21 Oct 2024
Thursday 16 March 2017 - 13:17
Story Code : 255008

Astana talks on Syria come to end, opposition refuses to participate

Sputnik - The talks on the Syrian reconciliation that were held in the Kazakhstans capital of Astana ended on Wednesday with the Syrian opposition refusing to take part in the negotiations.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Wednesday, head ofRussia's delegation tothe talks Alexander Lavrentyev said that the Syrian armed opposition could arrive inthe Kazakh capital ofAstana onThursday.
"Despite the absence ofthe Syrian armed opposition delegation atthe talks inAstana, we hope that it will change its position. And according toincoming information, it intends tocome toAstana tomorrow morning. Let us hope," Lavrentyev said.

However, later inthe day, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) said that it would not take part inAstana talks.
"Nobody fromthe FSA will travel toAstana," Ahmed Berri, the chief ofstaff ofFSA, told the Al Arabiya television channel.

Bashar Jaafari, head ofthe Syrian governments delegation, said that there would be no extension ofthe talks. He also accused Turkey ofbeing responsible forthe oppositions demarche.
"As you noted the third roundof Astana and the concluding meeting ended withoutthe delegation ofthe armed terrorist groups. Turkey asthe guarantor state is responsible forimpeding Astana process," Jaafari told reporters.

The head ofRussia delegation expressed his regrets that the opposition had failed toparticipate inthe talks.

"We are very sorry that the armed Syrian opposition was not present atthe current consultations, because if it were here, a number ofissues including inthe interests ofthe population living the territories that this armed opposition controls could have been resolved ina positive key," Lavrentyev said, adding that talks withthe Syrian armed opposition should continue asthe problems can be resolved only bymeans ofmutual dialogue.

He also said that there were forces that wanted todisrupt the Syrian reconciliation process.

"We must also take intoaccount that there are forces that want not only todisrupt the course ofthe Astana process, aswell asthe negotiations process inGeneva, butalso want todisrupt the possibility ofholding any peace talks, including onpolitical settlement," Lavrentyev said.

According tothe head ofthe Russian delegation, participants ofAstana talks confirmed that, despitethe existing ceasefire violations inSyria, the level ofviolence inthe country has declined.
"The meeting participants confirmed that, despitethe existing violations ofthe regime ofcessation ofhostilities, the level ofviolence inthe zones ofthe regime has significantly decreased," Lavrentyev told reporters.

He also said that the Russian delegation had held a bilateral meeting withthe US delegation tocoordinate the two countries' visions onSyrian settlement.

Lavrentyev pointed outthat Turkey and Iran had provided detailed information onthe important issue ofseparating terrorists fromthe moderate opposition inSyria.
"At present we have received fairly detailed information fromboth the Turkish and Iranian sides. There is superimposing ofmaps, inother words those places designated aszones controlled specifically by [Islamic State] and Jabhat Nusra," Lavrentyev said, referring totwo terrorist organizations banned inRussia.

He also expressed hope that the Syrian armed opposition would help inproviding information onmaps locating terrorist positions.

Lavrentyev also added that the next meeting inAstana would be held onMay 3-4.
"It will be preceded bya meeting ofexperts inTehran onApril 18-19, duringwhich it is planned tofinalize the documents insuch a way that they can be approved duringthe next meeting inAstana," the Russian delegations head said.

Jaafari said that the Syrian delegation had discussed withRussia the document ondemining Palmyra liberated fromthe Islamic State terrorists.

"We did not discuss any documents exceptfor one, which regards the demining ofthe historical city ofPalmyra. The delegation ofSyria presented its own view and vision onthat document. The Russian side did accept it, and onthat basis we will have further steps, the Russian side will discuss that document withother countries, including withguarantor states. That is the only document that we discussed withour friends fromRussia," Jaafari said.

Later inthe day, Jaafari said that the delegation had held an additional meeting todiscuss constitutional changes.

"Several minutes afterthe final meeting, we held an additional meeting withthe Russian delegation. We heard a proposal related tothe constitution. We had some thoughts onthe issue, we handed them overto the Russian side. We asked them todiscuss this topic. The issue is still underdiscussion ofRussian and Syrian sides," Jaafari said.

Russia, Turkey and Iran, asthree ceasefire guarantor states, adopted a joint statement reaffirming their commitment tothe Syrian peace process.
"The three countries underlined the importance ofthe essential role ofthe Astana meetings In terms ofcomplementing and facilitating the Geneva process, welcomed the resumption ofthe Geneva talks and based onthe interlinkage betweenthe Geneva and Astana processes they expressed their support forthe continuation ofthe talks inGeneva onMarch 23, 2017" the joint statement said adding that the parties tothe talks discussed the ways toreduce violence and strengthen the ceasefire regime.

The civil war inSyria has been lasting forsix years withthe government troops fighting againstnumerous opposition factions and terrorist organizations, such asDaesh, outlawed inRussia.

The nationwide Syrian ceasefire regime was introduced onDecember 30, 2016. Terrorist organizations are not part ofthe ceasefire.

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