19 Oct 2024
US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers
RT - Self declared Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido has called for a military uprising in a video shot at a Caracas airbase. In the video he is accompanied by a number of soldiers, and detained activist Leopoldo Lopez.

The moment is now,Guaido declared standing near heavily armed soldiers and an armored vehicle.

The three-minute video was shot ahead of a planned anti-government rally on Tuesday, in which Guaidosaid that the soldiers deployed into the streets would be acting toprotect Venezuelas constitution."

En el marco de nuestra constitucin. Y por el cese definitivo de la usurpacin.https://t.co/3RD2bnQhxt

Juan Guaid (@jguaido)April 30, 2019

Guaido had earlier claimed on Twitter that he was meeting withthe key military unitsof the Venezuelan army asthe beginning of the final phase of Operation Freedom.

Maduro spokesman confirms coup underway in Venezuela. Says small number of military have joined forces with the opposition. Numbers not yet clear.https://t.co/yYFgm5ApYZ

Eva Golinger (@evagolinger)April 30, 2019

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