19 Oct 2024
Thursday 7 July 2016 - 17:23
Story Code : 221926

Blair 'almost Semi-Broken' in wake of Iraq, Libya legacies - Expert

A leading Middle East commentator has told Sputnik Tony Blair's international reputation has been damaged over his decision to go to war against Saddam Hussein, leaving him "almost semi-broken" amid "inconsistencies" in his Middle East relations.

Blair emerged shaken, followingthe release ofthe Chilcot Inquiry report intothe reasons forgoing towar inIraq in2003.

Although not blaming him forlying or misleading parliament, the report was critical ofhis government's acceptance of flawed intelligence reportsofSaddam Hussein's weapons ofmass destruction and ofits failure toprepare militarily and strategically forthe effects ofinvasion.

Chris Doyle, a commentator onthe Middle East and Director ofthe Council forArab-British Understanding, told Sputnik:
"Chilcot has certainly damaged his reputation, butit had already been damaged overthe complete strategic failure ofIraq."

"You could argue that his Iraq failure really lead him toleave office inany event. So he has already been damaged byit. This will only remind people ofthat."

"It will damage his international standing. He is a very capable individual, and I think he will continue tohave various contracts and business dealings. He still remains more popular outsideof Britain thanwithin it. I wouldn't be surprised tosee Tony Blair recover fromthis toan extent.
"It's clear, emotionally he is almost semi-broken. You can see that it has taken its toll onhim. He looks physically asif it has, aswell aspsychologically. He is being held responsible fora completely devastating disaster inwhich 179 British servicemen died, butquarter-of-a-million toa million Iraqis were killed. You would have tohave a very thick skin not tobe affected bythat," Doyle told Sputnik.

Libya Deal

A year afterthe invasion, Blair made a controversial visit toLibya tomeet Colonel Gaddafi, who had been linked withthe 1988 Lockerbie bombing, which killed 259 people, aswell asthe murder ofYvonne Fletcher, a British police officer fatally shot duringa protest outsidethe Libyan embassy atSt James's Square, London, in1984.

Blair intended towarm uprelations and the visit precipitated a number oftrade deals, including oil contracts.
"There are a lot ofinconsistencies inthe way inwhich Tony Blair conducted his relations inthe Middle East, both asprime minister and afterwards. He is famous, ofcourse forthe toppling ofone dictator, Saddam Hussein, butthen [for brokering] also this deal withGaddafi, which also led ontovarious dealings withthe Gaddafi regime [when Blair was] outof office," Doyle told Sputnik.

"He would argue and there's some truth init that the deal withGaddafi led tothe removal ofchemical weapons fromLibya and the disarmament ofwhat weapons ofmass destruction it had. Therefore, it was worth it. But, did too much happen? Did too many business deals flow fromthat? The normalization ofrelations withthe Libyan authorities was perhaps too fast?"

"Did Europe and the US not play their hands wisely enough toensure there was real and lasting change inLibya that might have meant that there wasn't the obvious disastrous intervention in2011?"

In the Libyan intervention in2011 led tothe toppling ofColonel Gaddafi, buthas left the country is a state ofcivil war ever since, leaving a vacuum which has been exploited byDaesh, also known asISIL, ina strikingly similar way that Iraq remained destabilized afterthe 2003 invasion. Blair had a hand inboth.

After the publication ofthe Chilcot report onJuly 6, Blair made an impassioned almost desperate attempt todefend himself. His performance was one ofsomebody who was clearly underpressure. He appeared tobe brittle, emotional and clearly somewhat shaken bywhat was a very damning verdict ofthe Iraq Inquiry.
"I think he was highly defensive asindeed he should be. As the report so clearly highlights, Britain went towar withouthaving really prepared. It went towar onthe basis offaulty intelligence. It didn't exhaust all the options toavoid war and there was no imminent threat fromthe Iraqi regime. So much ofwhat Tony Blair has said overthe last 14 or 15 years, was completely undone," Doyle told Sputnik.

By Sputnik

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