18 Oct 2024
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says the United States is trying to foment tensionand crisis in the West Asia region by resorting to its policy of Iranophobia.

Nasser Kanani made the remarks early Sunday in reaction to the latest remarks by US President Joe Biden, who accused Iran of destabilizing activities in the West Asia region during an address to a summit of regional Arab states in the Saudi city of Jeddah on Saturday.

"Around the world, were seeing efforts to undermine the rules-based order: with Chinas increasingly coercive actions in the Indo-Pacific and beyond; with Russias brutal and unprovoked war against its neighboring Ukraine; and with Irans destabilizing activities," Biden claimed.

Responding to Bidens remarks, Irans Foreign Ministry spokesman described the US presidents remarks as baseless and unacceptable, saying, "Such groundless allegations are in line with Washingtons policy to incite sedition and create tension in the region.
Kanani said the United States is the sole country that has used nuclear weapons and in addition, its track records are marked with continued interference in the internal affairs of regional countries, occupation and military aggressionas well as massive weapons sales and promoting militarism in West Asia.
Once more, the United States is trying to create tensionand crisisin the region by resorting to its failed policy of Iranophobia, he said.
He said Irans strategic policy is to avail itself of peaceful nuclear technology within framework of international rules and regulations while, at the same time, continue negotiations for the removal of sanctions imposed on the country.
He said, False accusations that the United States levels against Irans peaceful nuclear program while turning a blind eye to several decades of the Zionist regimes deception as a regime that is not a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) while possessing the biggest nuclear arsenal in the region, are a major sign of hypocrisy of the US government.
Iran and the US concluded two days of indirect talks, mediated by the European Union, in the Qatari capital of Doha, late last month in an attempt to break the stalemate in reviving the JCPOA.

At the end of the talks, Iran and the EU said they would keep in touch about the continuation of the route and the next stage of the talks.

The talks in Doha followed seven rounds of negotiations in the Austrian capital of Vienna between Iran and the five remaining parties to the JCPOA since April last year.

The talks were put on hold as Washington insistedon its refusal to undo its past wrongs through measures such as removing the IRGC from its foreign terrorist organization list.

Iran maintains that the IRGCs designation in 2019 was part of former President Donald Trump administrations so-called maximum pressure campaign against Iran, and, therefore, it has to be reversed unconditionally.
Citing the United States decades-long blind and unrestrained support for the usurping Zionist regime, the Iranian spokesman said, Without a doubt, the US government is the main supporter of the continued occupation of Palestine and al-Quds and a culprit to daily crimes of this regime against Palestinians as well as systematic violation of human rights of the oppressed and resistant nation of Palestine.

Kanani concluded his statement by reiterating that Iran pursuesthe principled and constructive policy of dialogue with neighbors and intra-regional initiatives.
Regional governments are expected to answer the Islamic Republic of Irans call and initiatives for [the promotion of] dialogue and regional cooperation by taking constructive steps in favor of collective security, peace, stability and joint development, he said.

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