19 Oct 2024

Sputnik - Russia should sell its S-300 air defense systems to Iran, North Korea and Syria, simultaneously training these countries' servicemen to use the weapon, Alexander Sherin, first deputy chairman of the Russian parliament's lower house defense committee, told Sputnik on Saturday.

Earlier inthe day, Chief ofthe Main Operational Directorate ofthe Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said that Russia might consider sale ofthe S-300 systems toDamascus followingUS-led strikes againstSyria.
"It is necessary toconsider not only deliveries ofmissile defense systems, butalso deliveries accompanied bythose people who can train the personnel ofthese countries, so that Syria, Iran and North Korea could deploy these systems, if they wanted," Sherin said.

The S-300 is a Russian long range surface-to-air missile system, developed todefend againstaircraft and cruise missiles.
"These systems were supposed tobe supplied there a long time ago If we do not want our soldiers and officers todie, if we do not want, say, some large-scale wars withthe loss ofcivilians, everything is very simple: the S-300 system," he added.

Early onSaturday, US President Donald Trump announced the military action inSyria inresponse tothe alleged chemical weapons attack inthe city ofDuma inthe Damascus suburb ofEastern Ghouta. As a result, Washington, and its allies France and the United Kingdom fired missiles onthe Syrian facilities, which they claimed were linked withchemical weapons production.

According tothe Syrian authorities, the Western coalition fired over100 missiles onthe Syrian targets, however part ofthe missiles had been intercepted bythe Syrian air defense. No people have been killed, butat least three sustained injuries asa result ofthe strikes.

The Russian Defense Ministry noted that the Syrian Armed Forces had used Soviet air defense systems S-125, S-200, Buk, and Kvadrat torepel the missile attacks. All ofthem were produced inthe Soviet Union more than30 years ago, it added.

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