19 Oct 2024
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Story Code : 243457

Irans first Charter of Citizens Rights released

IRNA Irans first Charter of Citizens Rights was officially unveiled and released on Monday by President Hassan Rouhani.

The prestigious document is a major step taken for Irans political development.

The full text of the Charter follows:

Table of Contents


In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful


Absolute sovereignty over the world and the human being belongs to God. And it is He who has made human beings sovereign over their social destiny. No one can take this divine right away from human beings or apply it to the interests of a certain person or group. The Iranian nation exercises this right through the articles of its Constitution, where, pursuant to Articles 113 and 121, the responsibility for implementing and guarding the Constitution is vested in the President. The President, who has sworn to God on the Holy Quran before the Iranian nation to support righteousness and justice, and to protect freedom, human dignity and rights of the people as enshrined in the Constitution, declares this Charter on Citizens Rights as the Governments plan and policy for observance and advancement of fundamental rights of the Iranian nation.
This Charter is drawn up with the objective of realizing and promoting citizens rights as the Plan and Policy of the Government, the subject matter of Article 134 of the Constitution. It encompasses a set of citizens rights that are either already recognized in the Iranian legal system or that the Government will exert stringent and pervasive efforts for their recognition, creation, realization and enforcement by amending and developing the legal system and by preparing and pursuing enactment by the legislature of bills to be submitted by the Government in this respect, or by taking any other measure or legal action required. Attainment of this objective will require cooperation of other government branches and entities and participation of the people, organizations, trade unions, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.
The provisions of this Charter shall be read, construed and put into force as a whole and in the framework of the existing legal system, and shall not undermine the rights of Iranian citizens and rights of foreign nationals otherwise recognized in the laws and/or by international obligations undertaken by the State.

I. Right to Life, Health and Quality of Life
Article 1

Citizens have the right to life. No one may be deprived of this right save pursuant to the law.

Article 2

Citizens have the right to enjoy a decent life and necessities thereof, such as clean water, adequate food, promotion of health, environment, appropriate medical treatment, access to medicines, and medical, medicinal and health equipment, supplies and services in compliance with current standards of science and national standards, and safe and sustainable environmental conditions.

Article 3

Women have the right to enjoy suitable health and treatment plans and facilities and appropriate training and counseling to provide for their physical and psychological health in their individual, family and social life and in different stages of life, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth and in post-delivery time, also when suffering from illness, poverty or disability.

Article 4

Children specifically and irrespective of their gender have the right to be protected against discrimination, harassment and exploitation, and to be provided appropriate social protection in the areas of health and prevention of mental, psychological and physical diseases, as well as medical and treatment services.

Article 5

The disabled persons and the older persons have the right to be provided with treatment and rehabilitation facilities for cure and/or re-enablement to have an independent life and to enjoy participating in various aspects of life.

Article 6

Citizens have the right to enjoy an environment favorable to fostering ethical and religious virtues and spiritual elevation. The Government will employ all of its powers to bring about the requisites for the enjoyment of this right, and to combat moral shortcomings such as dishonesty, hypocrisy, blandishment, intolerance, indifference, hatred, distrust, radicalism and dissemblance.

II. Right to Human Dignity and Equality

Article 7

All citizens are equally entitled to human dignity and to all the privileges laid down in the laws and regulations.

Article 8

Exercise of any type of undue discrimination, particularly in access of citizens to public services such as health services and occupational and educational opportunities is forbidden. The Government shall refrain from adopting any decision and taking any action that leads to the widening of the class divide, undue discrimination or deprivation of citizens rights.

Article 9

The dignity and reputation of citizens is inviolable. No person, authority or media, particularly those using public budget and facilities, may harm the dignity and reputation of others through their actions or defamatory statements such as libel and slander, even if by quoting others.

Article 10

It is prohibited to insult, degrade or cause hatred against ethnicities and followers of other faiths and creeds and social and political groups.

Article 11

Women have the right to have active and effective participation in policymaking, legislation, management, implementation and supervision, and shall be provided equal social opportunities in accordance with Islamic norms.

III. Right to Freedom and Personal Security

Article 12

Personal and public freedoms of citizens are inviolable. No citizen can be deprived of these freedoms. Restriction of these freedoms may take place only to the extent necessary and pursuant to the law.

Article 13

Every citizen has the right to enjoy security of their person, property, dignity, employment, legal and judicial process, social security and the like. No authority shall, in the name of security, violate or threaten legitimate rights and freedoms of citizens and their human dignity and integrity. Illegal actions in the name of public security, especially violation of peoples privacy, are prohibited.

Article 14

Citizens have the right to speedy and easy access to public security authorities and officials in the event of an illegal violation of their freedom and security. The said authorities and officials shall render services immediately, without discrimination, proportionate to the violation or threat that the citizens have become exposed to and in compliance with the law.

IV. Right to Self-Determination

Article 15

Citizens have equal right to participate in determining their political, economic, social and cultural destiny, and may exercise this right in free and fair elections or referendums.

Article 16

Citizens have equal rights to participate in and monitor the electoral process, to enjoy governmental facilities and privileges (including subsidies, radio and television advertisements and the like), to benefit from campaign contributions and other means of financing election costs, and to complain and object to competent authorities regarding electoral violations.

Article 17

Decisions, measures or statements of governmental officials, administrative and supervisory authorities of elections, military, police, and security officials, prior to election, in the course of considering the qualifications of election candidates, and after elections shall be completely transparent, unbiased and in compliance with the law, in such manner that even the suspicion of electoral fraud or violation, or support for certain candidate(s) cannot arise.

Article 18

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization and all media that use public budget or property shall observe complete neutrality in all stages of the elections to such an extent that no suspicion of supporting certain candidate(s) would arise.

