19 Oct 2024
MNA The Iranian Foreign Ministry, in a message, has paid tribute to prominent Iranian poet Rumi, who was one of the worlds most famous literary figures known for his mystic poems.

The Foreign Ministry issued a message on Sunday on the occasion of the national day commemorating Rumi. The full text of the message is as following:

Rumi is the connecting point between poetry, mysticism and philosophy in the Persian literature. He was a rare genius of history who learned mysticism with great master Shams, and created everlasting works of mysticism and the school of love in the Persian language, so much so that his magnum opus, Masnavi, was called The Quran in the Persian language.

Naynameh, one his works, is seen by many as a summary of six chapters of Masnavi, and is regarded as one of the most famous books of poetry in the history of the worlds literature.

Rumis divine language is a universal language associated with divine nature and breathes life into it. Maybe this very universality of Rumis language has prompted some people to associate their names with Rumis and leave no stone unturned to take possession of this master of mystic poetry and make imaginary and illusory and untrue statements to create the impression that Rumi had deviated from the Persian literature and culture. However, the reality is that Rumi has written poems only in Persian.

In our estimation, Rumi is an integral part of the lofty history, culture and literature of Iran and the whole cultural world, which has long been associated with the Iranians behaviour and language. Still, we believe that Rumis poetry can link nations and bring about further convergence among people who are attached to this renowned Iranian poet.

Indubitably, in a world devoid of mysticism, love and spirituality, understanding Rumis message can solve many of the problems of the human community.

Today, September 30, is the day when this prominent Iranian poet is commemorated. On this occasion, we congratulate all intellectuals, culture-loving Iranians, all Persian-speaking people and all those who love the Persian language and those who regard Rumis poetry as an integral part of their identity.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on his twitter account ""I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea; ... For I belong to the soul of the Beloved. I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one; One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call." Happy (811th) birthday, Mowlana #Rumi."
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