19 Oct 2024
Munzer: Syrias sovereign right on Golan is not negotiable and cant be relinquished
SANA - Acting Charge d affairs of Syrias permanent delegation to the UN Munzer Munzer said on Tuesday thatSyria affirms its sovereign right on the Syrian Golan is not negotiable and cant be relinquished, nor is it subject to limitations, adding our occupied territory should be fully restored.

Munzer added during a UN security Council session on the situation in the Middle East that Israel stresses once again its solid relation to the terrorist groups through targeting today a Syrian warplane that was shelling dens of Daesh terrorist organization on the sides of al-Yarmouk valley in Quneitra countryside.

He affirmed that Israel continues to reject abiding by international legitimacy resolutions due to the policy of some member states that provide the political cover and protection to it to go ahead in its occupation of Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.

Munzer said that Syria has informed Security Council and the UN different bodies of the unlimited support offered by Israel to the terrorist organizations in the disengagement zone, including its repeated military direct aggression on the Syrian lands in a blatant violation of the disengagement agreement and the international laws.

The policies of countries that support Israel have contributed to changing the occupied Palestine into a collective, open prison and paved the way for Israel to apply the policy of racial apartheid against the Palestinians, Munzer affirmed.

He went on to say that Syria calls on the international community to assume its responsibility and abort the so-called law Jewish National State that contradicts with the UN principles and usurp the historical firm rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to return.

Israel also continues its colonial settlement campaigns in the occupied Syrian Golan and the policies of repression against Golan citizens, looting their resources and arresting the Syrian people in a blatant violation of Geneva treaties, Munzer said.

He added that Israels untrue allegations that it has no role in the crisis in Syria is refuted through its direct support to the terrorist organizations and its continued aggression on Syria, as well, its smuggling of hundreds of White Helmets terrorist organization.

Munzer said that Syria calls on UNSC to take immediate measures against Israel to stop its violations and force it to end its occupation of the Arab lands including the occupied Syrian Golanand withdraw from the occupied Arab lands into the line of June 4th, 1967 according to UNSC resolutions, particularly resolutions No. 242, 338, 497 and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
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