V. Right to Good Governance and Administration

Article 19

Citizens have the right to good governance of State affairs based on the rule of law, efficiency, accountability, transparency, justice and equity. Observance of this right by all authorities and government personnel is mandatory.

Article 20

Citizens have the right to have their administrative affairs handled and performed in compliance with the law, in an objective manner and away from profiteering or personal bias, nepotism, or political favoritism and without prejudgment, at a definite and appropriate time.

Article 21

Citizens have the right to seek remedies and recourse to competent administrative and judicial authorities when they consider decisions of administrative entities and/or of their personnel to be in contravention of laws and regulations.

Article 22

Citizens have the right to be informed of administrative decisions and measures that in one way or another affect their legitimate rights and interests.

Article 23

Administrative authorities and officers shall be accountable and accessible to citizens; and, where they reject a request, they shall respond in writing, upon request, and shall provide the maximum guidance within the framework of their competence.

Article 24

Citizens have the right to a government that is committed to observing good morals; being sincere, honest and trustworthy; consultation, preserving the public treasure, considerate of public conscience and public opinion; moderation and prudence; refraining from radicalism, haste, arbitrariness, deceit, concealments and information manipulation; assuming responsibility for its decisions and actions; apologizing to people for its mistakes; welcoming the views of its opponents and critics; and making appointments and dismissals based on qualifications and capabilities of individuals.

VI. Freedom of Thought and Expression

Article 25

Citizens have freedom of thought. Inquisition is prohibited, and no one can be persecuted merely for his or her beliefs.
Article 26

Every citizen has a right to freedom of speech and expression. This right shall be exercised within the limits prescribed by law. Citizens have the right to freely seek, receive and publish views and information pertaining to various issues, using any means of communication. The Government shall, according to the law, guarantee freedom of speech and expression, especially in the mass media, cyber space, including in newspapers, magazines, books, cinemas, radio and television, social networks and the likes.

Article 27

Citizens have the right to express their opinions, creativeness and emotions via various intellectual, literary and artistic means, in compliance with the law and the rights of others.

Article 28

Citizens have the right to criticize, express dissatisfaction, invite to do good, and advise the Government and public entities regarding their performance. The Government shall be required to promote and develop the culture of accepting criticism, tolerance and compromise.

Article 29

The Government will protect the freedom, independence, plurality, and diversity of the media within the framework of the law. No authority has the right to put pressure on the press and other media to publish or refrain from publishing information or matters, in contravention of legal principles, or embark on censorship or control of publications or other media.

VII. Right of Access to Information

Article 30

Citizens have the right to access public information available in public institutions and private institutions that provide public services. All organs and entities are required to continuously publish unclassified information required by society.

Article 31

Citizens have the right to access their personal data collected and kept by persons and institutions providing public services, and to request correction of such data, should they find it to be incorrect. Personal information pertaining to individuals shall not be placed at the disposal of others, save pursuant to the law or with the consent of the individuals themselves.

Article 32

Children have the right to access information appropriate to their age, and shall not be exposed to immoral, violent or any other types of content that would cause intimidation or physical or psychological harm.

VIII. Right of Access to Cyberspace

Article 33

Citizens have the right to freely and without discrimination enjoy access to and communicate and obtain information and knowledge from cyberspace. This right encompasses respect for cultural diversity, languages, traditions and religious beliefs and observance of ethical principles in cyberspace. Imposition of any type of restriction (such as filtering, interference, speed reduction and network interruption) without explicit legal authority is prohibited.

Article 34

Citizens have the right to enjoy the benefits of e-government and e-commerce, educational opportunities and user training, without discrimination.

Article 35

Citizens have the right to enjoy cyber security, security of communication technologies and informatics, and protection of their personal data and privacy.

IX. Right to Privacy

Article 36

Every citizen has a right to have their privacy respected. Residences, personal spaces, belongings and vehicles are immune from search and inspection, except pursuant to the law.

Article 37

Searching, collecting, processing, using and disclosing of letters, whether electronic or otherwise, personal information and data, as well other mail and telecommunications, such as telephone communications, faxes, wireless, private internet communications and the like is prohibited, save pursuant to the law.

Article 38

Collection and publication of private information of citizens is forbidden, except with their informed consent or pursuant to the law.

Article 39

Citizens have the right to have their personal information, held by organs and natural persons and legal entities, protected and preserved. Providing access to and disclosure of personal information of individuals shall be barred, and where required at the request of judicial and administrative authorities, they shall be provided to them exclusively. No official and authority shall, without express legal permit, have the right to place personal information of individuals at the disposal of another person or divulge them.

Article 40

All inspections and body searches must be made in accordance with the law, with due respect, and by using non-humiliating and non-intrusive methods and tools. Furthermore, compulsory medical tests and measures without legal authorization are forbidden.

Article 41

Illegal audio and video controls in places of work, public places, shops and other spaces where services are provided to the public are prohibited.

Article 42

Citizens have the right to have their dignity and privacy respected in the media and public fora. And, should this right be violated, causing material or immaterial harms, the violators shall be liable and obliged to make reparation, in accordance with the law.

X. Right of Association, Assembly and Demonstration

Article 43

Citizens have the right to form, join and participate in political parties, societies, social, cultural, scientific, political and trade associations and non-governmental organizations in compliance with the law. No one may be barred from participating therein, or be forced to participate in any. Membership or non-membership shall not cause deprivation or restriction of citizens rights or result in undue discrimination.

Article 44

Citizens have the right to have effective participation in policymaking, decision-making and implementation of laws within the framework of unions, associations and trade unions.

Article 45

Citizens have the right to civil activities in the areas of citizens rights. Non-governmental organizations must have the right to access information and the standing to make recourse to competent courts in case of violations of citizens rights.

