19 Oct 2024
Sputnik - France vows to take any initiative to resume the Syria settlement process, French President Francois Hollande said Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier inthe day, the French leader announced plans toconvene France's security council meeting overthe situation inSyria.
"France and its partners will take all the initiatives torelaunch the process ofpolitical transition inSyria," Hollande wrote onTwitter.

Hollande's statement came inlight ofthe US strikes onSyria airfield, which took place late onThursday.

On Tuesday, the Syrian National Coalition ofRevolutionary and Opposition Forces reported that some 80 people were killed and 200 injured ina chemical weapon attack inIdlib, blaming the Syrian army forthe incident. The Syrian Armed Forces refuted the allegations.

Late onThursday, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles atthe Syrian military airfield inAsh Sha'irat nearHoms. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response tothe alleged chemical weapon use inIdlib, which Washington blames onDamascus.

The attack was supported byUS allies, which called the strikes a just and appropriate response. Moscow condemned the US strikes, saying it was "an aggression againsta sovereign state inviolation ofthe norms ofinternational law." According toRussian authorities, strikes onSyria were an attempt todistract public attention fromthe mounting civilian casualties inIraq.

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