18 Oct 2024
Tuesday 25 June 2024 - 19:09
Story Code : 423823
Source : Mehr News

JCPOA has no alternatives: Iran UN envoy

The Iran Project : The JCPOA is a hard-won multilateral diplomatic achievement with no alternatives, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeed Iravani says.
JCPOA has no alternatives: Iran UN envoy
JCPOA has no alternatives: Iran UN envoy
According to The Iran Project, Iravani delivered a statement at a meeting of the UN Security Council on “Non-Proliferation: Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)”, held in New York on June 24.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

“In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Mr. President,

I want to begin by strongly condemning the recent terrorist attacks that targeted innocent civilians in Dagestan Russia and express our sincere condolences and sympathy to the people and government of Russia for this tragic incident.

I thank USG Di-Carlo for her briefing. I also thank Ambassador Frazier and her team for their efforts as the facilitator of Resolution 2231.

We note the statement delivered by the EU permanent representative. Despite the EU's role as the JCPOA coordinator, regrettably, the statement remained politicized, biased, and one-sided.

We also note the Secretary-General’s recent report (S/2024/471), which accurately states that the United States has neither returned to the JCPOA nor lifted the unilateral sanctions reimposed after its illegal withdrawal on 8 May 2018 and urged participants, especially the United States to pursue dialogue and cooperation. However, the report continues to overlook the root causes of the current situation: the unilateral and unlawful US withdrawal from the JCPOA and the subsequent failure of the E3/EU to honor their commitments under the deal.

We sincerely appreciate most Council members for reaffirming their resolute support for the restoration of the JCPOA and calling for its full implementation by all sides as the only viable course of action.

However, the US, the UK, France, and Germany, again unsuccessfully attempted to shift onto Iran the blame for the JCPOA’s current status.

This is simply untrue. They deliberately disregarded the underlying origin of the current situation, that is, first and foremost, the unilateral and unlawful withdrawal of the US from the JCPOA.

They also intentionally ignored another origin of the current situation, namely, the years-long significant non-performance of all those countries with their explicit legal obligations.

Instead, they launched a disinformation campaign against my country, as is their standard practice. However, repeating big lies over and over does not make them true!

Mr. President,

The JCPOA was not perfect, but it remains the most viable option. Despite the gross systematic violations by the US and E3/EU, restoring the JCPOA to ensure its full, effective, and unconditional implementation by all participants is in everyone's best interest.

To this end, Iran made substantial efforts through active engagement in nine rounds of negotiations in Vienna and was willing to reinstate the JCPOA based on the understanding reached in August 2022. Nevertheless, despite our good faith efforts, the US and E3/EU have consistently lacked sincerity and determination to revive the deal.

The E3/EU continues to violate their obligations grossly and systematically under the JCPOA and Resolution 2231. Their failure to implement their sanctions-lifting commitments under paragraph 20 of Annex V of the JCPOA on 18 October 2023, is one of the latest examples of their significant non-compliance.

Again, instead of addressing their non-compliance with the JCPOA and Resolution 2231, the E3 (France, Germany, and the UK), with US support, took an unconstructive approach by proposing a politically motivated resolution at the recent Board of Governors meeting. We have already warned that such a move, intended to pressure Iran, is a mistake that will be counterproductive.

Mr. President,

We have made it clear time and again that Iran’s remedial measures have been taken in response to the unlawful withdrawal of the US as well as the subsequent failure of the E3/EU to uphold their commitments.

Our measures have been in full conformity with our rights under paragraphs 26 and 36 of the JCPOA, according to which, in the case of re-introduction or re-imposition of sanctions by the US or the EU, Iran has the right to cease performing its commitments under the JCPOA in whole or in part.

The objective of Iran’s decision was to restore balance in reciprocal commitments and benefits. Taking such remedial measures was unavoidable as the JCPOA is based on Iran’s nuclear commitments in exchange for the lifting of the UN, US, and EU sanctions as well as “promoting and facilitating the development of normal economic and trade contacts and cooperation with Iran” - as clearly stated in Resolution 2231.

Yet, Iran’s measures were implemented gradually, starting a full year after the US withdrawal and the E3/EU’s failure to lift sanctions. At the same time, unlike the irreversible effects of the US and E3/EU sanctions, our remedial measures are reversible if all sanctions are lifted fully and verifiably.

Therefore, it is crystal clear that the responsibility for the current state of the JCPOA lies only with the US and E3/EU. Instead of playing a destructive blame game, they must prove that they genuinely advocate dialogue and diplomacy.

