19 Oct 2024
Tehran, The Iran Project The new wave of tensions in Palestinian occupied territories took place in earlySeptember when theIsraeliforces stormed al-Aqsa mosque compound, aggressing the worshipers inside and causing damages just hours before theJewish New Year. Since then, the people of Palestine have been subjected to attacks by the Jewish settlers andIsraeliforces live fire and rubber bulletson an almost daily basis. According thePalestinian rights groups, totally thousands of people have beennabbed, killed orinjured including children during therenewed clashes across the Palestinian territories. The followingtimeline of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict (together with the al-Aqsa Unrest Update) lists events from September 13th to the present.


Monday, January 25

Gaza strip one again was targeted by Israeli airstrikes on Monday. Palestinian resources said that Israel launched several airstrikes on Gaza sites that left some material damages but no human casualties have been reported.

In another development, Israeli officials prevented three Palestinian sisters from visiting their father in Israeli prison for their Islamic dressings on Monday. A Palestinian Prisoner Center's official said that Israeli authorities barred them from visiting their jailed father for wearing Islamic dressings.

Elsewhere in Ramallah, at the result of martyr attacks by two Palestinian martyr seekers, two Israeli women in the illegal settlement of Beit-Horon were wounded onMonday. Resources reported that two Palestinian were later shot dead by Israeli police. A day later on Tuesday, the Israeli media reported that one of the women wounded in the martyr attack has died of injuries in the hospital.

The lawyer of the Palestinian prisoner hunger striker, Muhammad al-Qiq, said he is on the brink of death. Speaking to the Palestinian resources, he said that he is currently unconscious and unable to speak. He also warned that exhibition of some symptoms may lead to his death. He criticized Israeli indifferent policy regarding the prisoners, saying that the extremist Israeli government let him die.

Muhammad al-Qiq,the Palestinian prisoner who has stayed in hunger strike for 50 days was sentenced to six month of administrative detention and the court rejected his call to end the detention unlike his 50 days of hunger strike.

Along with the Israeli massive campaign of Palestinians' arrest, four people were detained by Israelis during the predawn raid across the West Bank on Monday.


Sunday, January 24

Despite the international criticism of Israeli illegal settlement in the Palestinian occupied territories, Israeli Netanyahu once again reiterated the policy of illegal settlement, defending the illegal acts of the Israeli settlers who took over the Palestinian homes and building in al-Khalil earlier on Thursday.

During the Israeli Netanyahu speech on Sunday, he underlined the regime's illegal policy of settlement "at any time", supporting the illegal occupation of the Palestinians' building in al-Khalil earlier on Thursday.

The government supports settlement at any time, especially now when it is under terrorist assault and is taking a courageous and determined stand in the face of terrorist attacks, Netanyahu alleged during a Cabinet speech.

A number of Palestinian homes in al-Khalil were raided by Israeli settlers on Thursday. Palestinian resources reported that Israeli settlers backed by soldiers attacked the homes, breaking several doors and throwing rocks at the Palestinian houses.

Israeli settlers also insulted Palestinian families during the raid and the soldier used tear gas to annihilate Palestinians which left several injuries for tear gas inhalation.

Hundreds of Palestinians in the city of East al-Quds took to the streets in Sunday, taking part in the funeral procession of a 17-year-old Palestinian killed by Israelis the day earlier.

Witnesses told the Palestinian resources that Israeli forces had denied ambulances the access to the Palestinian teen at the scene.

Israeli court rejected the call of appeal by a Palestinian prisoner under the Israeli administrative detention without trial. The Palestinian prisoner's father told the resources that Israeli court has extended his imprisonment for fifth time.

Elsewhere in the West Bank, Israeli forces arrested 10 Palestinians across the area overnight Sunday. Palestinian resources said that Jenin, Nablus and Bethlehem are the areas attacked by Israeli forces.

Elsewhere in al-Khalil Israeli forces detained a Palestinian lawmaker and former authority minister from his home along with five other. Palestinian resources said that Hatim Qafisha, a Hamas affiliated member of PLO legislative council was arrested by Israeli forces overnight Sunday. PA minister of Local Governance in 2006 and few other Palestinians are also among the detainees on the latest Israeli raid.

Saturday, January 23

During a martyr attack on Saturday, a Palestinian teen was killed by Israeli forces in East al-Quds on Saturday. Palestinian resources said Israeli forces opened fire, killing a 13-year-old Palestinian who was approached to an Israeli security guard.

The international leading right group on Saturday called Israeli to release the Palestinian hunger striking prisoner. Amnesty international released a statement on Saturday, saying that the Palestinian who has been mistreated and tortured by Israeli official should be either release or charge. Palestinian prisoner Muhammad al-Qiq has stated his hunger strike nearly two months ago to protest against the administrative detention without charge by Israeli officials.

Friday, January 22

Dozens of Israeli illegal settlers who occupied the building belonging to Palestinians were evicted by Israeli forces on Friday in the city of al-Khalil. Palestinian media said that the 80 settlers who illegaly entered the building were forces to move.

Israeli navy force once again opened fire at the Palestinian fishermen in north of Gaza on Friday. A Palestinian fisherman told the Palestinian agency that the forces attacked them, forcing them to return to the shore. No injuries have been left by the Israeli attack on Friday.

During the clashes in the occupied West Bank and Gaza several Palestinians were injured and detained on Friday. A Palestinian Ministry of health official told that following the clashes that erupted in the West Bank and Gaza, 17 Palestinian were injured 15 of who were wounded with live bullets. One of the injuries from Khan Yunis is reportedly in critical condition.