Article 46

Citizens have the right to assembly and make demonstrations and to participate therein, freely and in compliance with the law, and to enjoy impartiality of the responsible bodies and protection and security for the assembly.

XI. Right to Nationality, Residence and Freedom of Movement

Article 47

It is the inalienable right of every Iranian individual to enjoy benefits of Iranian nationality and no one may hinder enjoyment of this right.

Article 48

It is a right of every citizen to have freedom of movement inside the country, to exit Iran and to enter Iran, save where this right has been restricted by law.

Article 49

Citizens have the right to reside and be domiciled in any point of the Iranian territory. No one may be banished from his or her place of residence, be barred from his or her place of interest or be forced to settle in a place, save in instances prescribed by law.

Article 50

Iranian nationals in any part of the world shall have the right to take benefit of legal, consular, and political services and protections of the Government of Iran.

XII. Right to Family Life

Article 51

Citizens have the right to get married and form a family with full consent, freely and without any compulsion, in compliance with relevant laws.

Article 52

Citizens have the right to take benefit of educational, consultation and medical facilities they require for marriage.

Article 53

Citizens have the right to take benefit of measures and protections required for forming, strengthening, promoting and securing families, and facilitating marriage based on religious and national values and traditions.

Article 54

All citizens, especially women and children, have the right to be immune from verbal and physical abuse and violence in all family and social environments, and shall have easy access to safe places, emergency assistance, treatment and to judicial entities for seeking redress should such violence occur.

Article 55

Children have the right to have appropriate parents and custodians. Children may not be separated from their parents and legal custodians, except on the basis of law.

XIII. Right to a Fair Trial

Article 56

Citizens have the right to freely and easily access competent and impartial judicial, police, administrative and supervisory authorities to seek justice. No one can be deprived of this right.

Article 57

There is a presumption of innocence and no one shall be considered guilty unless the charge against him or her is proven in a court of competent jurisdiction and by observance of due process of law, including the principles of nullum crimen sine lege (no crime without law); independence and impartiality of judicial bodies and judges; the right of defense, the principle of individual criminal responsibility; the principle of speedy trial and adjudication within a reasonable period without prolongation of proceedings; and the right to have an attorney. Judgments must be issued on the basis of relevant laws and principles.

Article 58

Citizens have the right to retain attorneys of their choosing from the outset to the conclusion of judicial, police and administrative proceedings. In case individuals are unable to retain attorneys before judicial authorities, they shall be provided facilities for retaining an attorney. In line with the realization of the inviolable right of defense, the professional independence of attorneys will be protected.

Article 59

Trials will be held in open court as a matter of principle and citizens shall have the right to attend hearings, if they so wish. Exceptions shall be determined only by law.

Article 60

Citizens (including accused persons, convicts and victims) have the right to have their personal data protected and secured before judicial, police and administrative authorities; and that no damage shall be inflicted upon their status, honor and human dignity. Any type of illegal conduct, such as physical or psychological torture; obtaining forced testimony or information; using verbal or physical humiliation; applying verbal or physical violence; insulting an accused person or a convict shall constitute violation of citizens rights; and, aside from being legally prosecutable, the results obtained through these means will not be admissible.

