20 Oct 2024
Sputnik News- Four US Senators introduced a resolution on Wednesday condemning Russia and Iran for continuing to deliver military aid to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, Senator John McCain announced in a press release on Wednesday.

The resolution was co-sponsored bySenators Tim Kaine, Marco Rubio and Chris Murphy.

"The resolution also denounces Russia and Iran fortheir political and military support ofthe Assad regime, and calls forprotection ofcivilians and humanitarian workers," the release stated.

The resolution states Russia, Iran aswell asIranian-backed militias must stop operations inSyria assoon aspossible and allow the flow ofthe humanitarian aid intothe worn-torn areas, particularly inthose controlled byopposition forces.

The four senators also called onPresident Donald Trump todevelop a bipartisan strategy tobring the conflict inSyria toan end.

The Arizona lawmaker has been Russias vocal critic throughouthis career and has repeatedly called formore sanctions onMoscow related toUkraine, Syria crises, aswell asthe alleged Russia's interference inthe US election.

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