19 Oct 2024
Thursday 27 October 2016 - 13:10
Story Code : 236640

Women crucial in delivery of humanitarian aid

TEHRAN, Oct. 27 (MNA) Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations has said recent violence and atrocities in the Middle East has effectively weakened women participation in humanitarian missions and development.

Entitled Statement by H.E. Mr. Golamali Khoshroo Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations on before the Security Council open debate on Women, Peace and Security, 26 October 2016, Mr. Khoshroos message highlighted the necessity of addressing the situation of women in the Middle East when the plights of war and homelessness had reduced womens valuable contribution to nothing.

Mr. President,

Allow me to begin by thanking you as well as the Russian Presidency for convening this open debate. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Secretary-General and UN women for their valuable inputs to the debate on women, peace and security.

Women are a key resource for promoting peace and stability. Research highlighted that womens participation and inclusion makes humanitarian assistance more effective, strengthens the protection of civilians, contributes to the political settlement of disputes and helps maintain sustainable peace and accelerates economic recovery.

The adoption of the agenda for sustainable development, the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action all remind us that there is strong direct relation between sustainable peace and security and sustainable development, and the fact that women and girls must be at the forefront of programs designed to attain sustainable development, peace and security.

Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security is also focusing on the specific impact of armed conflict on women, the positive role they can play in conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peace building as well as the important roles women can play to keep and strengthen peace and security in local, regional and international levels.

Mr. President,

Current crisis and situations, especially in the Middle East, have taken new and abhorrent forms and dimensions, and constitute unprecedented challenges to the stability in our region.Women are among the main victims of these situations, grappling with the scourge of violent extremism and terrorism. The spread of violent extremism and Takfiri ideology, that has no respect for women, threatens in an unprecedented way the life and rights of women and girls in our region. Women and girls have suffered the most and been targeted for systematic sexual exploitation and slavery, rape and other forms of sexual violence against by extremists and terrorists groups. The international community should make clear at every step that there would never be any leniency for those who subject women and girls to the most inhumane acts of corporal and mental violence.

Iran strongly condemns the barbaric acts of the terrorist and violent extremists groups as well as indiscriminate attacks against civilians, including women and children. In this regard, we support Secretary-Generals decision to include womens participation, leadership, and empowerment, as keys drivers, in his Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.

The systematic violations of the legitimate human rights of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian women, under brutal occupation of the Israeli regime and the atrocious illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip constitutes massive deprivation of the Palestinian civilians and women of their right certainly is the most blatant form of terrorism against a whole nation , imposed by this regime.

It is also very unfortunate that women and girls are also fallen disproportionately victims to airstrikes in Yemen. As confirmed reports indicate, the unjustified invasion of Yemen by Saudi-led coalition has led to the death of almost 10.000 people and the injury of more than 17000 civilians, including at least 1677 women and 2260 children.

Mr. President,

In closing, let me, Mr. President, stress that my Delegation believes that organizing such a debate in this Council should not undermine the work of the most relevant bodies for consideration of women related issues in the United Nations system namely CSW, ECOSOC as well as the General Assembly.

By Mehr News Agency

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