19 Oct 2024
Iran’s presidential special representative: “Tehran considers invalid the bilateral agreements on the legal status of the Caspian Sea”
“We are carrying out negotiations on the development of a new convention that envisages rendering assistance by the littoral states in case of emergency situations in the Caspian Sea”
Baku. Real Jafarli – APA. Iran’s Presidential Special Representative for Caspian Affairs Mohammad Mehdi Akhoundzadeh spoke about the 33rd meeting of the working group on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, APA reports quoting IRIB.

Akhoundzadeh said that they exchanged views on various issues to determine the legal status of the Caspian Sea: “Common views are more than disagreements. We decided to hold the 34th meeting of the working group on the legal status of the Caspian Sea in Moscow. It will be followed by the 4th meeting of the foreign ministers and presidents of the Caspian littoral states.”

According to him, unless the legal status of the Caspian Sea is determined, Tehran considers valid the agreements signed between the USSR and Iran in 1921-1940: “Iran considers invalid any other bilateral agreements.”

Akhoundzadeh said that 6 million people live on the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea: “Pollution and environmental hazards in the Caspian Sea affect life style of this people. We call on the littoral countries to make serious efforts for preservation of the environment in accordance with the provisions of the Tehran Convention. At present, we are negotiating with Turkmenistan to develop a new convention. The convention includes rendering assistance by the littoral states in case of emergency situations in the Caspian Sea. Because we are witnessing an emergency situation in one of the off-shore oil wells in the sea. Iran is ready to help other littoral states to prevent the pollution in the Caspian Sea. We have considerable experience in this field thanks to international organizations”.

He added that the Caspian is the sea of peace, friendship and cooperation: “Today, we are all witnessing the unpleasant events occurring in the world. Current stability and security of the Caspian is the result of mutual respect, cooperation and wisdom of the leaders of littoral states. We must not allow the foreign forces damage the region’s security”.



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