19 Oct 2024
Spain pulls frigate out of ME-bound combat group led by US aircraft carrier
Press TV - Spain has withdrawn its frigate with 215 sailors on board from the MiddleEast-bound strike group, led by an American aircraft carrier, as tensions heighten between the United States and Iran.
Spanish Defense Ministry sources told El Pais that Acting Minister Margarita Robleshad ordered the temporary measure ofwithdrawal ofthe frigate Mendez Nunez (F-104) fromthe combat group ofthe aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln while it is inthe Middle East.
They also noted that the Spanish warship is ona mission ofcircumnavigation and will not enter intoany other type ofmission.

Robles issued the order duringa meeting ofEuropean Union defense ministers in Brussels onMonday.

The move may trigger a diplomatic crisis betweenthe US and Spain, ABC journalists warned.

Mendez Nunez is now expected toreturn toSpain aftervisiting California and passing throughthe Panama Canal.

On May 5, US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced the deployment of USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier, carrying up to 40 strike aircraft, and a bomber task force to the US Central Command region.

He said that the move is aimed at sending a clear and unmistakable message to Iran that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.

He further claimed that the US administration was acting in response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings.

In response, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Aerospace Division of Irans Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), warned that Americans will be hit on the head in case of any mistaken move.

According to media reports, USS Abraham Lincoln and the accompanying ships have passed through the Suez Canal and are now in the Red Sea.
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