Article 61

Citizens facing political or press related charges must only be tried in open court and in the presence of a jury. Jury members must be selected to constitute a reflection of the public conscience and a representation of the opinions and views of various social groups.
Article 62
Citizens have the right to be immune from arbitrary detention and unwarranted search and seizure. Any threat, exertion of pressure and restriction against the family and relatives of individuals being accused or detained is prohibited.
Article 63
Citizens have the right to be informed of all their rights in a legal proceeding, including the right to be informed of the type and reasons for the charges against them and the evidence in support thereof; the right to be represented by an attorney; the right to be given reasonable time for presentation of complaint or defense; the right to accurate transcription of the points presented in all stages of proceeding; the right to be kept in detention houses and prisons that are legally recognized; and the right to inform ones family about ones detention.
Article 64
Detainees, convicts and prisoners have the right to enjoy citizens rights pertaining to them, including the right to have suitable nutrition, cloths, health and medical care, to communicate with and to be informed of their family; to take advantage of educational and cultural services; and to perform religious worship and rituals.
Article 65
Citizens have the right to appeal from judgments rendered by criminal, civil, administrative and quasi-judicial courts based on legal criteria.
Article 66
All temporary detainees and convicts have the right to return to an honorable life after the end of their detention or conviction, and to enjoy all citizens rights, particularly the right to employment. Imposition of restriction on social activities, save in instances expressly stated in the law and within the scope and time specified, is prohibited.
Article 67
In cooperation with other branches of the Government and state authorities, the Government takes due measures to improve the Iranian legal system and create an efficient model with emphasis on observance of the due process of law.
XIV. Right to a Transparent and Competitive Economy
Article 68
Citizens have the right to enjoy equal access to economic opportunities and to public and governmental facilities and services. Contracts and agreements of the public and governmental sector with the private sector and granting of any type of license in economic areas to citizens shall be made in compliance with the respective laws and regulations and fair competition in accessing opportunities and facilities.
Article 69
Citizens have the right to be informed of the process of adoption, modification and implementation of economic policies, laws and regulations; to advise the approving authority of their views; to be notified of adoption of decisions different from previous policies and procedures on a timely basis that would allow them to prepare for such changes; and to learn about the decisions adopted through public announcements, in a transparent manner.
Article 70
Citizens have the right to enjoy equal access, in the most transparent fashion, to economic information, including the information relating to bids and tenders to be held.
Article 71
The Government guarantees a law-based, transparent and competitively fair business environment for citizens to engage in various economic activities, where the citizens investments are secure and protected.
Article 72
In order to ensure realization of economic rights of citizens, and to maximize participation of each and every member of society in business activities, the Government shall bring about the circumstances required for security of investment; adoption of economic decisions that are simple, straight forward and durable; expanding regional relations and ties; making preparations required for the presence of Iranian economic activists in world markets, supporting renovation, provision of modern science to production enterprises, and targeted arrangement of exports and imports; and combating organized economic crimes, money laundering and illegal trafficking of goods and foreign currencies.
XV. Right to Housing
Article 73
Citizens have the right to take benefit of a safe house suitable to meet their own and their familys requirements. The Government will pave grounds for realization of this right by observing priorities and by taking into account the resources.
Article 74
The Government will adopt necessary measures and regulations to prepare the grounds for provision of appropriate housing and for improvement of the housing issue, taking into account domestic specifications and cultural values, compliance with Construction National Regulations, and energy consumption optimization plans.
XVI. Right to Property
Article 75
Personal property rights of citizens shall be respected. No person or authority may dispossess ones ownership, confiscate, seize or attach ones property, or prevent, obstruct or restrict one from enjoyment of ones ownership rights or proprietorship, save pursuant to the law.
Article 76
Various types of intellectual property rights, including literary, artistic, and industrial property rights in compliance with the law shall be respected and protected. Citizens have the right, in accordance with the law, to enjoy the required support for creating and presenting artistic works and for benefiting from the economic and non-economic rights thereof inside and outside the country.
XVII. Right to Employment and Decent Work
Article 77
Citizens have the right to freely select and engage in the work they choose without discrimination and in compliance with the law. No one has the right to deprive citizens of this right on grounds of ethnicity, religion, gender and/or political and/or social persuasions.
Article 78
Citizens have the right to equal employment opportunity and to select their professions freely in accordance with the provisions of law, in a way as to enable them to earn their livelihood in an equitable and dignified manner. The Government guarantees and oversees the appropriate prerequisite conditions for realization of this right.
Article 79
Citizens have the right to enjoy professional trainings required in relation to work.
Article 80
Citizens have the right to a healthy and safe environmental and work space; and to be provided with necessary measures for preventing physical and mental injuries in work environments.
Article 81
Citizens have the right to seek redress from competent legal authorities for breaches of labor laws and regulations.
Article 82
Employment, promotion and granting of benefits to employees shall be based on specialization, competency, and job-related skills; arbitrary, discriminatory and biased approaches in this context, as well as the use of methods violating privacy rights in the process of selection for employment are prohibited.
Article 83
Women have the right to appropriate job opportunities, and to pay equal to men for equal work.
Article 84
Forced child labor is prohibited. Exceptions that might be in their best interests shall be authorized only by law.
XVIII. Right to Welfare and Social Security
Article 85
Citizens have the right to peace of mind, pursuit of happiness, hope for a better future, spiritual self-improvement, social empowerment, leading a safe and tranquil life, having the opportunity and the means to spend more time with their family, recreation, sports, and tourism.
Article 86
Citizens have the right to enjoy public welfare, social security and aid services.
Article 87
Citizens have the right to enjoy unemployment benefits in cases of involuntary unemployment; in accordance with the law.
Article 88
Citizens living in rural areas and in tribal areas have such rights like rural development, insurance, social security and safety of living environment.
Article 89
Citizens, particularly women, have the right to access sport, educational and safe recreational facilities, and be able to attend national and world sport arenas, while preserving Islamic-Iranian culture.
Article 90
Women shall have the right to enjoy healthy nutrition during pregnancy; healthy childbirth; postpartum health care; maternity leave; and medical treatment for common women diseases.
Article 91
Citizens have the right to an environment free of individual and social harms, including narcotics and psychedelic substances. Vulnerable groups and those seeking assistance are entitled to benefit from effective measures of the Government in areas of rehabilitation, creation of hope, and social security.
Article 92
