18 Oct 2024
Bahraini activist on hunger strike since August 1 to save father in regimes jail
Alwaght - Ali Mushaima has launched an open-ended hunger strike outside Bahrain's embassy in London since 1st August to tell world that the West-backed Al Khalifa regime is slowly killing his father Hassan Mushaima, a prominent opposition figure jailed in Bahrain.

He has been spending his nights and long summer days under the extreme heat to say that Bahraini rulers' Western allies are turning a blind eye while his 70-year-old father is denied life-saving treatment in the regime's prison.

Ali told the Guardian the regime of Bahrain "is slowly killing my father, "and he has begun a hunger strike outside Bahrains London embassy "to save him".

My father is a leader of the political opposition in our homeland. In 2011 he was at the forefront of Bahrains Arab spring protests a mass movement that peacefully called for human rights and democratic reforms in the authoritarian Persian Gulf kingdom.

Police violently crushed the demonstrations, killing dozens and jailing thousands. Early on the morning of 17 March 2011, security forces broke into our home and arrested my father. Along with other leading human rights defenders and opposition figures known collectively as the Bahrain 13 he was tortured and hauled before a military tribunal. After a patently unfair trial, the court sentenced him to life, simply for calling for democracy in Bahrain.

I was part of the same case as my father, but I was convicted in absentia because I was in London at the time; a year later my Bahraini citizenship was revoked. If I return home to see my father, Ill be jailed along with him.

Throughout this time, Bahrains authorities have punished my father by subjecting him to humiliating, inhumane treatment in the kingdoms notorious Jau prison a horrific detention centre overcrowded with hundreds of political prisoners. The torture my father has endured has caused such severe problems that he has required surgery four times. Jau prisons abusive and unsanitary conditions have seen his health sharply deteriorate, and authorities are denying him the medical care he needs to survive.

My father is 70 years old and suffers from serious chronic illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, gout and a urinary tract infection. He in remission from lymphoma. He needs to take many different pills a day to help with these conditions: without them he could die."

Since 2016, however, the regime has prevented him from seeing a physician needed to ensure the cancer has not returned, despite the need for screenings every six months. More recently, the authorities have singled out political prisoners for further insulting restrictions on healthcare, forcing them to be strip-searched, chained, shackled, and marched to external facilities if they want to attend medical appointments. Human Rights Watchfound that this degrading treatment violates international standards".

Now my fathers medication is running out, and the government simply doesnt care. Just last week the UN human rights committee found that Bahrain is failing to meet its treaty obligations under the international covenant on civil and political rights. It cited inhumane prison conditions and denial of medical care for political prisoners.

Despite numerous requests for assistance from my family and international campaigners, Bahrains so-called human rights bodies such as the UK-funded police ombudsman and National Institution for Human Rights have done nothing but whitewash continued abuses. Earlier this year the NIHR outright denied that my father even had any health problems that required treatment.

Without urgent medication and treatment, my father will die and Bahrains chief western allies in London and Washington are letting this happen.

British government accused of funding human rights abuses in Bahrain

Since 2012, the UK has provided 5m in technical assistance to Bahrain. This was ostensibly meant to facilitate reforms and improve institutions like the ombudsman, but it has had the exact opposite effect: providing diplomatic cover for intensifying repression and police abuse. The UK government is aware of my fathers case, but it has entirely failed to take any action to rectify the situation, merely raising his case at a senior level.

Likewise, the Trump administration in the US has signed off on billions of dollars of new arms deals and abandoned human rights conditions altogether. Trump even told Bahrains king that there would be no more strain between the two countries, effectively green-lighting the kingdoms bloodiest protest raid in years just days later.

The UK and the US are directly enabling Bahraini regimes repression and theyre contributing to the brutal conditions killing my father. But its not too late. Leaders in London and Washington can still intervene to save my father and stand up for human rights. I urge them to use their influence to ensure he is immediately provided with the medical treatment he needs to live, and ultimately to secure his release.

Until my father is safe, I have no choice but to follow his commitment to peaceful protest and launch my own hunger strike against oppression. The regime should know that actions against him will not change my political views. The will of the pro-democracy fighters who started the revolution in 2011 against dictatorial rule remains strong, and we are now even more convinced that this regime cant reformed itself

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