

The daily described the Saudi criminal justice system as medieval.




Afkar: Mohammad Reza Aref [a reformist leader and a former first vice-president] has called for reformist and moderate fronts to put together a single ticket in the upcoming elections.




Aftab-e Yazd: Babak Zanjani [a young billionaire on trial for corruption] served time in prison before launching cooperation with the previous government, said a member of a committee looking into the case of the so-called oil defendant.

Aftab-e Yazd: The existing recession is the result of what the previous government, and not the current administration, has done, said Saeed Laylaz, an economist.




Arman-e Emrooz: Dogmatic individuals want women only as housewives, said Chairman of the Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani,

He further said that women should not be afraid of fielding their candidacy in elections.




Asrar: The Atomic Energy Organization has denied reports that it has given the go-ahead [to the UN nuclear agency] to interview Iranian nuclear scientists.

Asrar: Reformists have no plan to have electoral cooperation with [the principlist speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Ali] Larijani, said a member of the reformist caucus in parliament.

Asrar: The Friday prayer leader of Isfahan has lashed out at those who were critical of an Isfahan visit by former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Why are some upset that an Englishman has taken in Isfahan [during his Iran tour]? asked the cleric.



Ebtekar: Acid rain has sent more than 3,000 people in Khuzestan Province to the hospital emergency rooms.



Eghtesad-e Pooya: Adeputy minister of industries, mines and trade has said that Tehran is ready to cooperate with Samsung to transfer its technology to Iran.

Samsung has voiced readiness to indigenize the technology to make home appliances in Iran.


Hambastegi: The top diplomats of Iran and the US met in Vienna to discuss the latest developments in line with the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.


Iran: Islamic Republic of Irans first female ambassador to go to Malaysia.

Marzieh Afkham, who served as Foreign Ministry spokeswoman over the past two and half years, will go to Kuala Lumpur as Irans ambassador.



Javan: Concerted Iranian-Russian diplomacy in Vienna

Tehran and Moscow: The core issue is the fight on terrorism, not the future of Bashar Assad.



Jomhouri Islami: The most comprehensive international talks on Syria were held in Vienna.



Kayhan: The dailys report on the Vienna talks

Supporters of terrorism: Assad should leave office.

Iran: The Syrian people should decide.



Khorasan: Flooding has swept 12 provinces in the country, claiming seven lives in three.



Mardomsalari: Saudi Arabia is after covering up the Mina tragedy, said the speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly.



Noavaran: In the name of Syria, to the benefit of JCPOA

Expert talks between Iran and P5+1 came to an end in Vienna.



Resalat: We will recognize the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, only if the conditions the Supreme Leader has set are met, said Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani in Tehrans Friday prayers.

Resalat: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action comes with multiple limitations for Iran, said Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to the Supreme Leader.




Rooyesh Mellat: The 81st Tehran derby ended in a draw.



Roozan: A gathering of female reformists to discuss the maximal presence [of women] in the upcoming elections.



Sharq: An advisor to the head of the Iranian Hope Foundation has revealed electoral meetings between Aref and Rouhani.


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