Hundreds of Palestinians in East al-Quds held a sit-in protest at al-Aqsa mosque on Friday to protest against the Israeli inhuman policy of withholding Palestinian dead bodies. According to witnesses, the participants who were earlier attended the Friday pray held different placards to demand Israeli official to return the bodies of Palestinian martyrs.

Following the protest, Israeli forces detained several of protesters and delivered them to the detention centers.

Along with the Israeli inhuman policies against the Palestinians, a Palestinian family was forced to demolished own home in East al-Quds by Israeli court. The owner of the home told the resources that the municipal court ordered such a sentence under the pretext of lacking proper permit.


Thursday, January 21

A number of Palestinian homes in al-Khalil were raided by Israeli settlers on Thursday. Palestinian resources reported that Israeli settlers together with soldiers attacked the homes, breaking several doors and throwing rocks at the Palestinian houses. Israeli settlers also insulted Palestinian families during the raid and the soldier used tear gas to annihilate Palestinians which left several injuries of tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile at least 19 Palestinians were detained and two other were wounded during the Thursday's raid by Israeli forces across the West Bank. During the raids in a village in Nablus, two Palestinian were injured by the Israeli live bullets and were taken to hospital for treatment.

The Palestinian resources on Thursday reported that Israeli army has deployed an artillery battery on the border with Gaza. Israeli media also called the move as unusual saying that such measure typically has been done ahead of escalating tensions in recent years.

Palestinian President says Israeli officials have prevented him to meet with Israeli Netanyahu. Speaking to a reporter on Thursday, Mahmoud Abbas said that Netanyahu office had cut off any communication for organizing a meeting.


Wednesday, January 20

As the Israeli regime continues its massive arrest campaign in Palestinian occupied territory, 16 Palestinians have been arrested across the West Bank following the Israeli predawn raids on Wednesday.

Palestinian resources said that Israeli forces raided Tulkarem, Qalandiya refugee camp and Bethlehem, detaining 16 mostly young Palestinians.

Number of British doctors is attempting to fire Israeli Medical Association from the World Medical Association (WMA). According to the WMA chairman, some71British physicians demanded the body to remove Israeli medical group from the association and to exert the academic boycott against the itdue to the involvement in torturing Palestinian prisoners.

Zeeve Feldman, the World Medical Association (WMA) chairman, on Wednesday said that 71 British doctors demanded the body to expel the Israeli medical association due to the evidence of theirinvolvement or abetting in torturing of the Palestinian detainees.

Palestinian Maan Agency quoted Feldman, as saying that the sword of the boycott is being raised on the Israeli scientific-medical community.


Tuesday, January 19

A leading international rights group on Tuesday called Israeli and International businesses to stop business ties with Jewish-only settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory and to avoid contributing Israeli violation of Palestinians rights.

Human Rights Watch, issued a statement on Tuesday, demanded all International or Israeli firms to withdraw from the settlements, stopping trade with Israeli illegal settlements. The group also called banning of trades ties to not contribute to the violation of Palestinians rights by the Israeli regime.

Noting the violation of Palestinians rights and also international humanitarian law, the rights group stated that Israeli measures are intrinsic to abusive, harmful, and longstanding policies in the West Bank.

Along with the call by the rights group, Eu council and a US official also made separate remarks, slamming Israeli policy in settling illegal communities in the Palestinian occupied territories.

The conclusions by EU council about the peace process in the occupied territories that released on Monday announced that EU agreements with Israel are not applicable to Israeli illegal settlements since 1967, including Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The EU Councils recent conclusions, however, angered Israeli government.In a press release on Tuesday, Israeli Ministry has alleged that the EU latest statement is a biased report which ignores the responsibility of Palestinian Authority in current situation.

The EU continues to apply a double standard in relation to Israel, ignoring the Palestinian Authoritys responsibility for the diplomatic stalemate and the incitement feeding the current wave of Palestinian terrorism. Israeli ministry alleged elsewhere in the statement.

Amid the Israeli ministry reactions, Palestinian Authority hailed the EU positions, saying that the report is encouraging for PA.

Meanwhile, US ambassador to Israeli announced that US is concerned by the Israeli policy in the occupied territories which undermines two-state solution.

Dan Shapiro made the remarks in the Institute for National Security Studies annual conference in Tel Aviv, condemning Israeli policy in illegal settlement, and the regime double standard for Palestinians and Israelis.

Sixteen Palestinians were arrested by Israeli Occupation Forces on Tuesday in the West Bank. Palestinian resources also reported that Israeli army spokesperson has alleged that during the "extensive search operation" by the Israeli security forces a Palestinian teen suspected for a stabbing attack earlier on Sunday also was detained.

In Gaza borderline, Israeli forces fired explosive devices on Monday and Tuesday. Palestinian resources said that an Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the firings are "routine activities near the Israeli security fence."

Elsewhere in East al-Quds, Israeli court postponed the trials of three Palestinians Children who are charged with attempted murder. Palestinian resources said that deferred Ahmed Mansara's trial to February. Two other Palestinian minors' trial also will be held in March. All of three Palestinian children are being held by Israeli authority in closed centers.

Israeli army also announced that the Palestinian workers will be banned from working in Israeli settlements. The Israeli official alleged that following recent attacks, and enforcing the security measures, Palestinian workers will be banned from entering Israeli communities.

Monday, January 18

During a martyr attack in Bethlehem, an Israeli soldier was severely injured by a Palestinian martyrdom seekeron Monday. According to the Palestinian resources, Israeli forces opened fire, injuring the Palestinians following this martyr attack.


