19 Oct 2024
December 25, The Iran Project Irans consultations during the nuclear deal created a favorable atmosphere forUN Security Council (UNSC)resolution on Israeli settlements, said an Iranian parliamentarian, stressing the role of Iran on issuing anti-Israel UN resolution.

Speaking to a reporter on Sunday, Jalil Rahimi Jahan Abadi, an Iranian lawmaker said growing international awareness regarding Israeli crimes against Palestinians and Irans efforts paved the ground for anti-Israel UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

On Friday, the UNSC passed the resolution after the US refused to veto it, reversing its longstanding policy of shielding Israel from condemnatory resolutions at the world body.

Americans have always regarded Israel as their ally either at the time of Communists presence in the region or now that there is Islamic fundamentalism, he said, adding many terrorist acts and the growth of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism are rooted in the actions of Israel.

Saying Israel is now more isolated than ever, he noted that if the isolation is resulted from the proper foreign policy of the Iranian government, it can be said that it is a great achievement.

Earlier this month, Israeli lawmakers approved a hugely-controversial bill legalizing some 4,000 settler units built on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank, in the first of three readings needed to turn it into law.

The US, UN and European Union have strongly criticized the bill.

Over half a million Israelis live in over 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds.
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