19 Oct 2024

Sputnik - The Iraqi authorities are going to convey Tehran's proposal to conclude a nonaggression pact to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Saad Jawad Qandil said on Saturday.

"Iraqi officials welcomed him and announced that they would convey the proposal tothe countries ofthe Gulf, especially tothose who do not have relations withIran, including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain," the ambassador told the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA).

Late last week, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif invited Gulf countries tosign a nonaggression pact amida tense situation inthe region.

In January 2016, Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations withIran afterShiite Muslims attacked Saudi diplomatic missions inthe country protesting againstthe execution ofprominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr inSaudi Arabia. Following Riyadh's decision, such countries asBahrain, Djibouti and Sudan have made similar steps.

Last month, the United States strengthened its military presence inthe Middle East bydeploying an aircraft carrier strike group, Patriot missiles, B-52 bombers, aswell asF-15 fighters, tothe Middle East. US National Security Adviser John Bolton described it as "a clear and unmistakable message toIran".

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