20 Oct 2024
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, in a statement on Sunday, underlined the preparedness and strength of the Iranian Armed Forces, specially the IRGC and the Basij (Volunteer) forces, and urged the Foreign Ministry to give a strong response to the nonsense remarks recently made by the US officials.

US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman on Tuesday uttered insulting remarks against Iran and the recently signed nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers. Five days prior to that her boss, John Kerry, once again disrespected the deal and renewed the threat of military action against Iran.

The defensive power of the Armed Forces and all-out preparedness of the IRGC and Basijis (volunteer forces) for resolute and crushing confrontation against any threat has provided a firm and decisive backup for the promotion of the Islamic Revolutions goals and ideals in various areas, including the nuclear negotiations, the IRGC said in a statement issued on the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979.

The IRGC statement urged the Iranian foreign ministry to give a straightforward, transparent and resolute response to the nonsense remarks of the enemies, specially to the recent cheap, threatening and impolite statements of the US officials who have repeatedly stated that 'the military option is still on the table'.

The statement pointed to the defensive and deterrence power of the Armed Forces and the all-out preparedness of the IRGC and the brave Basijis, and said, There is no doubt that the countrys official diplomatic apparatus will safeguard the Iranian nations nuclear and strategic rights in the process of the talks with the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) within the framework of heroic flexibility and insistence on principles, fundamentals and values of the revolution and protection of the national interests.

The IRGC stressed that resistance and national prowess are the key to the power and endurance of the Islamic Republic and revolution and the main constituent and contributor to the progress of the Iranian nation.

After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and Irans exit from the circle of the US dominance, the bipolar system was shaken and a new logic emerged in the international arena that had the necessary capacities for unveiling a global civilization; a logic that presented a successful and efficient model to the free societies and nations on the threshold of entering the Third Millennium, the statement said.

On Thursday, the Iranian legislators asked the government to give a crushing response to the recent remarks made by a number of US officials against Tehran.

Members of the parliament in a statement on Thursday urged the government to give a crushing response to the vulgar words made by Sherman about Irans peaceful nuclear program.

Some 190 out of the total 290 parliamentarians, in a statement read out during an open session of the parliament this morning, described Shermans remarks as nonsense, saying she was talking palaver.

In relevant development, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday slammed Sherman for her recent remarks against Iran, and advised her to make statements based on realities.

By Fars News Agency


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