Sunday, January 17

Ahmed Mansara, Palestinian teenage whose footage of interrogation by Israeli forces was earlier released in social media, now could face a maximum sentence of imprisonment by an Israeli court. According to his lawyer, the Palestinian teenage may face the maximum sentence of up to 20 years imprisonment while he was charged with the attempted murder not the act of murder.

The trial of Ahmed Mansara, a Palestinian teenage is underway in Israel and his lawyer said on Sunday that he could receive the maximum imprisonment sentence by the Israeli court. The threat of the heavy sentence for the Palestinian boy is while according to the lawyer the Israel's Jerusalem District Court indicted him for the charge of murdering intention not the act of stabbing or murdering.

The Palestinian boy whose earlier footage of interrogation in which Israeli inspectors verbally abused him sparked many outrages in last November now is being withheld in a treatment closed center in north of Israel while the court rejected the call by his family to put him under the house arrest.

The released grisly video for the scene in which he was shot injured by the Israeli forces and was left to bleed for hours in mid-October also went viral, arousing angers against Israeli brutal policies toward the Palestinian children in social media.

Israeli police alleged that the Palestinian boy, Ahmed Mansara, together with his 15-year-old cousin is accused of stabbing two Israeli settlers in East al-Quds earlier in October.

In line with the Israeli campaign of arrest against Palestinians, a Palestinian shepherd on Sunday was detained by the Israeli civilians' security guards from the nearby illegal settlement. Local sources told the Palestinian news agency that the 20-year-old shepherd was arrested and delivered to unknown place on Sunday in Bethlehem.

During a martyr attack by a Palestinian woman, an Israeli woman was stabbed and killed in al-Khalil on Sunday. Palestinian resources said that the women attacked an Israeli woman in illegal settlement and fled the scene.

Elsewhere in Nablus, a Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli forces over the claim of attempted stabbing attack in Nablus on Sunday. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the Palestinian was shot dead after he attempted to stab an Israeli soldier.

Meanwhile, several structures in the Ramallah villages were destroyed by the Israeli forces on Sunday. Locals told Maan agency that Israeli officials alleged that the buildings had been without necessary permits.

During a night raids to the West Bank districts overnight Sunday, at least 27 Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli occupation forces. Israeli officials alleged that number of detainees were "Hamas Operatives".


Saturday, January 16

Palestinian families, whose members have been killed by the Israeli forces, formed a local committee in Bethlehem to attempt to return the bodies of Palestinians withheld by the Israeli forces. Using the moto of "We Want Our Sons" the committee held a meeting near the city on Saturday with the attendance of the Palestinian National Committee for Retrieving Bodies of Martyrs and a prominent Palestinian lawyer.

An Israeli court on Saturday rejected the call of appeal by a Palestinian prisoner to end the administrative detention. Muhammad al-Qiq,the Palestinian prisoner who has stayed in hunger strike for 50 days was sentenced to six month of administrative detention and the court rejected his call to end the detention unlike his 50 days of hunger strike.

The Palestinian resources also reported that al-Qiq had been taken to the intensive care section of the hospital on Friday after he fainted after the rejection of calls to break his strike with food.

Another 7 Palestinians also were detained across the West Bank on Saturday. During a raid in a refugee camp and ransacking a Palestinian home, Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian prisoner's wife.

Israeli navy forces once again opened fire at Palestinian fishermen in south of Gaza on Saturday. Palestinian locals said that the fishing boats were forced to return back to beach following the Israeli boats fire. No injuries were reported yet while Israeli forces also raided the fishermen the day earlier on Friday in Gaza.


Friday, January 15

Meanwhile, the European Union announced Friday in a statement that the body will send $13.4 million to the Palestinian Authority to help the Palestinian families living in poverty in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

According to the Palestinian resources, the EU contributes the Palestinian Authority social allowances program to benefit poor Palestinian people.

As violence surges across the Palestinian occupied territories, two Palestinians were shot dead by the Tel-Aviv soldiers in a refugee camp in Gaza Strip on Friday. Locals said that a 19-year old and a 26-year-old Palestinians were shot dead by Israelis live bullets when the clashes broke out. According to the Palestinian resources dozens of others also were wounded by the Israeli live weapons during the clashes near the refugee camp.

During the Palestinian weekly protests on Friday in the occupied West Bank, at least five Palestinian were shot injured by Israeli gunfire. Locals and medics said that in Qalqiliya, Bethlehem and Ramallah five Palestinian were shot injured by Israeli live rounds and bullets, and dozens of others were wounded following the inhalation of tear gas bombs.

Another Palestinian youth also was shot in head by Israeli forces in south of Bethlehem on Friday. Locals said that the 28-year-old Palestinian was shot wounded when Israeli opened fire at Palestinian protesters.

Elsewhere in al-Khalil, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets on Friday to take part in the funeral procession of a 2-year-old Palestinian who was shot dead the day earlier by Israeli forces.


Thursday, January 14

Israeli forces opened fire, killing a Palestinian in north of Nablus on Thursday over the claim of stabbing attack at Israeli military checkpoint. An Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the Palestinian attacked a military vehicle, injuring an Israeli officer.

Palestinian Prisoners Society says Muhammad al-Qiq, the 33-year-old Palestinian prisoner has entered the 51st day of his hunger strike to protest his detention without trial by Israeli regime. The Palestinian resources reported that on Thursday he avoided taking vitamins to put the Israeli officials under pressure.