The community of veterans and others who made great sacrifices for the country and their esteemed families have the right to be specially provided necessary facilities for individual and collective empowerment in order to effectively attend and participate in various aspects of cultural, political and social life.
Article 93
The Government protects rights of the insured; and this protection entails assurance of existence of a competitive environment; supervision over activities of insurers and insurance entities; regulation of the insurer and insured relations; improvement of the mechanisms for considering claims of the insured persons and other beneficiaries.
Article 94
Citizens have the right of access to goods and services in a way that will not put their health or safety in jeopardy.
XIX. Right of access to and Participation in Cultural Life
Article 95
Citizens have the right to enjoy the benefits of cultural development; scientific advancements; participation in cultural life; and balanced support for different aspects of culture.
Article 96
Diversity in general and cultural diversity of the people of Iran shall be respected as a part of cultural heritage, within the framework of national identity.
Article 97
Citizens have the right to intercultural communication, irrespective of their ethnicity or religion.
Article 98
The Government shall protect, preserve and maintain civilizational and cultural heritage, and shall conserve historical works, buildings and monuments, no matter which cultural groups they belong to.
Article 99
Citizens have the right to enjoy the facilities required for participation in cultural life and to join other citizens, inter alia, in founding organizations and associations, as well as practicing religious and tribal rites and pursuing cultural traditions, in accordance with the law.
Article 100
Activists in artistic fields have the right to engage in free activities in a non-monopolistic environment. The Government shall take due measures to promote competitive participation of the private sector in production and supply stages of artistic works.
Article 101
Citizens shall have the right to learn, use and teach their own local language and dialect.
Article 102
Citizens are free to choose their clothing, consistent with social custom and culture, and within the framework of the law.
Article 103
All citizens, especially women, whilst having the right to participate in and attend public environments and centers, shall also have the right to form their own special social, cultural and artistic groups and organizations.
XX. Right to Education
Article 104
Citizens have the right to education. Primary education is compulsory and free. The Government will provide for free education up to the end of secondary school, and will expand free higher education to the extent needed and required in the country. The Government will provide for basic education for those lacking primary education.
Article 105
All professors and students shall have the right to take benefit of education and research privileges, including promotions. Granting facilities and academic support, such as sabbaticals and scholarships, shall be merely on the basis of academic capabilities and qualifications, irrespective of political and partisan inclinations and the like.
Article 106
Scientific, seminarian and university societies shall enjoy academic freedom and independence. Professors, seminary students and university students shall be free in expressing their opinions and they shall not be persecuted or interrogated or deprived of teaching or studying, merely for having or expressing an opinion in academic arenas. Professors and students shall have the right to establish and participate in professional, political, social, scientific and other societies.
Article 107
University must be a safe and secure space for professors and students. University authorities must endeavor stringently to ensure the security of students. Disciplinary violations of students shall be resolved with observance of due process of law; principles of fair trial; access to competent, independent and impartial authorities, the right of defense and the right to appeal, in the shortest time possible and without delay, in accordance with regulations.
Article 108
Children have the right to an education that results in the development of their personalities, talents and mental and physical potentials; and of respect for the child's parents, the rights of others, cultural identity, and religious and national values; and that prepares them for a moral and responsible life of understanding, peacefulness, tolerance and humanity, fairness, orderliness and discipline, and equality and friendliness amongst people, and respect for the environment and cultural heritage.
Article 109
Students have the right to have their personality and dignity respected. The views of children on issues pertaining to their life must be heard and considered.
Article 110
No one shall have the right to instill tribal, religious and political hatred in childrens mind, or create violence in respect of a special race or religion, by education or training or by mass media in childrens minds.
Article 111
Disabled persons must be given the opportunity and possibility to study and acquire skills appropriate to their capabilities. Disability must not lead to deprivation of the right to acquire knowledge and professional skills.
XXI. Right to a Healthy Environment and Sustainable Development
Article 112
Protection of the environmentin which todays generation and future generations shall have a productive social lifeis a common duty. Accordingly, economic activities and otherwise, which are accompanied by environmental pollution and irreversible environmental damage are prohibited. Citizens have a right to environmental conservation, improvement and beautification and promotion of a culture of environmental protection. The Government shall take this right into consideration in its developmental, economic, social, cultural, defense and security plans, decisions, and actions, and shall combat pollution and environmental destruction.
Article 113
Every citizen has the right to enjoy a healthy and clean environment, which is free of various pollutants, including air pollution and water pollution, and environmental pollution arising from harmful waves and radiation; and, shall have the right to be aware of the extent and consequences of existing environmental pollutants. Executive bodies will take due measures for reducing environmental pollutants, particularly in big cities.
Article 114
Any action aimed at infrastructural or industrial development, such as building dams and roads or extraction, petrochemical and nuclear industries and the like, shall be executed after an environmental impact assessment. Implementation of developmental projects shall be subject to strict observance of environmental considerations.
Article 115
The Government will take action for achieving comprehensive and balanced sustainable development and elimination of international barriers by playing an effective international role through economic cooperation, exchange of information, transfer of technical know-how and cultural exchange. Citizens have the right to enjoy the benefits and advantages of new technologies in all areas, including in health, medical, pharmaceutical, food, economic and trade.
XXII. Right to Peace, Security and National Power
Article 116
Citizens have the right to take benefit from a transparent and peace-seeking foreign policy, in the framework of national interests and national security. The Government shall pursue the principles of dignity, wisdom and expediency to establish, maintain, and promote sustained relations and ties with states and international organizations. It will use diplomatic tools and rational methods to seek to spread and strengthen a discourse of peace, protection of human rights and human dignity, combating violence and extremism and defending the rights of the downtrodden.
Article 117
The Government plans and acts in respect of protecting the rights of Iranians abroad, and of improving Irans international image.
Article 118
Citizens have the right to enjoy security, independence, unity, territorial integrity and national power.
Article 119
It is the duty of the Government to make the required plans and allocate sufficient resources towards achieving strategic deterrence and enhancing the defense capabilities of the country, particularly by equipping and strengthening the armed forces.
Article 120
Citizens have the right to receive required defense training. The Government will, through planning and allocating required resources, strengthen national defense capability and public mobilization.

