19 Oct 2024

Sputnik - The EU attempts to continue investments in Iran despite the US decision to re-impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic are impossible for energy giants as they need access to the US banking system, Total President and CEO Patrick Pouyanne said Friday during an Energy session of the SPIEF.

"I cannot run a global company likeTotal withouthaving access tothe US banking system or US investors, thats a matter offact. The world economy today is organized aroundthe currency which is a dollar. Its not my job todecide if we need another financial system, its not the case today, so we have tobe pragmatic. Unfortunately, I dont think so, maybe it could work forsmaller companies, less global ones, which I think is the objective ofEuropean governments, butfor the large companies its not possible," Pouyanne said, asked if he would accept the European Unions potential leeway tocontinue investments inIran.

At the same time, Pouyanne asked Russian President Vladimir Putin toallow its venture, established jointly withRussias Novatek, tosupply gas toEurope viathe pipeline system connecting Russia and the European Union.
I would liketo propose toPresident Putin tocarry outa courageous reform. Can we hope that someday inthe future you will allow our joint venture, set upby Novatek and Total, tosupply our gas toEurope throughthese pipelines? This will further stabilize the position ofRussian gas onthe European market. And, ofcourse, this is very important forthese gas pipelines, Pouyanne said atthe St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced his decision towithdraw fromthe Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction (JCPOA), which requires Tehran tomaintain a peaceful nuclear program inexchange forsanctions relief. Trump also announced that he would re-impose US sanctions onthe country. The US Treasury has already imposed restrictions onsome Iranian individuals and entities. The decision was not supported byother parties tothe JCPOA.

Following the US decision, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced that the union would amend its Blocking Statute inorder toinclude the US sanction imposed againstIran inthe regulation. As soon asthe amendments are adopted, EU businesses will be allowed not tocomply withthe US restrictions or even demand compensation forlosses caused bythe US sanctions.

Iran also expressed an idea toestablish a bank tosettle EU transactions ineuros toavoid US measures inthe wake ofWashingtons exit fromthe nuclear deal.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), held annually inRussia's second largest city ofSt. Petersburg, is a major global platform forcommunication betweenbusiness representatives and the discussion ofcrucial economic issues. The event started earlier inthe day and will continue throughSaturday.

Sputnik is the official media partner ofthe forum.

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