Swedish Prime Minister's call for an investigation into the Israeli forces "extrajudicial executions" angered Israeli Netanyahu who called the comments "outrageous, immoral and unjust".

He made the remarks during the speech to foreign reports on the occasion of new year on Thursday, alleging that: "People are defending themselves against assailants wielding knives who are about to stab them to death ... and that's extrajudicial killings?"

He also criticized the Swedish PM comments for singling put Israeli in "an absurd way".

Earlier, during the speech in Sweden parliament, Wallstrom noted the violence in the Palestinian occupied territory and death of scores of Palestinian by Israeli forces, saying that: "It is vital that there is a thorough, credible investigation into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability."


Wednesday, January 13

Israeli artillery fire also targeted Palestinian civilians, killing one and injuring three others on Wednesday in Gaza Strip. Israeli army alleged that the four Palestinians planned to attack forces in the borderline. Palestinian medics confirmed the news saying that three Palestinians sustained serious injuries.

Meanwhile, the Israeli troops destroyed a plant nursery in north of Nablus on Wednesday. Locals told a Palestinian resource that Israeli bulldozers supported by military vehicles raided the area and demolished the nursery.


Tuesday, January 12

Israeli forces shot dead a young Palestinian during the clashes in Bethlehem on Tuesday. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the 21-year-old Palestinian was shot in chest with Israeli live rounds when the clashes broke out in the area following the Israeli forces' raid.

Israeli military forces also shot dead two other Palestinians in al-Khalil on Tuesday over the claim of attempt to stab Israeli soldiers.

Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the Palestinians have attempted to stab soldiers at a station in the area.

Tel-Aviv regime officially on Tuesday announced that they plan to build six military watchtowers in Nablus. A local monitor told the Palestinian resource that they also officially informed the Palestinian Authority that six towers will be built near the illegal Israeli settlement of Yitzar.

The regime police force also raided the area of Issawiya in East al-Quds on Tuesday, using tear gas at Palestinian homes. Locals said that several Palestinians have been severely suffered from tear gas inhalation, opening rubber bullet at Palestinian youths.

Monday, January 11

As Israeli continues demolition policy of the Palestinians structures, Israeli forces raided the Birzeit University overnight Monday with 15 military vehicles, confiscating and damaging the university equipment. "Birzeit University condemns this attack and the direct violation of the sanctity of the university campus," the university management said on Monday in reaction to the Israeli crime.

It also further stated that "this is a belligerent military attack on the university and our right to education and all the principles involved in the freedom of education."

Meanwhile, Israeli forces arrested at least 60 Palestinian workers under the pretext of entering the north of Israeli without work permit. Israeli police spokesperson alleged that the measure was a "general operations" against Palestinians working illegally in Israel.

Elsewhere in Jenin, Israeli forces opened fire wounding an 18-year-old Palestinian on Monday in south of Jenin. Israeli military spokesperson alleged that he attempted to stab and Israeli soldier.

In order to support the families of Palestinian victims, Palestinian Public Workers' Union said Monday that the members should allocate 1 percent of the wages this month to families of Palestinians whose home will be demolished by Israeli forces.


Saturday, January 9

A Palestinian prisoners' rights group says majority of the detainees from East al-Quds in 2015 have been minors. The released the figures by the group show that some 1900 Palestinians were detained in the city majority of whom were children.

Releasing a statement on Sunday, the Palestinian Prisoners' Center announced that nearly two-thirds of the arrested people were children, 65 of whom were put under the house arrest.

The statement also slammed Israeli policy to use house arrest against the Palestinians under the age of 14, explaining it a way to "turns the child's house itself to a prison and family members to wardens."

At least seven Palestinians have been shot injured on Sunday by Israeli live and rubber bullets in a village in south of Bethlehem. The locals told the Palestinian press that Israeli opened fire on Palestinians after the clashes broke out in the village. The village municipality announced that some of the injuries are aged between 17-20.

Meanwhile number of Palestinian activists launched a campaign to raise funds for the rebuilding a Palestinian home which was demolished by Israeli forces earlier on Saturday in a village in Ramallah.

Israeli forces demolished on Saturday a home of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces over the claim of attack to Israeli forces.

Palestinian resources said that efforts are underway to reopen the Rafah crossing with Egypt. According the Palestinian resources, during a meeting held on Sunday between Hamas and a committee of Palestinian political groups over the issue of crossing reopening, a propose initiative to end closure was examined and reviews and all sides agreed to continue effort through meetings.

The Rafah crossing on the besieged enclave's southern border with Egypt was sealed indefinitely by Egyptian authorities when violence erupted after Muhammad Morsi was thrown from power in the summer of 2013.

As violence surges in Palestinian occupied territory, two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli military in north of Jordan valley. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that Palestinians attempted to stab Israeli soldiers in the security crossing. Palestinian resources said that they were pronounced dead later.

Thousands of Palestinians held the funeral of four Palestinians from al-Khalil who were killed by Israeli forces on Thursday. According to the Palestinian resources, mourners took to the streets on Saturday in the village in al-Khalil to hold the funeral procession of Palestinian cousins. They reportedly yielded national slogans, demanding an end to respond the Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

Israeli forces also opened fire, injuring a Palestinian 60-year-old man with live bullet during the clashes in Qalqiliya on Saturday. The locals said that Israeli forces suppressed the peaceful march of protesters by indiscriminate use of live and rubber bullets.

A Palestinian 14-year-old boy received 6-month imprisonment by an Israeli court on Saturday. According to the Palestinian Authority Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs the Palestinian teen was detained in October along with 13 other children in Gaza Strip.