Implementation of the Charter and Supervision Mechanism
1. The President shall appoint a Special Assistant for supervising, coordinating and pursuing appropriate implementation of the Governments obligations under this Charter. The Special Assistant will be responsible for, amongst others, proposing plans and guidelines for the full implementation of the Charter on Citizens Rights.
2. Executive bodies under the Executive Branch, in coordination with the Special Assistant and within the scope of their legal competence and by attracting participation of the people, societies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, and by summing up and codifying the laws and freedoms set forth in the Constitution and in statutes, shall take legal measures and actions required for realization of these rights, particularly by preparing and implementing a plan for reforming and developing the legal system; providing information to the public; embarking on capacity building; and by enhancing mutual understanding, dialogue and interaction in the public arena.
3. The bodies under the Executive Branch shall be required to prepare their plan for reforming and developing the legal system within six months from the date of the publication of this Charter and submit the same to the Special Assistant of the President, and shall present an annual report on their progress, challenges, barriers, and proposed solutions for the promotion and realization of citizens rights within the scope of their responsibility, and shall take measures for realization of the citizens rights set forth in this Charter through institutional and structural reforms.
4. Ministries of Education; Science, Research and Technology; and Health and Medical Education shall make necessary arrangements to best familiarize school and university students with citizens rights concepts.
5. The President reports to the people annually on the progress and approaches to overcome challenges for realization of citizens rights, and shall update the Charter as required.

