18 Oct 2024
Wednesday 17 July 2024 - 14:00
Story Code : 424973
Source : Tasnimnews

Iran’s support for resistance groups in accordance with int’l law

The Iran Project : The support that Iran has provided for resistance groups is legitimate within the framework of international law and pursues the purpose of ending the Zionist regime’s acts of occupation and aggression in the region, Caretaker Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri said.
Iran’s support for resistance groups in accordance with int’l law
Iran’s support for resistance groups in accordance with int’l law
According to The Iran Project, Addressing a high-level ministerial meeting of the UN Security Council on “multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order”, held in New York on Tuesday, Baqeri emphasized that Iran's support and solidarity with resistance groups in the region are legitimate under international law.

The full text of his statement is as follows:

Mr. President,

At the outset, I would like to congratulate the Russian Federation for assuming the presidency of the Security Council and organizing this timely initiative.

Effective multilateralism is essential for ensuring international peace and security. We stress the importance of these initiatives in highlighting the need for multilateralism and underscoring the harmful consequences of selfish unilateralism.

As a founding member of the United Nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms its commitment to effective multilateralism, grounded in international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

Allow me, Mr. President, to take this opportune occasion to share a few thoughts on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

1. The United Nations was created not only “to save the succeeding generations from the scourge of war” but also “to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples…”, among others. These and other lofty purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter could only be achieved through multilateral cooperation. Unilateralism is antagonistic both to peace and to justice.

2. Sovereign equality of States is the basic tenet of the United Nations system. This is based on the core principle of self-determination of every nation according to which they are entitled to decide their own destiny. The “prohibition of the use of threats or force”, and “peaceful settlement of disputes”, as well as “non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries”, are all purposed to protect sovereign nations from foreign aggression and to secure friendly relations among them. Unilateralism negates the United Nations’ basic tenets and fundamental principles. Unilateralism is an invitation to injustice, confrontation, and war.

3. The United Nations, as the greatest symbol of multilateralism, is exposed to woes of unilateralism. Regrettably, the Security Council has been abused by certain permanent members for their self-centered political or strategic agendas. On the one hand, they have leveraged the Council to exert pressure on other independent sovereign states and paralyzed the same body from any act to stop aggression and breach of the peace by their allies. Again, a very outstanding example is the United States’ decades-long vetoing of any meaningful decision to stop the Israeli regime’s persistent genocide of Palestinians and its frequent aggressions against nations of the region. I wish to emphasize that Iran's support and solidarity with resistance groups in the region is legitimate under international law and aims to end aggression and occupation. The resistance serves as a response to unilateralism and the biased support extended to the Israeli occupying regime, which is committing acts of genocide in Gaza and Palestine.

4. Multilateralism entails respect for the division of mandates among UN organs. The Security Council’s encroachment on issues beyond its mandate risks the integrity of the Charter. According to Article 25 of the Charter, the Council’s power is not limitless or arbitrary. It cannot override customary international law and international treaties. The unjust resolutions imposed against Iran during 2006-2010, based on unfounded claims by the United States about Iran’s nuclear program, were in clear violation of Iran’s rights under NPT and at the cost of my people’s fundamental human rights. Those responsible for these unlawful sanctions cannot evade accountability for the suffering inflicted on our people.

5. Unilateral coercive measures in the form of extraterritorial sanctions continue to showcase a blunt inhumane manifestation of radical unilateralism. The United States and its Western allies that reinforce those sanctions must be held accountable for untold suffering, death, and destruction they have caused on the targeted nations, including my own people.

Mr. President, distinguished delegates,

The Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently demonstrated its commitment to multilateralism, with a clear example being its constructive contribution to the conclusion of the JCPOA. This successful multilateral initiative addressed an unwarranted crisis and unfounded concern from the West regarding Iran's peaceful nuclear program, aiming to lift the illegal and unjust sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation. However, this multilateral process encountered a significant challenge due to the unilateral actions of the United States and its allies. The U.S. unilateral and unlawful withdrawal from the agreement exemplified unilateralism in the international arena, causing harm to all parties involved.

Equally important, Iran's good neighborliness policy highlights the importance of multilateralism in resolving common concerns and challenges. In this context, Iran pursues regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be devoted to the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all. Strengthening partnerships and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region will be the cornerstone of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy.

Mr. President, Excellencies,

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the new approach and foreign policy of the elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which focuses on strengthening multilateralism in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law. His Excellency, Dr. Pezeshkian, the elected President, has recently outlined his primary foreign policy strategy, which aims to open new horizons and foster friendly relations with other nations based on dialogue, cooperation, equality, and mutual respect. This strategy places particular importance on neighboring countries and the broader region, as well as on maintaining constructive relationships with other states.

Mr. President,

As Secretary General has underlined, global challenges could be “solved only through respect for international law, adherence to global commitments and the adoption of appropriate frameworks of multilateral governance”. The Islamic Republic of Iran echoes this call and welcomes initiatives to further promote respect for international law. Multilateralism is key in this regard. We believe this is the only way to establish a safe, just, and inclusive environment where all nations can enjoy sustainable peace and thrive.

Thank you for your attention.
Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project
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