19 Oct 2024
Monday 26 December 2016 - 12:17
Story Code : 244396

Netanyahu: Attacking Israeli journalists on Facebook is 'fun'

American Herald Tribune- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke honestly, perhaps for the first time, about what has been driving his recent attacks on Israeli journalists during a conference for members of the foreign press in Jerusalem Tuesday evening.

During the Q&A session, one reporterasked Netanyahu about whether confrontations with local journalists arethe best strategy to engage with media outlets critical of him.

I dont know, its the most entertaining, Netanyahu retorted. Its fun, I enjoy it.

It used to be that there was the media, the media said what it wanted to, which is fine, and as far as Im concerned it should keep on doing that. Because the element of a free press, you have to understand my views. I am anunreconstructed democrat with a small d, I dont want to get into trouble, but thats the political philosophy that I inherited, that I grew up with. Very strongly oriented towards that. And that requires a free, robust press, which can and should criticize. In fact thats what it does regardless of who is in power. It doesnt always do that it should criticize equally even if they dont its their prerogative. Okay?

The first of the harsh responses was in reaction to an investigative report by Haaretz regarding Netanyahus relations with the country's media sector. In an apparent reference to the German media group Dumont Schauberg, which owns a minority stake in Haaretz, Netanyahus associates responded by saying that we hope that the owners of Haaretz, who in the past disseminated Nazi propaganda, are not connected to the lies and slanders directed at Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has recently come out against local journalists on his Facebook page, following what he claims are unwarranted attacks on him and his family.

Netanyahu, who also serves as Israels communications minister, has in recent years designated the media as his arch nemesis. He attacks journalists by name, and often issueslong, belabored responses to investigative reports published on his alleged misdoings. Last month, for example, Netanyahu publishedan unprecedentedly scathing rebuketo veteran investigative journalist Ilana Dayan, after her show Uvda aired a segment criticizing the inner workings of the Prime Ministers Office.

Following the report, Dayan stood before the cameras and read the entirety ofNetanyahus response (which took oversix minutes to read), in which the prime minister accused her, among other things, being a left-wing extremistwho does not have an iota of professional integrity and is one of the ring-leaders of the orchestrated attacks onNetanyahu, which seek to bring down the right-wing government.

Raviv Drucker, another prominent investigative journalist, has also been the target of Netanyahus ire, especially on social media. Drucker has recentlypublished stories on the role of the prime ministers personal lawyer and relativein a highly controversial dealto buy German submarines, as well asthe shady relationshipbetween the prime ministers son and Australian businessman James Packer.

While Netanyahu views the media as his enemy, his consolidation of power allows him to mold the media landscape to his hearts desire. His repeated threats to shut down Channel 10, his habit ofcalling journalists and television executivesto complain about coverage of his wife, Sara,his connections with owners of some of Israels biggest outlets, and the fact that the countrysmost-read newspaper is essentially a dailydedicated topromoting Bibis worldviewhave all had a chilling effect on journalism in Israel. Or as Netanyahu would call it: fun.
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