Hassan Rouhani
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

References of the charter to existing Iranian legal system

Article 1: Articles 22, 36 and 37 of the Constitution; Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Islamic Penal Code (2013); Law on Respecting Legitimate Freedoms and Protecting Citizens Rights (2004).
Article 2: Articles 3.12, 29, 43.2 and 50 of the Constitution; Perspective Document of Islamic Republic of Iran; Law on Organizations and Duties of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education (1988); Law on the Comprehensive Welfare and Social Security Organizational Structure (1993); para 7 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 3: Articles 10 and 21 of the Constitution; Charter of Womens Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution); Womens Health Promotion Policies and Approaches (2007, by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution).
Article 4: Articles 21 of the Constitution; Law on Children and the Youth Support (2002); Law on Protection of Children without Guardians or with Irresponsible Guardians (2013); Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1973).
Article 5: Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2008); Comprehensive Act for Protection of Rights of Disabled Persons (2004).
Article 6: Articles 3.1, 21.1, 23, and 156 of the Constitution, paras 21 and 44 of the National Actions, paras 17 and 19 of the National Strategies of the Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution); Law on the Objectives and Duties of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (1986); para 1 of the General Policies for Creating Evolution in the State Education System (2013); para 1 of the General Policies of the Administrative System (2010).
Article 7: Articles 2.6, 19, 20 and 22 of the Constitution.
Article 8: Articles 3, 13, 19, 20, 30 and 43.1 of the Constitution; Law on the Manner of Implementation of Article 48 of Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2001); Land-Use Planning General Policies (2011); State Management Services Act (2007).
Article 9: Articles 3, 22 and 23 of the Constitution.
Article 10: Articles 12, 14, 19, 22 and 24 of the Constitution; Law of the Press (2000); para A.4 of the Policies and Regulations Governing the Environmental Advertisements (2009, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 11: Articles 3.8, 3.9, 3.14, 19, 20, and 21 of the Constitution; paras 15 and 51 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); para 12 of the Womens Health Promotion Policies and Approaches (2007, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 12: Articles 3.7, 9, 22, 36, 37 and 51 of the Constitution.
Article 13: Articles 3, 9, 22, 23 and 25 of the Constitution; Law on Formation of Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1983).
Article 14: Articles 34, 156, 159, and 173 of the Constitution; State Management Services Act (2007); Enforcement Force Act of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1990).
Article 15: Articles 3, 6, 43.3 57, 58, and 59 of the Constitution.
Article 16: Articles 3 and 19 of the Constitution; Presidential Election Law (2000 and its subsequent amendments); Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament) Election Law (1989 and its subsequent amendments).
Article 17: Article 3 of the Constitution; Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament) Election Law (1989 and its subsequent amendments).
Article 18: Articles 3.8, 3.9 and 175 of the Constitution.
Article 19: Articles 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 19 and 20 of the Constitution; General Policies of Administration System (2010); Administrative System Soundness Promotion and Anti-Corruption Law (2011); State Management Services Act (2007).
Article 20: Articles 3.6, 3.9 and 3.10 of the Constitution; article 28 of the State Management Services Act (2007).
Article 21: Articles 34, 170, 173, and 174 of the Constitution; Law on Formation of the Inspection Organization (1981); Law for the Establishment and Procedure of the Administrative Justice Court (2013).
Article 22: Article 3 of the Constitution; Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009); Law on Continuous Improvement of the Business Environment (2015); para 18 of the General Policies of the Administrative System (2010).
Article 23: State Management of Civil Services Act (2007); Administrative disciplinary proceedings Act (1993); Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009); para 20 of the General Policies of Administration System (2010).
Article 24: Article 3.9 of the Constitution; articles 25- 28, 41, 53 and 114 of the State Management Services Act (2007); Administration System Policies (2010).
Article 25: Article 23 of the Constitution; Law on Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and the Preservation of Citizens Rights (2004).
Article 26: Articles 2.3, 24 and 175 of the Constitution; Law of the Press Law (1985, and its subsequent amendments).
Article 27: Articles 3.4, 24 and 175 of the Constitution; Law on Objectives and Duties of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (1986).
Article 28: Article 8 of the Constitution; article 8 of the Law on the Promoters of Virtue and Preventers of Vice Protection (2014); article 3 of the Law of the Press (1985, and its subsequent amendments); Cultural Policies regarding the Press in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2001, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 29: Articles 3.2 and 9 of the Constitution; article 3 of the Law on Publication of and Free Access to Information (2009); article 4 of the Law of the Press (1985, and its subsequent amendments).
Article 30: Article 3.2 of the Constitution; articles 2 and 10 of the Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009); article 3.A of the Administrative System integrity Promotion and Anti-Corruption Law, (2011); Law on Continuous Improvement of the Business Environment (2015); Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Anti-Corruption Convention (2008).
Article 31: Article 22 of the Constitution; Law on Publication and Free Access to Information (2009).
Article 32: Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1993); Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution Enactment on the Objectives, Policies, and Regulations of Books Publication (2010).
Article 33: Articles 2.B, 3.1 and 24 of the Constitution; E-Commerce Law (2003); Computer Crimes Act (2009).
Article 34: Article 2.B of the Constitution; E-Commerce Act (2003); article 38 of the State Management of Civil Services Act (2007); Computer Crimes Act (2009); para 15 of the General Policies of the Administrative System (2010).
Article 35: The Supreme Leaders Decree on the Establishment of the cyberspace High Council of and Appointment of its Natural and Legal Members (2011); articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Publication of and Free Access to Information (2009); article 1 of the Computer Crimes Act (2009).
Article 36: Articles 22 and 25 of the Constitution articles 4 and 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Law on the Manner of Punishment of Persons Engaged in Unauthorized Audio-Video Activities (2007); articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Publication of and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009); article 5 of the Law on the Promoters of Virtue and Preventers of Vice Protection (2015); para 1 of the General Policies of Production, Exchange and Communication of Information Space Security (2010).
Article 37: Article 25 of the Constitution; article 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Law on the Punishment of Persons Engaged in Unauthorized Audio-Video Activities (2007); articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009); para 8 of the Law on Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and protection of the Citizens Rights (2004).
Article 38: Article 38 of the Constitution; article 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Law on the Punishment of Persons Engaged in Unauthorized Audio-video Activities (2007); articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009).
Article 39: Article 25 of the Constitution; articles 13 and 14 of the Law on Publication and Free Access to Information in Iran (2009).
Article 40: Article 25 of the Constitution; article 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 41: Article 25 of the Constitution; Law of the Press (1985, and its subsequent amendments); Law on the Punishment of Persons Engaged in Unauthorized Audio-Video Activities (2007); article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 42: Article 25 of the Constitution; Law on the Punishment of Persons Engaged in Unauthorized Audio-Video Activities (2007); article 648 of the Islamic Penal Code (1986).
Article 43: Article 26 of the Constitution; Law on the Activities of Parties, Societies, and Political and Trade Associations, and Islamic Associations or Recognized Religious Minorities (1981).
Article 44: Articles 26 and 27 of the Constitution Act (2003, with its subsequent amendments); Non-Governmental Organizations Bylaws (2016).
Article 45: Articles 26 and 27 of the Constitution; Guilds System Act (2003, with its subsequent amendments); Non-Governmental Organizations Bylaws (2016); Law on Publication of and Free Access to Information (2009); article 66 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 46: Article 27 of the Constitution; article 6 of the Law on the Activities of Parties, Societies, and Political and Trade Associations, and Islamic Associations or Recognized Religious Minorities (1981); Bylaws on the Manner of Providing Security of Legal Gatherings and Demonstrations (2002).
Article 47: Article 41 of the Constitution; articles 976 and 991 of the Civil Code (1928); Personal Status Registration Law (1976).
Article 48: Article 33 of the Constitution; Passport Law (1964).
Article 49: Article 33 of the Constitution; article 12 of the Islamic Penal Code (2013).
Article 50: Article 2.6 of the Law on the Duties of the Foreign Ministry (1975); Act on Requiring the Government to Pursue and Vindicate the Rights of Iranian Nationals and Diplomats who have suffered injuries as a Result of Foreign States Measures (2010).
Article 51: Articles 10, 21 and 49.1 of the Constitution; Objectives and Principles of Family and the Relevant Policies for its Strengthening and Promotion (2005, by Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); articles 43 and 230 of the Fifth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2010); para 2 of the General Policies on Population (2014).
Article 52: Para 56 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 53: Article 10 of the Constitution; Objectives and Principles of Family and the Relevant Policies for its Strengthening and Promotion (2005, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); para 2 of the General Policies on Population (2014).
Article 54: Objectives and Principles of Family and the Relevant Policies for its Strengthening and Promotion (2005, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 55: Articles 1168-79 of the Civil Code (1928); Family Support Law (2012).
