19 Oct 2024
Iranian Speaker: US untruthfulness about war on terrorism proved by Deir Ezzur airstrikes
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned the recent US-led attack on the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur, and said the airstrikes showed Washington's claims about war on terrorism are not truthful.

"Recently, the Americans were showing some signs of coming to their senses but in their recent attacks they showed that they are fully supporting the terrorist streams, specially in Syria, and are lying when chanting anti-terrorism slogans," Larijani said in a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart Hadiya Khalaf Abbas in Tehran on Monday.

Stressing that terrorism is a global issue whose roots should be annihilated, he said, "Countries cannot show a double-standard behavior in this regard, and fight against terrorism in some states but add to the fuel of terrorism and terrorists' war in Syria."

Khalaf Abbas, for her part, confirmed Larijani's remarks, and said, "The US claims that it is fighting against terrorism but actually, it is an accomplice in terrorism whose evidence is the recent attacks launched in the Syrian airspace (in Deir Ezzur). The US claims that the attacks were mistakenly launched. What type of mistake could it be when the US fighter jets were flying over the Syrian airspace for 45 minutes?"

Last Saturday, the US-led coalition bombed the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur, killing some 90 soldiers and injuring dozens more.

The bombing took place on al-Thardah Mountain in the region of Deir Ezzur and caused casualties and destruction on the ground.

"Eighty Syrian soldiers were killed and over 100 injured in the airstrike by the US-led coalition," Russias Defense Ministry spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said, citing information received from the Syrian General Command. But several media activists later reported that the casualties rose to 90.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the aircraft which carried out the bombings had entered Syrian airspace from the territory of Iraq. "Four strikes against Syrian positions were performed by two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft," it added.

"Even if the bombardment of the Syrian government troops was a mistake, its still a consequence of Washingtons unwillingness to coordinate its anti-terror efforts with Moscow," the ministry said.

The Defense Ministry also confirmed a report by the Syrian state news agency that an ISIL offensive began right after Syrian Army positions were hit from the air.

The actions of the coalition clearly paved the way for ISIL terrorists to attack the position and take control of it, the agency said citing the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces.

The General Command called the bombing a serious and blatant aggression against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support ISIL terrorist group.

A day later on Sunday, a military source disclosed that the ISIL launched attacks on the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur only 7 minutes after the US-led coalition's airstrikes.

The military source reiterated that the air and ground assault were highly coordinated.

The source said after the coalition's pounding of the Syrian army near Deir Ezzur airbase, the ISIL could take full control of al-Thardah mountain and then Deir Ezzur military base, adding that the army and national defense forces deployed near the airbase immediately won it back from the terrorists by launching a counterattack.

Noting that Deir Ezzur is now almost in tranquility and no change has occurred in the military map of the region, the source said by attacking the Syrian army positions, the US seeks to prevent military operations to break the terrorists' siege on the city.

The source said the simultaneous raid of the ISIL terrorists immediately after the coalition airstrikes is the best evidence of the high coordination done between the US and the terrorists.

By Fars News Agency
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