19 Oct 2024
Wednesday 19 August 2020 - 18:13
Story Code : 382022

AEOI urged to resume all pre-2015 nuclear activities “If US Triggers Snapback”

FNA - The Iranian parliament vehemently denounced the US effort to extend Iran’s arms ban after expiry in October, and called on the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to return the entire nuclear activities to the level before 2015 in case Washington initiates the trigger mechanism under the nuclear deal.

The Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, issuing a statement on Tuesday, emphasized that if the US that is no more liable to make use of the snap back option initiates the mechanism, the AEOI should set the ground for enrichment of 190,000 SWU.

The commission has also in a seperate move prepared a double-urgency bill to introduce to the parliament that will require the government to exit the nuclear deal in case the US initiates the trigger mechanism.

Here is the statement of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iran’s Parliament:

While monitoring the international developments and also US measures to abuse paragraphs 11 and 12 of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and its effort to activate the trigger mechanism and reverse UNSCR against Iran, Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission announces:

1- According to international criteria, the United States, by withdrawing from the second annexation of the resolution and not fulfilling its obligations under JCPOA, does not have the legitimacy to use the Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM) as reiterated in Articles 36 and 37 of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The legal interpretation provided by the United States is baseless and unjustified.

2) In order to counter US unilateralism and maintain validity of the international rules, Islamic Republic of Iran expects member states of the UN Security Council to prevent abuse of the United States and also arbitrary behavior of the US government to impose its will on other countries.

3- Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expected to take urgent and deterrent measures against the United States by using its available capacities.

4- In case of illegal activation of the trigger mechanism by the United States, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran should immediately return all nuclear activity to the level before 2015, using IR4, IR6 and IR8 generation centrifuges to meet the country's need for enriching 190,000 SWU. Also, the AEOI is expected to accelerate construction of nuclear propellants in order to equip country's navy fleet.

5) Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission is ready to prepare and approve the necessary laws and approvals in case of further illegal and excessive demands of the United States.

6) Accompanying European countries with the hostile and arbitrary actions of the United States, while damaging the prestige of these countries, will weaken their interests, and Iran advises to refrain from accompanying this US move.

7) Lawmakers at the Iranian Parliament adhere to their allegiance with the noble nation of the country in order to preserve national interests. By monitoring international and regional developments, legislators fulfill their duties in pursuing issues within the framework of the Constitution and sublime recommendations of Leader of the Revolution based on the three principles of dignity, wisdom and expediency.

In relevant remarks on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said it is by no means justifiable for the US to use Dispute Resolution Mechanism with regard to UNSC Resolution 2231.

"US recourse to Dispute Resolution Mechanism in 2231 has NO LEG TO STAND ON," Zarif wrote on his Twitter page late Sunday.

"AmbJohnBolton has repeated today what he said on May 8, 2018, while National Security Advisor in the Trump administration," he noted, adding, "At least he is consistent—a trait notably absent in this US administration."

Zarif wrote the tweet in reaction to former US National Security Advisor John Bolton's article in Wall Street Journal where he criticized US' decision to trigger ‘snapback mechanism’ against Iran, saying: "The agreement [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action]’s backers argue that Washington, having withdrawn from the deal, has no standing to invoke its provisions. They’re right. It’s too cute by half to say we’re in the nuclear deal for purposes we want but not for those we don’t."
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