19 Oct 2024
Saturday 4 January 2014 - 08:53
Story Code : 75219

President’s Advisor: Extremism greatest threat today

Bandar Abbas, Jan 3, IRNA – Threat of extremism of any type, materialism, religious, and terrorism, is the greatest threat for the world nations today, President Hassan Rohani’s special advisor for religious ethnic groups and minorities affairs said here Friday.
“Words spoken, or sentences written aimed at sowing the seeds of discord by anyone, are beyond doubt through the throat, or the pen of the followers of Satan and the enemy of the world Muslims,” said Hojjatoleslam Ali Younesi Friday night, speaking for a group of Shi’a and Sunni clerics of Hormozgan province.

Addressing the Shi’a and Sunni clergies in the gathering, he said, “You are not the spiritual border guards and watch tower keepers, but if you would heed your responsibilities and your prophecies perfectly, then you would be the security border guards of your country.”

The former intelligence minister during the reforms era of president Mohammad Khatami argued, “We are not after establishment of unity here, but we wish to safeguard the existing unity, because there is no such issue as minorities versus a majority, and the words spoken in that field are just meant to define the related words.”

He said that no one should feel discriminated, because that is a threat against our national security, adding, “As we all see, the outsiders are trying to convey the idea that such a feeling does exist here.”

The president’s special advisor said that the Iranians must not face any restriction in efforts aimed at using national opportunities, adding, “That is just like a football game, in which no one asks the players about their religions and their beliefs, and the best players gain the prize only for their best performance.”

Younesi said that many of the best shopping malls in Tehran belong to our Sunni brethren, adding, “The Iranian Sunni Muslims have lots of great opportunities in Iran, and a good number of them are from Hormozgan province.”

The president’s special advisor hoed that the Muftis of the world Sunni Muslims would emerge from Iran, arguing, “That is because that would be a great honor for the entire Iranians.”

Younesi said that the disputes are the fruit of discriminations and the discriminations are the result of ignorance, arguing, “The more learned we will be and the grater the extent of our knowledge, the grater will be our chance for being saved from these prejudice that the Prophet (P) has advised us to refrain from.”

The president’s special advisor for religious and ethnic minorities focusing on appointing the competent individuals as top provincial managers, reiterated, “I assure you that the Supreme Leader, the president, and the other top officials of the country, are all agreed with this idea and emphasize that it should be practiced.”

He then referred to Hormozgan province as one of the exemplary provinces of the country in which excellent unity between the Shi’a and Sunni Muslims is observed, reiterating, “Although diversity is one of the manifestations of God’s beauty, but if one type of difference and a difference of opinion, would lead to worries, it is an art to turn it into an opportunity, and to turn the points of weakness into the points of strength.”

Before the address of the president’s special advisor, the representative of the Supreme Leader in Hormozgan province and the provincial representative in the Leadership Expert’s Assembly said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has been a standard bearer of unity, is, and will be (playing that role).”

The Friday prayers leader of Bandar Abbas added, “We wish the Islamic world to recognize (the values of) itself and for the world Muslims to be side by side of each other, and to prove with their harmony and by having a single voice that they are truly the unified Ummah whose foundation was laid by the Prophet of Islam (P).”

Na’imabadi reiterated, “In this respect (unity of the Shi’a and Sunni Muslims), if Hormozgan would not be ranked the best, but it is among the best, and the reason for this claim is the excellent conditions of intimacy and friendship among the inhabitants of this province.”

The Friday prayers leader of the Sunni Muslims of Bandar Abbas, Seyyed Abdol Ba’eth Qitali, too, said, “Today, by grace of God, and the sagacious leadership of Ayatollah Khamene’ie and the elected president, we are witnesses to fruitful progress in intimate realtions among people from various walks of life, and particularly the Shi’a and Sunni Muslims.”

In the event, held at the Office of Bandar Abbas Friday Prayers Imam, the majority of Shi’a and Sunni clerics, and especially the Friday prayer leaders of Shi’a and Sunni Muslims of the province were present.

Iran holds International Islamic Unity Conferences in Tehran every year, in which hundreds of senior cleric and religious figures from Muslim nations and countries attend.

In the conference which opens up on the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), Shi’a and Sunni thinkers from over 100 countries around the globe discuss the issue of unity among Islamic Ummah and the existing problems of the Muslim world during this two-day event.

The participants have a meeting with Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamene’ie after the closure of the conference. In His message to this year’s hajj pilgrims, the Supreme Leader stated that “any statement or action which fuels the fire of discord among Muslims” is strictly forbidden.



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