18 Oct 2024
Saturday 21 September 2024 - 15:00
Story Code : 428484
Source : Tasnimnews

UN Envoy asserts Iran’s right to respond to Israel for injuring Beirut mbassador

The Iran Project : Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said Tehran reserves the right under the international law to take all necessary measures to respond to the Zionist regime for the explosions of pagers in Beirut that injured the Iranian envoy in Lebanon.
UN Envoy asserts Iran’s right to respond to Israel for injuring Beirut mbassador
UN Envoy asserts Iran’s right to respond to Israel for injuring Beirut mbassador
According to The Iran Project, addressing a meeting of the UN Security Council about the situation in the Middle East and the Israeli regime's acts of terrorism in Lebanon, held in New York on Friday, Saeed Iravani said Israel bears full responsibility for the perpetration of horrific crimes after the blasts of handheld pagers in Beirut killed and injured hundreds of people on Tuesday, including Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon.

What follows is the full text of his speech:

Thank you, Mr. President, for convening this emergency meeting. We thank Lebanon and Algeria for requesting this meeting. We also thank USG, Ms. Di Carlo, and Mr. Turk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for their briefing. We welcome the presence of H.E. Mr. Abdallah Bou Habib, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, in this meeting.

Mr. President, members of the Security Council,

This meeting is requested to address systematic and provocative acts of terror committed by the occupying regime of Israel on September 17 and 18, in Beirut, Lebanon as well as in a part of Syria, deliberately targeting innocent civilians including children.

The method of this barbaric attack was as unprecedented as it was cowardly handheld communication devices was deliberately detonated, resulting in the loss of at least 37 civilian lives, and injuring thousands more, most likely of them injured from their eyes including Iran’s Ambassador.

Despite concerns by the international community, this regime continues its aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon and Syria. Just this morning, an airstrike targeted the residential areas in Dahiyah, a densely populated suburb of Beirut, causing civilian casualties and loss of life.

Mr. President,

Targeting thousands of people across various age groups in densely populated areas of Beirut whether in their homes, streets, workplaces, or shopping centers, is a clear act of terrorism and a flagrant violation of international law in particular international humanitarian, human rights laws, and numerous resolutions of this body, especially resolutions on the protection of civilians.

These widespread and systematic crimes, aimed at mass killings, severe suffering, and serious injury to civilians, constitute crimes against humanity. Reports suggest that Israel intended to kill at least 5,000 civilians, with some devices either undistributed or deactivated.

The Israeli barbaric attack has left Lebanon hospitals and medical staff in an unprecedented state of emergency and attacks have sparked widespread fear and panic across Lebanon.

Undoubtedly, Israel bears full responsibility for the perpetration of such horrific crimes.

The repercussions of this attack extend far beyond Lebanon’s borders. The targeting of communication devices in the heart of Beirut sends a clear message to the international community: Israel is willing to commit any crime, no matter how extreme, to violate and attack the sovereignty and security of countries in the region and threaten regional and international peace and security.

The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest terms these horrible and barbaric attacks.

We extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to the people and government of Lebanon, and the families of the victims of these heinous terrorist attacks.

We wish a swift and full recovery to the injured and reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with our Lebanese brothers and sisters.

Mr. President,

The attack on our ambassador is a blatant violation of international law and diplomatic norms. The protection of diplomatic personnel is a fundamental principle of international relations.

The Israeli terrorist attack has flagrantly violated the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents.

We will rigorously pursue accountability for the attack on our ambassador in Lebanon. We reserve our right under international law to take all necessary measures to respond to this egregious violation.

Unfortunately, this Council has remained silent in the face of ongoing Israel's aggression and illegal actions, including the attack on Iran's diplomatic mission in Syria on 1st April (2024). Now again, this regime has crossed a red line by targeting our ambassador.

Mr. President,

Let us not forget that these atrocious crimes against the people of Lebanon are part of a broader pattern of aggressive policies by the Israeli regime. The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly warned about the serious repercussions of the malicious activities of the Israeli regime in the region. For the sake of regional peace, security, and the so-called ceasefire talks, the Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently shown maximum restraint.

However, Israel’s atrocities, from the ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinian people, and occupation of Palestinian territories to illegal strikes in Syria and Lebanon, to the attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Syria, and the cowardly assassination of Palestine’s former Prime Minister and the political leader of Hamas in Tehran demonstrate a Israeli relentless commitment to destabilizing the region and threatening international peace and security.

Mr. President,

The gravity of Israel's atrocious against the people of Lebanon must be recognized, not just as an attack on Lebanon, but as a threat to peace and security across the region.

We must ask ourselves; how much longer will the international community allow such atrocious crimes to go unchecked?

For decades, Israel has engaged in a pattern of aggressive actions aimed at destabilizing the region, whether through military operations, sabotage, or direct attacks on civilians. This continuous aggression endangers the peace and security of the Middle East, fueling cycles of violence and further entrenching conflict.

Regrettably, the Security Council has failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security. Israel’s malevolent activities are often overlooked or outright supported by certain Western nations. The unwavering political, military, and economic support provided to Israel by the United States, and United Kingdom emboldens this regime to continue its violations without fear of accountability.

This unconditional support, coupled with the deliberate blocking of any international effort to hold Israel responsible, has created an environment of impunity. The international community must not ignore the role that the Western countries, in particular the United States play in enabling Israel’s aggression.

These heinous crimes once again show that Israel's leadership has no intention of adhering to international norms or the so-called “ceasefire negotiations” frequently referenced by the United States in this Council as being near resolution.

The international community, and particularly this Council, has a duty to confront not only the direct perpetrators of such crimes but also those who provide them with the means and political cover to commit them. The failure of this body to hold Israel accountable has only emboldened the regime, allowing it to continue its aggressive and unlawful behavior

Mr. President,

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands firmly with the government and the people of Lebanon, and we will not rest until those responsible for these atrocities are held accountable. We reaffirm our commitment to upholding the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. However, it is incumbent upon this Council to act to stand up for justice, peace, and the protection of innocent civilians.

In conclusion, Mr. President, I categorically reject the baseless accusations made by the representative of the Israeli regime against my country.

The representative of this terrorist regime, led by a notorious Prime Minister who is under arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the commission of war crimes in Gaza, consistently relies on lies and disinformation to evade responsibility and to shift blame onto others.

The very foundation of this regime is rooted in aggression, occupation, terror, and genocide. So, nobody will take seriously these unfounded claims.

Thank you.
Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project
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