Friday, January 8

Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said n Friday that killing of four Palestinian teens by Israeli forces marks dangerous escalation of tensions in Palestinian occupied territory. Issuing a statement released on Friday, the Palestinian ministry also noted the incident on Thursday, slamming the continuous series of crimes by Netanyahu government against Palestinians.

As violence surges in Palestinian territories, Israeli police killed a Palestinian man in his home town of Arara in north of Israel. Israeli spokesperson alleged that the Palestinian has been suspected of carrying out shooting in Tel-Aviv last week.

A 12- year-old Palestinian who was injured the days earlier in East al-Quds has been remained in critical condition on Friday. Palestinian resources said that he was shot in head and eye by Israeli forces during the clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces and injured.

Elsewhere in Gaza, at least 21 Palestinians were shot injured by Israeli live and rubber bullet. According to a senior official at the Gaza ministry of health told that during the separate clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops, at least 14 people were injured with live bullets and 7 other with rubber bullet weapons.

The United States Department of States accused Moshe Yaalon Israeli Defense Minister of undermining two-state solution. During a press briefing on Friday, Spokesman for the US State Department, John Kirby said that the US is deeply concerned about the ministrys move which entails creating a new settlement close to the occupied West Bank lands.

Kirby also added that along with the regular retroactive legalization of unauthorized outposts and construction of infrastructure in remote settlements, actions such as this decision clearly undermine the possibility of a two-state solution.


Thursday, January 7

Four Palestinians aged between 16 and 19 were shot dead by Israeli forces on Thursday in the south of West Bank. Palestinian resources said that three Palestinian cousins were from a village in al-Khalil, the West Bank on Thursday.

The Israeli army spokesperson alleged that all Palestinians were armed with knives and attempted to attack Israeli troops. Palestinian resources said that the two of Palestinians were killed at the scene while two other succumbed to their wounds later.

Unknown gunmen targeted a tourist bus carrying at least 45 Palestinian citizens on Thursday in Cairo. Police and local media said that attack by two gunmen on a motorcycle has left no injuries.


Wednesday, January 6

Alongwith the Jewish Israelis' discrimination against the Palestinian people, two Palestinian passengers were removed from a Greek airline flight following the pressure by a group of Jewish Israeli passengers.

Following the incident, Greek Aegean airlines sent a letter to the PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat on Wednesday, apologized for the forced removal of two Palestinians from a flight and expressed "greatest regret".

The letter further explained that a group of Jewish Israelis pressured cabin crew earlier this week to force two Palestinians passenger to disembark.

Palestinian resources also said that PLO Secretary-General in response expressed outrage at the discrimination and prejudice at the hands of the Aegean cabin crew.

Erekat also announced that the move was reminiscent of apartheid-era South Africa, adding we call upon the Greek government to take strong action against this racist act.

Along with the Israeli massive arrest campaign, Israeli forces stormed the International Committee of the Red Cross headquarters in East al-Quds on Wednesday, detaining at least six Palestinian activists.

A spokesperson for a local prisoners' committee told that Israeli forces raided the office, detaining six young Palestinian activists who staged a sit-in on the site.

He said that they started the move the days earlier to protest the decision by Israeli authorities to deport them from East-al Quds for six month under the alleged security reasons.

An ICRC spokesperson Nadia Dibsy told Ma'an News Agency that that the ICRC "does not enjoy any diplomatic immunity to help prevent such a detention raid."

Meanwhile Hundreds of Palestinian staged a rally on Wednesday in the West Bank to hold the funeral procession of a 17-year-old Palestinian killed by Israeli forces a day earlier. Israeli forces shot dead the Palestinian whom they alleged had attempted to attack an Israeli soldier. Palestinian resources also announced that he was left to bleed to death and received no medical treatment.

Israeli forces also demolished several homes in East al-Quds on Wednesday, leaving 25 Palestinians homeless. Locals said that the Israeli vehicles and bulldozers demolished five homes and agricultural structure in the early Wednesday.


Tuesday, January 5

Hundreds of Palestinians took to the street on Tuesday in the West Bank village to take part in the funeral of two Palestinians whose bodies were withheld by the Israeli authorities. The Palestinians were reportedly killed in October after the allegedly carrying out stabbing attacks.

Israeli forces also confiscate construction material belonging to the city of Dhahiriya in the south of al-khalil on Tuesday. A member of the city's council told that the material ransacked by Israeli was being used to build an agricultural road in the city.

As Israel continues its arrest campaign, at least 15 Palestinians including six minors were detained in al-Khalil, Tulkarem, Bethlehem and Nablus. The Palestinian Prisoners Society announced that most of the detainees are between 13 and 19 years old.


Monday, January 4

Israeli forces detained at least 15 Palestinians during the raids across the West Bank on Monday. According to the Palestinian sources, several Palestinian homes also were ransacked by the Israeli troops.

The Prisoners' rights group of Addameer on Monday said Israeli military prosecutors charged two Palestinian teenagers with the attempted murder. A lawyer of the group also announced that the Israeli judge will send the Palestinian minors to reformatory.

Meanwhile, at least 11 people have been injured by the Israeli live and rubber bullets in a village in the occupied West Bank. Palestinian sources said that following a funeral procession at the village, Israeli forces opened fire, injuring seven with live fire and four with rubber bullets.

Israeli soldiers also shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian boy over the claim of stabbing attack. An Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the Palestinian youth has attacked, slightly wounding a soldier at the occupied West Bank on Monday.


