19 Oct 2024
Thursday 8 September 2016 - 14:58
Story Code : 230556

Saudi airstrike leaves eight civilians dead in Yemen

Saudi warplanes have bombeda residential neighborhood in Yemens northwesternprovince of Amran, killing at least eight civilians and leaving several othersinjured.

The new airstrike on Thursday took placein the Souq Najar district, some53kilometers(33 miles) northwest of the capitalSanaa, Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported.

Yemeni army forces and fighters from allied Popular Committeestargeted the Kofel militarycamp in the central province ofMa'rib, with reports of casualties amongmilitiamen loyal to resignedpresident Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Saudi Arabia has stepped up its attacks, especially against Sana'a,since the Yemenis unveiled a council to administer the country.

On Wednesday, Saudi warplanes struck the Razih district in Yemens northwestern province of Saada, leaving a child dead and six others injured.

Saudi military aircraft also carried out three airstrikes against the Baqim district, and bombarded a school in the Sahar district of the same Yemeni province. There were no reports about possible casualties and the extent of damage.

Additionally, four civilians sustained injuries on Wednesdaywhen Saudi warplanes pounded the Fisheries Building in the southern Yemeni port city of Mokha, situated 346 kilometers (214 miles) south of Sanaa.

Yemen has been under airstrikes by Saudi Arabia since March 26, 2015. The Saudi war was launched in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who has resigned as Yemens president but seeks to forcefully return to power.

Ansarullah fighters took over state matters after Hadis resignation and his escape from the capital.

The UNputs the death toll from the 18-month conflict in Yemen at about 10,000.UNHumanitarian Coordinator for YemenJamie McGoldrick said last month the toll could rise even furtheras some areas had no medical facilities, and that people were often buried without any official record being made.

By Press TV

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