20 Oct 2024
MNA Iran's Ambassador to Caracas announced on Monday that the news on shipping nine tons of gold bars from Venezuela to Iran is a big lie and a baseless rumor adding that Venezuela has not any gasoline to revive its refineries.

"Iran has never received such a consignment," Hojjatollah Soltani said, "Venezuela has not imported Iran's gasoline, neither."

He rejected all the news claiming that Venezuela is raiding its gold vaults and handing tons of bars to Iran through recent Mahan Air flights.

The envoy also rejected the presence of Iranian experts in Venezuelan refineries.

"To the present date, Iranian gasoline has not entered Venezuela. To date, the governments of the two countries have held talks on bilateral trade cooperation, but so far Iranian fuel has not entered Venezuela," the ambassador noted.

"In recent days, an average of 10 to 17 commercial flights have been made from Iran to Venezuela, for the immediate transfer of equipment needed to reactivate the Paraguan Refinery Complex, which is now a priority in achieving comprehensive relations between our countries," he added.

Soltani also referred to Iran-Venezuela cooperation on fight against the coronavirus saying, "The Iranian government's cooperation with the Venezuelan people has intensified in times of crisis, and our relations, especially in the area of trade cooperation, are stronger than ever. We are here to help the people of Venezuela."

Some reports claimed that Venezuelan government officials piled some 9 tons of gold -- an amount equal to about $500 million -- on Tehran-bound jets in April as payment for Irans assistance in reviving Venezuelas gasoline refineries. They said the shipments, which resulted in a sudden drop in Venezuelas published foreign reserve figures, leave the country with just $6.3 billion in hard-currency assets, the lowest amount in three decades.
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