Sunday, January 3

An Israeli court convicted two Israelis for the charge of murdering three Palestinians in occupied territory in last summer. The Palestinian resources said that the sentence is based on the several month of investigation of a Palestinian family's murder case.

On Sunday, Israeli forces attacked the several points in Bethlehem, injuring two people. The locals said that the clashes broke up when the Israeli stormed at a refugee camp in the city, detaining camp residents.

Elsewhere in the al-Khalil and Ramallah, some 13 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli occupation Forces. Locals said that the Palestinian youths threw stones and Molotov at the Israeli soldiers who responded with tear gas bombs.


Saturday, January 2

Thousands of Palestinian mourners flooded to the streets on Saturday to hold the processions of about 14 Palestinians whose bodies were returned by Israeli on Friday. The Palestinian resources said that the mourners shouted the slogans to condemn the Israeli policies against the Palestinians.

Israeli cabinet has decided to withhold the bodies of Palestinians killed allegedly during the attacks against the Israeli forces and settlers.

Gaza strip was once again targeted by Israeli airstrike on Saturday. Official sources in Gaza announced that the Israeli warplanes have launched strikes in several points in Gaza. No human casualties have been reported though the strikes reportedly left material damages.

The Palestinian resources said that a Palestinian home in Nablus has been stormed by some Israeli settlers on Saturday. A Palestinian Authority official announced that the settlers threw stones and Molotov cocktail and left behind a letter. The attackers have fled the scene soon after the storm. The Palestinian residents in the area have been often targeted by the Israeli settlers.


Friday, January 1

As the result of Palestinian's martyr attack near Tel-Aviv, at least to Israelis were killed and seven others were injured. The Palestinian shooter has reportedly fled the scene. According to the Palestinian resources, the family of the Palestinian warrior has announced that his attack is in revenge for his cousin death earlier in 2007.

Meanwhile Israeli forces shot injured the Palestinian TV reporters during the unrest in the West Bank on Friday. Locals said that he was shot with Israeli rubber bullets during the clashes in Palestinians weekly Friday march.

The Hizb al-Tahrir political organization issued a statement on Friday, praising the individual attacks carried out by Palestinians. In the statement the Palestinian group still highlighted the need to the power of Muslim armies to end Israeli military occupation.


Thursday, December 31

A 22-year- old Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli forces' gunshot over the claim of suspected vehicular attack in Nablus. A spokesperson from Israel army alleged that the Palestinian was killed at the scene after he ran his car into Israeli forces.

Israeli forces demonstrated Palestinian lands in east of Al-Khalil on Thursday. Palestinian resources reported that the Israeli officials intend to build a military watchtower in the area. This destroying campaign against Palestinians is while they haven't received any notification prior to the confiscation.

A 38-year-old Palestinian man who was injured earlier by Israeli military forces succumbed to his wounds in Ramallah on Thursday. The Palestinian resources said that the man later was released from hospital after recovered from gunshots, but due to the bullet injury he later was pronounced dead at home.


Wednesday, December 30

Israeli forces arrested some 28 Palestinians including minors across the occupied West Bank on Wednesday. According to Palestinian Prisoners Society most of the detainees are from Tulkarem, Ramallah and al-Bireh.

The head of the Palestinian Authority Committee for Prisoners Affairs said on that the body of the 16-year-old Palestinian shows signs of torture. He also stated that his body which was received by PA has had marks of beating and torture. The Israeli regime had withheld the body of the Palestinian after he was killed by Israeli forces on December 1 over the claim of attempt to stab Israeli settlers.

Another 16 Palestinians also were detained by the Israeli Occupation Forces in the West Bank. Palestinian Prisoners society announced that they were arrested in Bethlehem and some villages around.


Tuesday, December 29

In attempts to maintain illegal control over the Palestinian occupied territories, Israeli forces raided two Palestinian humanitarianorganizationsin Bethlehem and Nablus on Tuesday,confiscating and damaging property duringseparatestorms.

The Palestinian resources reported that Israeli troops raided the Bethlehem headquarter of a Palestinian committee for charitable work which run by Palestinian Authority as well as the prisoners rights group office in Nablus on Tuesday.

The offices were reportedly confiscated and destroyed by the forces that also broke down the doors and cut open two safes.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Israeli forces on Tuesday ransacked the Bethlehem headquarters of the districts Palestinian Authority-run committee for charitable work as well as a prisoners rights group office in Nablus, destroying and confiscating property.[/caption]

Bethlehem headquarter is sponsor of around 1200 orphans from the citys villages, towns and camps. The Palestinian Minister of Endowment slammed the inhuman measures by Israel, saying that the confiscation of files will negatively affect the charity services to children.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces once again stormed the Qalandiya refugee camp in East al-Quds, detaining two residents on Tuesday. According to the Palestinian resources, Palestinian youth threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who fired gun shot and rubber bullets.

Three Palestinians also were shot injured by Israeli forces in the clashes in a village in East al-Quds. Witnesses have told that clashes broke out when Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian protesters injuring three of them.

Elsehwhere in East al-Quds, 24 Palestinians were shot injured by Israeli rubber bullets while 19 others were severely injured by tear gas inhalation. According to the locals, clashes broke out in the area on Tuesday when hundreds of Palestinians held a funeral for a Palestinian killed by Israeli troops. Some 15 Palestinians also were detained by Israeli raids in the West Bank on the same day.