Mr. President,

Iran’s nuclear activities, including enrichment at various levels, are for peaceful purposes. They are conducted in full accordance with Iran’s rights and obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and its Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

These activities are under the strict monitoring and verification of the Agency, and to date, Iran has been under the Agency’s most robust verification and monitoring activities. Iran continues its maximum and constructive cooperation with the Agency in full conformity with its Safeguards Agreement.

Within the framework of our remedial measures, we ceased the implementation of “modified” Code 3.1, which was just a voluntary transparency and confidence-building measure beyond our obligations under Iran’s Safeguard Agreement -- as explicitly reflected in paragraph 65 of Annex I of the JCPOA.

Likewise, Iran’s decision to enrich uranium in Fordow was another remedial measure. It is also in full conformity with our rights and obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and our Safeguards Agreement and is conducted under the Agency’s supervision.

Such decisions were made in exercising Iran’s rights expressly stated in paragraphs 26 and 36 of the JCPOA. Their implementation is neither a violation of legal obligations under the NPT or Safeguards Agreement nor disrupts our cooperation with, and the supervision of, the Agency.

The E3’s claim that Iran’s nuclear program has reached a critical point, or their expression of concern over the termination of Resolution 2231 on 18 October 2025 is irrelevant and provocative.

What in fact is a source of serious concern is the continued significant non-performance of these States with their explicit legal obligations under the JCPOA and that very Resolution.

Moreover, such absolutely hypocritical statements about Iran’s nuclear program, which is for exclusively peaceful purposes, can in no way distract attentions away from neither the danger of the Israeli regime’s nuclear weapons nor the complicity of these States in the systematic genocide and war crimes that continue to be committed by the Israeli regime against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Mr. President,

Despite that Resolution 2231 has nothing to do with regional issues, unavoidably, I must react to a number of such issues raised by certain members of the Council.

First, Iran’s space and missile programs had always been outside the scope and competence of Resolution 2231. This had been our consistent position even prior to the termination of certain restrictive measures of that Resolution on 18 October 2023.

Second, the Islamic Republic of Iran has never engaged in any activity in contravention of any of the binding resolutions of the Security Council.

Third, the main and longstanding threat to the peace and security of our region is indeed the decades-long aggression, occupation, expansionist policies, brutal systematic crimes, and other adventuristic and destabilizing practices of the Israeli regime. Therefore, if the US and E3 are genuinely concerned about the peace and security in our region, they must put an immediate end to their longstanding direct complicity in all warmongering policies, aggressions, occupations, and criminal acts of the Israeli regime against regional nations particularly the Palestinians.

Fourth, the massive military build-up, aggression, and occupation of the US as well as its widespread export of sophisticated weaponry to our region in past decades and at present, is another source of regional insecurity and instability. A living example of the destructive and destabilizing role of the US is the massive supply of highly sophisticated bombs to the Israeli regime to enable it to kill more Palestinian women and children more brutally and destroy more hospitals, schools, mosques, and homes in Gaza.

Fifth, Iran has always called for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis. We also reaffirm our strong support for maritime security and freedom of navigation. The ongoing armed attacks by the US and the UK against Yemen are provocative, unjustifiable, and thus unacceptable. They constitute a blatant violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and are material breaches of international law, the UN Charter, and pertinent Security Council resolutions. Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns, in the strongest possible terms, all armed attacks by the US and the UK against Yemen. Obviously, such violations only jeopardize regional peace and stability, obstruct efforts toward achieving a peaceful resolution for the Yemen crisis, and exacerbate the already dire humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Sixth, our principled position on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has not changed, and any claim regarding Iran’s involvement in the transfer of arms for use in that conflict is completely unfounded and categorically rejected.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, I reiterate that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s principled policy in rejecting nuclear weapons as well as its strong determination in exercising its inherent rights to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes has remained unchanged. I also reaffirm our unwavering commitment to dialogue and diplomacy.

The JCPOA is a hard-won multilateral diplomatic achievement that effectively averted an undue crisis. It remains the best option, has no alternatives, and its revival is indeed in the interest of all of its participants.

For its part, Iran has never walked away from the negotiation and  has shown its sincere willingness to resume talks for the JCPOA’s revival, and stands ready to resume the full implementation of its commitments under the JCPOA once it is revived and the US and all other parties accept to fulfill timely, effectively, fully, and faithfully, all their obligations under the JCPOA and Resolution 2231. This indeed requires their genuine political will.

Mr. President, let me be clear: pressure, intimidation, threat, and confrontation are non-starters and will ultimately lead to a dead end. The only viable option for restoring the JCPOA is sincere dialogue and constructive cooperation.
Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project
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