21 Oct 2024
Saturday 4 January 2014 - 15:41
Story Code : 75348

Lawmaker: Riyadh fomenting sectarian war in Muslim world to serve US interests

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian legislator lashed out at Saudi Arabia for masterminding the terrorist attacks in the regional countries, and said Washington has tasked Riyadh with stirring religious strife among Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is the US and the Zionist regimes agent in the region, member of the parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Reza Mohseni Sani told FNA on Saturday.

Fulfilling Zionists' orders for fomenting sectarian war in the Muslim world is Saudi Arabias mission, he added.

Media sources said on January 1 that Saudi Arabia and Israel are striving to push the US into war with Syria and Iran in a bid to weaken the Shiite power in the region.

The Saudis, leaders of the Sunni Islamic bloc in the Middle East, want the United States to attack Syria to weaken the Shiite Syrian-Iranian axis their arch rivals, Ivan Eland said in an article for Antiwar.

That is why Saudi officials try to combine their finance resources with Israels lobby power in the US Congress and Administration as leverage to push the country towards attacking Irans nuclear facilities and also invading Syria.

Although the Sunni Arab bloc and Israel are unfriendly to each other, they both share an interest in weakening the Shiite Syria-Iran axis. And they both want the United States to do their dirty work for them, Eland said.

He added that besides the fact that the US public is exhausted with ever continuing military involvement in different parts of the world, any probable attack on Syria or Iran for the appeasement of Saudi Arabia and Israel would wreck havoc on the US national interests.

In relevant remarks today, a senior Iranian legislator disclosed that Saudi Arabia has offered to pay $3bln to the Lebanese government in return for the extradition of Al-Majed, the suspected head of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades Ziad al-Jarrah Battalion, that claimed responsibility for the November attack on the Iranian embassy in Beirut which killed 25 people.

The Saudi government has considered $3bln for the extradition of the individual behind the Iranian embassy blast in Lebanon, indicating that the remarks he might make are vitally important for the Saudi government, Vice-Chairman of the parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mansour Haqiqatpour told FNA on Saturday.

Saudi Arabia has demanded Lebanon to extradite Majed in return for $3bln, he reiterated.

Haqiqatpour also underlined that Tehran is entitled to file a lawsuit at the UN against Saudi Arabia because the mid November attack was conducted on the Iranian embassy in Beirut.

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for an attack in November on the Iranian embassy in Beirut that killed 25 people, including Iran's cultural attache Ebrahim Ansari.

Al-Majed was announced as leader of the Brigades in 2012.

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades was formed in 2009 and is believed to have branches in both the Arabian Peninsula and Lebanon, but may have been active as early as 2004.

Lebanese security forces announced on Tuesday that Al-Majed had been arrested by the army's intelligence services.

According to Lebanese state media, officials have confirmed the suspect's identity through DNA testing.

"Al-Majed's DNA was compared with those of his cousin, which confirmed his identity," NNA reported.

The Iranian embassy in Beirut requested on Thursday access to the investigation into the double suicide bombing.

"The (caretaker) Foreign Ministry received a memo from Iranian authorities in which they asked to stay informed about the investigation with al-Majed, considering that the explosion took place on an Iranian soil, caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour told LBCI television.

For its part, the Lebanese news site Naharnet reported that Iran's Ambassador to Lebanon Qazanfar Roknabadi announced that an Iranian intelligence delegation participated in inspecting the scene of the explosion near the embassy in Beirut's Southern suburbs.

"Both Lebanese and Iranian authorities agreed that Iran will take part in the investigation, the Iranian ambassador said.

In 2009, Lebanon sentenced Al-Majed in absentia to life in prison for belonging to a different extremist group, the Al-Qaeda-inspired Fatah al-Islam.

Lebanese sources said on Thursday that the Saudi terrorist who launched the recent deadly attack on the Iranian embassy in Lebanon took orders from Saudi Spy Chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

Bandar has been blamed by several states for leading and financing terrorist operations throughout the region from Lebanon and Syria to Iraq and Russia. A recent report said that the Saudi Prince has ordered the two Volgograd explosions in Russia which killed 32 people.

After a 27 August report said that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered massive strike against Saudi Arabia if West attacks Syria, Prince Bandar secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russias gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria.

When Putin refused Prince Banders offer, however, and as reported by Londons Telegraph News Service, this Saudi Prince stated to Putin, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.

Barely over a fortnight ago, Prince Bandar, again, came to the Kremlin and in a secret meeting with Putin reiterated his threat to cause terror in Russia to which Putin suggested to the Saudis that they abandon sectarian instigations and supporting terrorism, because it is a double edged sword that will rebound inside Saudi Arabia and gather momentum in a manner that you will not be able to control.

A grim memorandum circulating in the Kremlin written by Federal Security Services (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov to outline the new security measures throughout Russia, as ordered by President Putin after the deadly Volgograd terror attacks, warned that the Russian leader has, in effect, vowed to destroy Saudi Arabia as he is blaming Riyadh for this horrific crime against humanity, sources revealed on Wednesday.

Of the terror attacks themselves, Russian Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Stepanov is reporting to the Kremlin that the two Volgograd explosions have hurt 104 people, of which 32 were killed, Whatdoesitmean reported.

Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) is located 650 kilometers (400 miles) from Sochi which is the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics, and the twin explosions hit a crowed trolleybus and train station.

This FSB memo reports that the trolleybus suicide bomber has been identified as Pavel Pechyonkin, saying that he was born in the Mari El region and joined resistance forces in 2012.

According to this FSB information, Pechyonkin, aged 32, is a former paramedic. In 2012, he joined the bandit underground, having left a note for his mother on his lap top computer. Pechyonkin has since communicated with his parents two or three times via the Internet.

Of particular concern about Pechyonkin for Putin, this memo continues, was this suicide bombers location this past year which the FSB confirms was in radical Wahhabi Salafi and Takfiri-rebel held territories of Syria controlled and funded by Saudi Arabia.

By Fars News Agency


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