Monday, December 28

Two Palestinians were injured on Israels Monday raid to Qalandiya refugee camp in East al Quds. Palestinian resources also said that two three camps resident have been arrested by Israeli forces. The troops also ransacked homes and stores, using explosives to break down doors.

A Palestinian succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Gaza on Monday. Palestinian resources said that the 48-year-old man was shot by Israeli forces in the demonstration in Gaza on Friday and later died of his gunshot wounds in the hospital. He is the second victims of the Friday clashes in Gaza in which another young Palestinian was shot killed by Israeli fire.

Unlike the pressures by the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Israeli forces have held four Palestinian brothers in custody. The society said that the brothers have been detained in October during the Israeli detention raid. The Israeli authority has sentenced them five months to one year of prison for unknown charges.

PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat on Monday condemned the remarks by Israeli prime minister, saying that Netanyahus assertion is null and void. He also highlighted the Israels continual use of terror against the Palestinian people.


Sunday, December 27

Ten Palestinians were arrested by Israeli police across the West Bank on Sunday. Palestinian resources also said that Israeli forces raided homes of Palestinians and caused damages.

Meanwhile Israeli Prime Minister alleged that the comparison between Arab terror and Jewish terror is impossible, as the later one is rare while the later frequently has taken place on a large scale. During his weekly cabinet meeting he also claimed that the Palestinian Authority encourages terror and incites.

Israeli forces also opened fire, killed two Palestinians in a village in south of Nablus on Sunday. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that two people have stabbed and injured an Israeli soldier in the village.

Following the frequent protest by Palestinian people, Israel released the bodies of seven Palestinians on Sunday who earlier were killed by Israeli forces in Palestinian territories.

Elsewhere in Qalqilyia, Israeli forces shot injured three Palestinians with rubber bullets during the clashes. Palestinian Red Crescent also has reported that 25 others had suffered tear gas inhalation during the clashes.

Another 13 Palestinians have been arrested by Israelis overnight Sunday. During the Israeli raids onto the different area in the occupied West Bank 13 Palestinians have been detained and transported to unknown area.


Saturday, December 26

Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian at a military checkpoint in near the city of Nablus on Saturday over the claim of attack against Israeli forces. Israeli resources alleged that the 56-year-old Palestinian rammed his car into forces in the area and later was shot injured by the troops and later succumbed to his wound in the hospital.

Hundreds of Palestinian in Gaza Strip also took to the streets to take part in the funeral of a 22-year-old Palestinian who killed by Israeli forces during the clashes on Friday. The young Palestinian was shot in the head when the clashes erupted after the Palestinian protest on Friday.


Friday, December 25

The West Bank also was the scene of demonstrations across the area, in which dozens of Palestinians were injured with rubber bullets and tear gas inhalation on Friday. Nablus, al Khalil and Bethlehem also witnessed Palestinian massive protests.

Elsewhere in Gaza,at least one Palestinian was shot dead and ten other were wounded with Israeli forces live weapon on the same day. On the third day of demonstration by the Palestinian protesters in Gaza, a 22-year-old Palestinian was shot in the head and ten others were wounded, one of whom are in critical condition on Friday.


Thursday, December 24

The West Bank on Thursday witnesses one of its deadliest day in past months. The Palestinian resources reported that at least four people were killed by the Israeli gunshot as concerns are growing about the lives of Palestinian people across the occupied territory.

Following the separate martyr attacks on Thursday, at least three people from 22-25 across the area of the West Bank were shot dead by the Israeli forces and border guards, while three Israelis were injured. The incident came one day after the two other Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli forces on Wednesday.

Fourth Palestinian was also killed during the clashes in the same day in a refugee camp in Qalandyia. Israeli military spokesperson has alleged that the forces intended to arrest a suspect involved in the attack earlier.

Later in the day, thousands of Palestinians took to the street in Qalandiya to take part in the funeral procession of the Palestinian killed by Israeli fore in the refugee camp.

Several Palestinians homes in a village in Negev were demolished by Israeli forces for the 92th time on Thursday. The Palestinian resources reported that Israeli bulldozers have raided Palestinian homes in the area for 92 times.

In the latest operation in the district, troops also demolished several houses, leaving dozens of Palestinians homeless. Israeli police also impose restrictions and blockade around the village.


Wednesday, December 23

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Israel an apartheid regime which killed the prospect of peace, heavily criticized it for its illegal settlements and separation barriers in the occupied territories.

In a message on the occasion of Christmas that released on Wednesday, Abbas slammedIsraeli governmentas an apartheid regimewhich has occupied Palestinian lands and has been forcing the people into exile for several decades.

He also demanded protection to Palestinian people, further noting that extremist Israeli settlers continue to attack Palestinians, including their mosques and churches, through acts of vandalism and terror.

Meanwhile in Ramallah, Israeli forces raided the villages and injured dozens of people. The clashes were reportedly broke out between youths and forces, when Israeli troopsopened fire at protesters injuring dozens of them.

They also raidedaschool in the western part of the city with live fire and rubber bullets, wounding at least four students and detaining another. The Palestinian resources reported that during the Israeli storm at a village in east of Ramallah, at least nine people were shot injured with rubber bullets and tear gas.

Locals also said that Israeli troops fired tear gas bombs onto a girls school in al-Khalil area, causing dozens of minor students to suffer from gas inhalation.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Israeli forces fired tear gas bombs onto the premises of the Zahrat al-Madaim School, causing schoolgirls to suffer from tear gas inhalation, locals said.[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] A Palestinian school girl who has suffered from Israeli tear gas bombs in al-Khalil[/caption]

Elsewhere in East al-Quds, two Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire. The Palestinian resources said that Israeli forces killed two Palestinians on Wednesday, over the claim of stabbing attack against Israeli police. During two Palestinians martyrdom attack, two other Israelis also were reportedly killed and another was injured.

