19 Oct 2024
Sputnik News- The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will hold its 172nd ordinary meeting in Vienna on Thursday, followed by a ministerial meeting with non-cartel countries to agree an extension to oil output cuts.

The JMMC, the joint committee ofministers fromthe cartel and non-OPEC producers, recommended onWednesday prolonging the deal bynine months, while keeping the same level ofproduction cuts forthe OPEC and eleven major oil producers.

Ministers will also consider extending production cuts forother periods oftime, including six months and untilthe end of2018. The initial deal expires inJune.

It remains unclear if Iran, Libya and Nigeria will still receive concessions underthe pact should it be extended. They were exempted fromlimiting quotas, agreed inNovember, asIran is increasing production topre-sanction levels, Nigeria is struggling torecover fromcrippling militant attacks onoil facilities and Libya is mired ina conflict.

While OPEC is unanimously supporting the idea ofextending production cuts torebalance the oil market, according toIranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, not all non-cartel countries have made their stance clear.

Thursday's ministerial meeting may also be joined byseveral new non-cartel producers, withEgypt and Turkmenistan speculated tobe interested inattending. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said earlier three tofive oil exporters were intalks tocut their oil production.

The OPEC agreed last fall toreduce oil output by1.2 million barrels per day forthe first six months of2017, witha daily cartel-wide cap standing at32.5 million barrels. In turn, eleven non-OPEC producers, including Russia, agreed tojointly slash their output by558,000 barrels a day.
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