19 Oct 2024
Iranian nuclear official: "Building nuclear power plants a necessity in Iran"
A senior Iranian nuclear official has stressed the need for developing peaceful nuclear program in Iran, adding that the nuclear industry can creat a lot of income for the country.

Thespokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi made the remarks as the country celebrates the 16th anniversary of the National Day of Nuclear Technology.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has now only completely become a professional in the nuclear fuel cycle, but has also made great progress in other areas related to nuclear technology, Kamalvandi said.

The AEOI spokesman added that Iran's advances in nuclear technology can be dividedinto four areas:radiation, energy, fuel production, and research and development.

He added that while Iran has focused merely on the development of peaceful nuclear technology that can createmillions of dollars in revenues for the country and benefit many other industries.

He criticizedthe Western countries forusingdouble standards and accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons while theythemselves have focused theirnuclear industry on adding to their nuclear arms.

He stressed that the western powers seek to deprive Iran of its peaceful nuclear program.

Kamalvandi recalled a recent UK minister's remarks who said that seven nuclear power plants may be built in the Europeancountry by 2050 and said that "the European countries have now come to the conclusion they cannot ignorebuilding more nuclear power plants."

"The construction of nuclear power plants [in Iran] is not a fantasy, but a very critical necessity in the country," the AEOI spokesmansaid, adding, "The construction of the 360-megawatt Iranian power plant in Darkhovin, which is plannedto produce 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power is seriously pursued."

Meanwhile, AEOI chairman Mohammad Eslami announced a few days ago that the Iranian nuclear agencyhad planned to build an entirely homegrownpower plant in Khuzestan province in southwest Iran.



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