19 Oct 2024
Tuesday 30 April 2019 - 09:27
Story Code : 347081

Iran urges compelling Israel to join NPT

IRNA - Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs called for exerting pressure on the Zionist regime of Israel to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), saying otherwise modifying NPT is doomed to failure.

This occupying and aggressor regime, that brazenly threatens others with nuclear annihilation, must be compelled to join the Treaty as a non-nuclear-weapon party, without further delay and precondition, Gholamhossein Dehghani said addressing the Third Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 NPT Review Conference.

He added It must place all its nuclear activities and facilities under the IAEA full-scope safeguards. This is the only way towards the implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East'.

The full text of Dehghani's address is as follows:

Mr. Chairman,

I congratulate you for your election to Chair this important session and assure you of our full cooperation. My delegation fully subscribes to the views expressed in the statement made by Venezuela on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Mr. Chairman,

The Islamic Republic of Iran has resolutely advocated the objectives of the NPT and supports their effective implementation. This is obvious that the sustainability and credibility of the NPT, as an important contribution to international peace and security, is warranted if its so called core bargain is secured; the non-nuclear-weapon States not to pursue the acquisition of nuclear weapons in return for the nuclear-weapon States pursuing nuclear disarmament.

Regrettably, the nuclear-weapon States have not kept their side of the bargain.

With the exception of a few nuclear umbrella States in Europe which host the US nuclear weapons in their territory, the overwhelming majority of non-nuclear-weapon States continue to fulfill their obligations relating to non-proliferation.

In return, the nuclear-weapon States have failed to abide by their obligations to pursue negotiations on effective measures for nuclear disarmament and have not eliminated their arsenals of nuclear weapons. The non-compliance with Article VI poses a serious threat to the NPT with far-reaching implications. Nuclear-weapon States should acknowledge that there is no scope for selective or conditional compliance with their treaty obligations.

Nuclear arms reductions should not be confused with effective nuclear disarmament measures. Reductions, in most of the cases, did not lead to actual elimination of nuclear weapons.

Such reductions, mainly driven by cold war concepts of the strategic balance of power, have been offset by development of more advanced nuclear weapons with higher destructive power.

Mr. Chairman,

The prospect for a new era of nuclear arms race is looming large. The very ambitious and extensive modernization plan of the US, which is in gross violation of the spirit and letter of the NPT, offers a clear example in this regard.

The INF treaty, once symbolizing the end of the cold war, is on the verge of collapse as a result of the US non-compliance with its treaty obligations.

The US also intends to produce the so-called more usable nukes and brazenly threaten to use them against non-nuclear-weapon States.

The prospect is even worse with the current intransigent US administration which shows zero respect for their international obligations.

The Americas withdrawal from international treaties and instruments one after another, its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a rampant violation of Security Council resolution 2231, and its re-imposition of illegal and unilateral sanctions against my country clearly attest to US continued disrespect for multilateral regimes and institutions.

The US is pursuing such policies despite the fact that IAEA has repeatedly confirmed Irans full compliance with its commitments under the JCPOA and the NPT.

Surprisingly, and as a party to the unanimous Security Council resolution 2231, the US is blatantly threatening to punish other UN member-states if they comply.

The US continues to exert maximum pressure to dismantle the JCPOA and UNSC resolution 2231. These pressures, if continued, will be detrimental not only to the stability and security in the Middle East region, but to the NPT.

The anti-JCPOA and other unlawful and coercive measures by the US administration against Iran allude to the fact that this administration is driven by the Rule of the Jungle in its international relations.

Such policies will not be left unanswered and Iran will adopt appropriate measures to preserve its supreme national interests.

Mr. Chairman,

Before concluding, let me highlight that in 2020 Review Conference, the first priority must be to adopt concrete decisions on nuclear disarmament, including through agreeing on the commencement of negotiations and early conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear weapons convention.

Any such notion as the CCND that aims to create conditions for nuclear disarmament must be categorically rejected.

The second priority should be the implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

The nuclear weapons of the Israeli regime continue to threaten the peace and security of the region and beyond. This occupying and aggressor regime, that brazenly threatens others with nuclear annihilation, must be compelled to join the Treaty as a non-nuclear-weapon party, without further delay and precondition.

It must place all its nuclear activities and facilities under the IAEA full-scope safeguards.

This is the only way towards the implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East.

I wish this PrepCom session a successful outcome.

Thank you for your attention
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