19 Oct 2024
Thursday 3 December 2015 - 17:56
Story Code : 191310

Russia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia must participate in Syria crisis efforts

Russia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia must take part in the Syria settlement process, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday.

BERLIN (Sputnik) Russia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia must take part in the Syria settlement process, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday.

"We need Russia at the negotiating table, we need Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The settlement process will be long," she told reporters.

The purpose ofthe Bundeswehr's participation inthe military campaign againstthe Islamic State (IS, or Daesh inthe Arab world) jihadist group inSyria is the prevention ofterrorist attacks aroundthe world, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday.

On Tuesday, the German government approved operations byits troops againstDaesh inSyria. The German parliament is set tovote onthe matter onFriday.
"As forour purposes, it comes downto the fight againstDaesh (IS), tothe destruction ofcamping sites and todepriving militants ofthe possibility tocarry outterrorist attacks inthe world," the minister said ata briefing inBerlin.

She added that "Germany has a keen interest inthe regional situation settlement."

Von der Leyen added that the experience ofGermany's limited participation inthe antiterrorist coalition inSyria has been successful. She recalled that German military instructors inIraq had been engaged intraining the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, "successfully fighting" inSyria, forover a year.

The mission againstDaesh, a violent religious extremist group outlawed inRussia and many other countries, will involve upto 1,200 German troops. The German Armed Forces plan toengage several Tornado reconnaissance combat aircraft and a frigate tosupport the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle inthe Mediterranean Sea. An aerial refueling aircraft, satellite reconnaissance and headquarters staff will support the mission.

Syria has been mired ina civil war since2011, withthe countrys government fighting againstseveral opposition factions and extremist groups.

Representatives ofRussia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia convened inVienna inOctober todiscuss the Syrian settlement and worked outa nine-point plan onending the ongoing Syrian civil war. The plan includes the definition ofnational unity, the defeat ofextremist groups and assistance torefugees.

The last roundof Syria talks inthe Austrian capital ofVienna took place onNovember 14 The participating states set a six-month timeframe forSyria toform an interim unity government, whereas elections inSyria should be held within18 months.
By Sputnik News
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