19 Oct 2024
Thursday 18 September 2014 - 13:06
Story Code : 117227

Iran news round up - September 17, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan.

Official Statements

  • Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi spoke to Basij members about the formation of the US-led coalition against ISIS and about what they should write about in the media:

    • [Forming the coalition] shows that America does not recognize any laws; this group was formed, but where does this group get its permission from? They only can care about their own interests and some are their victims.

    • It is interesting that the offender has taken the place of the judge; yesterdays criminals are todays judges sitting on the bench.

    • For what you should write, write that the terrorist population of ISIS really does have a government. The shedding of innocent blood, the violation of honor, destruction and creating instability is their government.

    • These actions and crimes are so extreme that even the Mufti of Saudi Arabia knows they are not Muslims. (Basij)


  • Supreme National Security Council Secretary Maj. Gen. Ali Shamkhani spoke about the purpose of the coalition against ISIS [who are also responsible for originally authoring ISIS, per the current Iranian stance] and reported that the Danish Foreign Minister requested for Iran to be present in the coalition against ISIS:

    • The authors of ISIS are united to fight the group before it affects the stability and security of the oppressed people, in an attempt to create secure borders for the Zionist regime.

    • The request of the Danish Foreign Minister to have Iran participate in the coalition was denied. (ISNA)


  • Parliamentary Representative of Tehran and head of the Parliamentary Faction of the Quran and the Household Laleh Eftekhari spoke on the Wests methods of soft war and the role of women in combatting it:

    • The enemies programs are not fixed and are regularly updated, and they change their face, so that people cannot easily recognize the enemy.

    • Today is a time of war. The Supreme Leader warned about the soft war and cultural war, but unfortunately the threat was not dealt with seriously.

    • Today, we must have good moves for repelling the enemys soft war. To fight the soft war, there is planning with the help of Quranic teaching.

    • Today, women must monitor their lives, their spouses and their children, and must protect their families from the harm of the soft war with proper planning.

    • We aim for international meetings, and will explain the role and place of women in Islam and the Revolution. (Defa Press)


  • Assembly of Experts Member and Temporary Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami discussed ISIS and the West:

    • Our armed forces are the forces of the Guardian appointed by decree of the Supreme Leader, and seek to protect Islam and the Quran.

    • ISIS is the product of Islamophobia of the West, and takes steps in the interest of arrogance [the US] and especially the Zionist usurper.

    • Surely, this intrigue will be plagued by reactionary Arab leaders and will surrender in peace.

    • The West must understand that this army and people of the provinces, Iran will never submit to the evil desire of the Arrogance. (Defa Press)


  • Administration Spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht announced that President Hassan Rouhani will travel to New York to attend the upcoming United Nations General Assembly session. The spokesman also said that there are no plans for Rouhani to meet President Obama. (Fars News Agency)


  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham criticized the US-led coalition against ISIS for its political hypocrisy and said:

    • The coalition has been formed outside the United Nations mechanisms.

    • The pronounced goals of this coalition in the fight against terrorism are inconsistent with certain past and present actions of its main architects and some of its members.(Mehr News)


Nuclear Talks

  • Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton had a working lunch meeting in New York. (Fars News Agency)

    • Zarif addressed the press and said the nuclear negotiations are going to be very tough because we have tough decisions that everybody needs to make in order to move this process forward. Zarif added:

      • We believe it is possible. We believe that provided that everyone wants to reach a solution that everybody wants to stick to the agreement we had in Geneva last November, we can in fact reach an agreement but it is going to require a lot of work. (Iran Newspaper)


  • National Security and Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission Chairman MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi spoke to young athletes at the end of a celebration ceremony about the nuclear negotiations with the United States:

    • If America insists on so many demands, there cannot be a good result from the negotiations.

    • Insistence on the defense of national interests is included in our demands as decided by the Supreme National Security Council.

    • Nuclear research is a right of Irans, and its a right to obtain that knowledge through the efforts of Iranian scientists. (Farsi News Agency)


  • Students from Shahed University wrote a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani concerning the upcoming nuclear talks in New York and encouraged him not to make the slightest retreat in the negotiations:

    • The Islamic Revolution of Iran has faced many ups and downs since its birth, but the most important factor that has allowed the Islamic regime to become stronger is the regime supports the brave people and the martyrs against oppressors.

    • This past year, despite the government insisting there was great interest in the Geneva agreements, the media were obstinate enemies and America and its allies tried to bombard the thoughts of the noble people.

    • We expect you (Rouhani) as President and lawyer not to allow any shameless violations of the rights of the Iranian nation at the next meeting that will be held in New York. (Tasnim News Agency)


  • The director of the Arak nuclear reactor construction project discussed the projects progress:

    • No halt in the construction and completion of the reactor has occurred and we are acting based on the planning and scheduling designated by the Atomic Energy Organization terms of obligation and the Geneva Agreement.

    • The only things that are currently stalled are the same cases agreed to in the framework of the Joint Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1. These include two pumps related to the coolant exchangers. (ISNA)


Regional Developments

  • Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani spoke on Irans absence from the Paris Conference on Middle East security and said:

    • In my opinion Irans role should not be dismissed. I believe that it would be better [and more constructive] if they participate. They did not participate because there are issues between certain countries. (Shia News)


  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian criticized the Yemeni governments inaction and contradicting statements with regards to the July 2013 kidnapping of Iranian diplomat Nour Ahmad Nikbakht. Abdollahian said:

    • The kidnapped Iranian diplomat is now being held in a Yemeni government security prison.

    • Iran will pursue efforts to secure the diplomats release.

    • The Yemeni government is responsible for the Iranian diplomats safety. (Mehr News)


Military and Security

  • Islamic Republic of Iran Navy 31stfleet rescued a Chinese vessel from a pirate attack in the Gulf of Aden. (Tasnim News Agency)

By AEI Critical Threats


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