19 Oct 2024
Iran's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Zahra Ershadi says the United Nations Security Council must act to force Israel to end the occupation of Syrias Golan Heights and aggression against the country.

Ershadi made the remarks in an address to a UN Security Council session on the situation in Syria on Monday during which she strongly condemned all aggressionsof the Israeli regime against Syria."
Reaffirming Syrias inherent right to self-defense and to respond to Israel's acts of aggression at a time and place of its choosing, Irans deputy ambassador to the UN said, The Security Council must compel the Israeli regime to end the occupation of the Syrian Golan and also stop immediately its aggressions against Syria.
The senior diplomat added that the continued occupation of parts of Syrian territory by foreign forces, which constitutes flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter, must come to an end.


Source: Press TV
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