19 Oct 2024
Sputnik - Responsibility for observance of the memorandum on safe zones in Syria lies upon Russia and Iran, while the Syrian regime relies on their support, according to the German Foreign Ministry.

BERLIN (Sputnik) Russia and Iran are the ones carrying the main responsibility forobservance ofthe memorandum onsafe zones inSyria, the German Foreign Ministry said Saturday.
"Any initiative that leads toreducing violence and giving humanitarian aid and staffers an unimpeded access tothe people inneed is strongly welcome. However, it is clear that the Astana agreement is a responsibility. All parties toit are now even more obliged tocontribute toobservance ofthe agreement. Above all, the responsibility forthat lies uponRussia and Iran, while the Syrian regime relies ontheir support," the ministry said ina statement.

If the fighting stops inthe four safe zones inthe next days and weeks, it would be "an important signal," the statement added.

On Thursday, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed the memorandum onestablishment offour safe zones inSyria aspart ofthe Astana talks. The four zones span the northwestern Idlib province and parts ofthe neighboring Latakia, Hama and Aleppo, the north ofthe central Homs province, Eastern Ghouta nearDamascus, aswell assouthern Daraa and Quneitra regions. The memorandum came intoforce at21:00 GMT onFriday.

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