19 Oct 2024
Implicitly responding to Iran’s serious economic problems, the Supreme Leader has outlined his solution for continued restrictions on production and employment as well as inflation of almost 25%.
Ayatollah Khamenei told “hundreds of young Iranian elites and researchers” in Tehran on Wednesday:
Instead of reliance on the oil revenues, Iran should be managed through reliance on its internal forces and the resources on the ground, meaning the youth’s intelligence and talent, and production of science and knowledge and if so, no world power can turn the country’s economy into a plaything.
Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran could cover the reduction in income from oil exports — which make up about 35% of the Islamic Republic’s GDP and support the Government budget — by “strengthening scientific power”. He asked for “all-out efforts” for scientific growth, strengthening knowledge-based companies.

Last month, the Supreme Leader issued a decree for policies to make Iran the “scientific and technological hub of the Muslim World”.

Head of Judiciary: Protests of 2009 Are Still Alive…& Growing
The head of judiciary, Sadegh Amoli Larijani, has declared — probably unintentionally — that the mass protests after the disputed 2009 Presidential election have not been vanquished.

Indeed, Larijani indicated at a judiciary meeting on Wednesday that the dissent is growing: “We will not allow the sedition again which they want to unfold and cause trouble. The judiciary shows no fear of the attacks which are constantly escalating.”
Sanctions Breakthrough? Boeing Sends Aircraft Manuals to Iran
Iranian State outlet Press TV celebrates this morning, “Boeing Ends Decades-Long Hiatus in Business with Iran”.

However, the detail of the story indicates that the sanctions breakthrough may not be that significant yet — Press TV is basing its proclamation on a line in the aircraft giant’s quarterly report, “During the third quarter of 2014, we sold aircraft manuals, drawings, and navigation charts and data to Iran Air.”

The deal, worth $120,000, followed a US Treasury Department license in April that allowing Boeing to provide “spare parts that are for safety purposes” for a “limited period of time”.

Tehran has blamed a series of crashes of Iranian aircraft on the US sanctions on spare parts and components for the planes.
Culture Minister: “Iran Saved Baghdad from Islamic State” But “US-Led Coalition Will Fail”
Culture Minister Ali Jannati — considered a “moderate” in the Rouhani Government — has declared that Iran saved the Iraqi capital of Baghdad from the Islamic State’s advance this summer, while the US-led coalition supporting the Iraqi Government “will surely fail in northern Iraq and Syria”.

Jannati told an audience in Kuwait City on Wednesday, “Had there been no support by Iran, the Islamic State terrorists would have entered Baghdad by now.”

Indicating that Iran-Iraq joint efforts would “get rid of the foreign-backed terrorists”, he dismissed the alternative of the coalition’:
The same countries that supported terrorism and extremism in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria have now formed the anti-ISIL front. But this coalition will surely fail to destroy the terrorists and the ISIL in Northern Iraq and Syria….

The big powers have now become disappointed at Syria because they thought they could topple the Syrian government in two months, but four years after the start of this war, President Bashar al-Assad won the presidential election in that country.
In Tehran, Secretary of Parliament Ali Larijani told the visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, “While the world powers and their regional allies have been the main supporters of terrorist groups in the past years, their current claims about fighting terrorism are baseless and lack truthfulness.”

And Larijani’s brother, head of judiciary Sadegh Larijani explained that the Islamic State was “created by the colonial policies of the US and the European countries”, who “have more programs to make the Middle East region insecure”.

By EA WorldView


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