20 Oct 2024
Monday 18 July 2016 - 11:22
Story Code : 223229

UNESCO committee adds 8 new sites on World Heritage List

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee included eight new sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger, the organization said in a statement on Sunday.

ISTANBUL (Sputnik) The 40th session ofthe UNESCO committee, which kicked offin Istanbul onSunday and was due tolast throughJuly 20, butadjourned its work three days beforeschedule due tothe UN security protocol put inplace followingthe events that occurred inTurkey onJuly 15, is reviewing the condition ofcultural sites protected bythe body aswell asexamining new proposals tobe added tothe World Heritage List.
"The World Heritage Committee, onthe last afternoon ofits 40th session which opened on10 July, inscribed eight new sites onthe List: one transnational site (in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan), and others inCanada, Chad, China, Iraq, Iran, Mexico and Sudan," the UNESCO statement reads.

The newly added natural sites are Hubei Shennongjia inChinese Hubei Province, Mistaken Point inCanada's island ofNewfoundland, Archipilgo de Revillagigedo inMexico, Sanganeb Marine National Park and Dungonab Bay Mukkawar Island Marine National Park inSudan, Lut Desert insouth-east ofIran and a Western Tien-Shan transnational site located inthe Tien-Shan mountain system betweenKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The latterly added mixed, cultural and natural sites are Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape innortheast ofChad and the Ahwar ofSouthern Iraq: Refuge ofBiodiversity and the Relict Landscape ofthe Mesopotamian Cities insouthern Iraq.

By Sputnik

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