Article 56: Articles 34, 61, 90, 159, 173 and 174 of the Constitution; Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Code of Procedure of the Public and Revolutionary Courts in Civil Affairs (1990); Law for the Establishment and Procedure of the Administrative Justice Court (2013); Law on Establishment of General Inspection Organization (1981); Administrative Violations Adjudication Act (1993); Dispute Settlement Councils Act (2008, amended 2015).
Article 57: Articles 37 and 167 of the Constitution; article 4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); para 2 of the Law on Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and Preservation of the Citizens Rights (2004).
Article 58: Article 35 of the Constitution; The Expediency Councils Enactment on the Appointment of Attorneys for Parties to Claims (1991); para 3 of the Law on Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and Protection of the Citizens Rights (2004); article 48 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 59: Articles 39 and 168 of the Constitution, paras 4, 6 and 7 of the Law on the Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and Preservation of the Citizens Rights (2004); The Expediency Councils Enactment on the Appointment of Attorneys for Parties to Claims (1991); articles 305 and 352 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 60: Articles 22, 38, 166, and 168 of the Constitution; article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); article 169 of the Islamic Penal Code (2013).
Article 61: Article 168 of the Constitution; article 305 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 62: Article 32 of the Constitution; Law on the Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and Protection of the Citizens Rights (2004); chapter 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 63: Articles 3 and 32 of the Constitution; articles 5 and 52 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 64: Article 39 of the Constitution; Law on the Respect for the Legitimate Freedoms and Protection of the Citizens Rights (2004); articles 49, 50 and 51 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (2013).
Article 65: Code of Criminal Procedure (2013); Code of Procedure of the Public and Revolutionary Courts in Civil Cases (2000); the Administrative Violations Adjudication Act (1993).
Article 66: Articles 36 and 37 of the Constitution; articles 4, 7, 25 and 26 of the Islamic Penal Code (2013).
Article 67: Article 3.14 of the Constitution.
Article 68: Article 3.9 of the Constitution; para 7 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 69: Law on Publication and of Free Access to Information (2007); Law on Continuous Improvement of the Business Environment (2015); State General Policies on Economic Security (2000); para 19 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 70: Article 3.9 of the Constitution; General Policies on Investment Promotion (2010); para 19 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 71: Article 3.9 of the Constitution; General Policies on Investment Promotion (2010); paras 19 and 23 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 72: Articles 3.8, 3.12 and 3.14 of the Constitution; The Law on the Encouragement of Foreign Investment (2011); General Policies On Investment Encouragement (2010); Act on Combating Illegal Trafficking of Goods and Foreign Exchange (2013); para 23 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 73: Article 31 of the Constitution; paras 3 and 4 of the Housing General Policies (2010); Organization and Protection of Housing Construction and Supply Act (2008).
Article 74: Organization and Protection of Housing Construction and Supply Act (2008).
Article 75: Articles 22, 46 and 47 of the Constitution; articles 30 and 31 of the Civil Code (1928).
Article 76: Articles 46 and 47 of the Constitution; Act for Protecting the Rights of Iranian Authors, Composers and Artists (1969); Patents, Industrial Designs and Trademarks Registration Act (2007).
Article 77: Articles 19, 20 and 28 of the Constitution.
Article 78: Articles 3.12, and 43.2 of the Constitution; Five-Year Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 79: Article 28 of the Constitution; articles 41, 44 and 54 of the State Management of Civil Services Act (2007).
Article 80: Article 43.1 of the Constitution; General Policies on National Production, Labor and Human Capital Protection (2012); article 58 of the State Management of Civil Services Act (2007).
Article 81: Article 34 of the Constitution; Labor Law (1990); article 10.2 of the law on the Establishment and Procedure of the Administrative Justice Court (2006).
Article 82: Articles 3.9-10 of the Constitution; articles 41 and 53 of the State Management of Civil Services Act (2007); paras 2, 4, and 6 of the General Policies of Administrative System (2010).
Article 83: Articles 3.14, 20, 21 and 28 of the Constitution; Womens Employment Policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); paras 101 and 102 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, (2004, Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 84: Articles 2.6, 19, 20, 28 and 43.4 of the Constitution; article 79 of the Labor Law (1990).
Article 85: Articles 3.1 and 43 of the Constitution; paras 21 and 44 of the National Actions, paras 17 and 19 of the National Strategies of the Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution).
Article 86: Articles 3.12, 29 and 43.1 of the Constitution; Law on the Comprehensive Welfare and Social Security Organizational Structure (2004).
Article 87: Article 3.2 and 29 of the Constitution; Unemployment Insurance Law (1990); article73 of the Five-Year Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 88: Articles 29 and 31 of the Constitution; section on Rural Development of the Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 89: Articles 3 and 21 of the Constitution; paras 53 and 54 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Physical Education Cultural Priorities and Policies (2005, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 90: Articles 10, 21, and 29 of the Constitution; paras 15 and 51 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Womens Health Promotion Policies and Approaches (2007, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 91: Articles 3.1-2 and 22 of the Constitution; Narcotic Drugs Control Act (1988, as amended in 1997 and 2010); General Policies of Narcotic Drugs Control (2006); the Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 92: Comprehensive Law of Providing Services to Veterans (2012); the Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 93: Articles 3.12, 21 and 34 of the Constitution; Law on the Comprehensive Welfare and Social Security Organizational Structure (2004); Law on Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Land Motor Vehicle Owners against Third Parties (2003).
Article 94: Article 3.12 and 43.1 of the Constitution; Iranian Consumer Rights Protection Act (2009).
Article 95: Article 19 of the Constitution; Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 96: Articles 14, 15, 19 and 20 of the Constitution; Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 97: Articles 14, 15, 19, 20 and 26 of the Constitution.
Article 98: Articles 19, 4, and 48 of the Constitution; Law on the Manner of Implementation of Article 48 of the Constitution (2001).
Article 99: Articles 12, 14, 19 and 26 of the Constitution.
Article 100: Articles 3.4, 26, 28 and 43.2 of the Constitution; Artists Employment Protection Policies (2003, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Law on Objectives and Duties of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (1986).
Article 101: Article 15 of the Constitution; Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); articles 102 and 153 of the Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 102: The Basics and Principles of Executive Methods for Expanding the Culture of Chastity (1997, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 103: Articles 19 and 26 of the Constitution; para 115 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 104: Article 3.3 of the Constitution; article 10 of the Law on Objectives and Duties of the Ministry of Education (1987); the Law of the Association of the Literacy Movement Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004).
Article 105: Article 19 of the Constitution; Cultural Engineering Map (2010, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Strategy Document on Elites Affairs (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution).
Article 106: Articles 23 and 26 of the Constitution; Document of the State Comprehensive Scientific Map (2010, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); the Law on Objectives and Duties of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2003).
Article 107: Articles 3.6-7, 23 and 35 of the Constitution; Law on Objectives, Duties, and Organizations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2004).
Article 108: Document on the Fundamental Revamping of Education (2011, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1993).
Article 109: Parts 3-9 of the Cultural Engineering Map (2012, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); articles 12 and 29 of the Act on Accession of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1993).
Article 110: Article 6 of the Law of the Press (1985); article 8 of the General Policies and Principles of the Programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization (1983; by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); para C of the Act on Amendments to Objectives, Policies, Rules and Regulations for Publishing Books (2010).
Article 111: Articles 11, 20, and 29 of the Constitution; Comprehensive Act for Protection of the Rights of Disabled Persons; Act on Approval of Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2008).
Article 112: Article 50 of the Constitution; General Environmental Policies (2015); Environmental Conservation and Improvement Act (1995); Islamic Penal Code (2013).
Article 113: Article 50 of the Constitution; para 7 of the Document of the State Comprehensive Scientific Map (2010, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); articles 184 and 193 of the Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010); para 7 of the General Policies of the Resistance Economy (2013).
Article 114: Articles 26 and 34 of the Constitution; Part (Z) of the Land-Use Planning General Policies (2011).
Article 115: Articles 3.2-4 and 43.1 of the Constitution; Document of the State Comprehensive Scientific Map (2010, by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution); Act on Access to Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes (2005).
Article 116: Articles 3.16, 11, 152, and 154 of the Constitution; Act on Duties of the Foreign Ministry (1985); Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010).
Article 117: Article 152 of the Constitution.
Article 118: Article 210 of the Five-Year Development Plan of Islamic Republic of Iran Act (2010); the Act on Duties of the Foreign Ministry (1985).
Article 119: Articles 2.(C), 3.11, 143 and 150 of the Constitution.
Article 120: Articles 3.11, 144 and 151 of the Constitution.
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