The Palestinian resources said that nearly 130 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli military forces and settlers since violence increased at the beginning of October.

Palestinian locals in Bethlehem on Wednesday said that Israel has restricted the free movement of Palestinian residents in the city for weeks. Israeli military forces have closed off the main entrance of a village since three weeks ago. The Israeli military spokesperson alleged that the measureshave beentaken for security purposes.


Tuesday, December 22

Thirteen Palestinians including two minors also have been arrested across the West Bank on Tuesday. Israeli soldiers also threatened residents of a town in north of al-Khalil that military actions will increase if they dont stop throwing stones.

Along with the Israeli violence against the Palestinian fishermen, 14 fishermen were arrested on Tuesday in the coast of Gaza Strip. Palestinian resources also reported that Israeli naval forces also confiscated their boats.


Monday, December 21

As Palestinians are increasingly targeted by Israeli live weapons on a daily basis, Israeli regime has toughened measures against the defenseless Palestinians who throw stones at Israelis across the occupied territories. Along with the Israeli massive search and arrest campaign, dozens of Palestinian youths including minors and indicted several others have been arrested under this pretext.

According to the Palestinian resources, Israeli authorities on Monday have indicted five Palestinian youths from East al-Quds, alleging that throwing stones and Molotov cocktails are the examples of terrorist attacks. Israeli police spokesperson has claimed that the Palestinians were convicted for the accusations of throwing stones and fireworks and Molotov cocktails, the actions which he labeled at the security forces.

During another arrest raid to a refugee camp on Bethlehem on Monday, Israeli forces detained a Palestinian, injuring several residents following throwing tear gas.


Sunday, December 20

Witnesses have told that the 35-year-old Palestinian woman was shot in head by the Israeli rubber bullets on Sunday, and later was detained by the Israeli forces.

Another Palestinian man was also reportedly injured by the Israeli gunshot in the scene.

Following the Saturdays rocket attack in Damascus which kill a top Hezbollah official, Samir Kuntar as well as dozens of Syrian civilians, north of Israel was targeted by three rockets from the south of Lebanon on Sunday. Lebanese security officials said the local media that the rockets launched were transported from Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in symbolic retaliation for Kuntars death.

Elsewhere in West Bank, four Palestinian were shot injured after Israeli raids to the area. Local resources said that Israeli troops raided the area, ransacking homes of Palestinian overnight Sunday. Four Palestinians have been injured with live and rubber bullets after the raids which Israeli forces alleged that was carried to search for a suspect of a stab attack.

19 other Palestinians also were arrested in West Bank later in the day. Palestinian Prisoners Society has reported that most of detainees are between16-22 and from the district of al-Khalil.

As the clashes broke out outside a university in the city of Tulkarem, at least 9 Palestinian students were shot and injured on Sunday. Locals told the Palestinian resources that tensions erupted when Israeli soldiers set up an illegal base in the campus of the Palestine Technical University. Soldiers reportedly opened fire when they confronted students who prevent them from entering by throwing stones.


Saturday, December 19

Israeli regime continues to violate the rules of International Humanitarian law across the Palestinian occupied territories. Latest report by the Palestinian Red Cross Society suggest that during past two months, the Tel-Aviv regime has disrupted the medical work for the Palestinian victims

of Israel attacks hundreds of times, while it has injured 130 of the organizations medical staff.

Based on the latest data provided by the Palestinian Red Cross Society, Israeli forces have injured over 130 Palestinian medics with live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas in the course of carrying out their duties during the time.

It also finds that nearly half of the societys ambulances have been damaged by the Israelis security troops, while they have been prevented to reach the victims in 76 cases.


Friday, December 18

The Palestinian resources said that at least 78 people have been shot injured by the Israeli weapons on Friday across the Palestinian occupied territory.

Medical sources announced that a Palestinian man has been hit in chest after Israeli forces opened fire, injuring him in north of Ramallah. The 33-year-old Palestinian was reportedly succumbed to his wounds later in the hospital in Ramallah.

Elsewhere in al-Khalil a Palestinian protester was shot in head with Israeli live bullets.

Meanwhile in Gaza, Israeli forces injured at least 31 people with live bullets and 12 other with rubber bullets, while killed a 20-year-old Palestinian. The witnesses told that the developments came after the clashes broke out near Khan Younis in Gaza.

Eight Palestinians also were detained across the occupied territory on Friday. The Palestinian resources said that during the detention raids to the areas in Nablus, Tulkaram and Ramallah, several homes were also damaged.

Israeli military troops also killed another Palestinian in Ramallah, injuring another on Friday. Israeli military spokesperson alleged that forces shot a Palestinian after he attempted to run his car into the forces. The victim then was left to bleed in his vehicle when the ambulances arrived.


Thursday, December 17

Israeli forces killed a Palestinian teen near Nablus on Thursday after they suspected a 15-year-old Palestinian. Locals said that Israeli forces prevented the medical teams from treating the victim.

Elsewhere in Gaza and West Bank, four Palestinians were shot injured during the clashes. Witnesses told the Palestinian resources that during the Israeli forces raids to a refugee camp in Gaza and a town in Ramallah, four people have been injured by live weapons.

Meanwhile, Hundreds of Palestinian staged a rally on Thursday, demanded Israelis government to immediately returned bodies of the Palestinians killed by Israelis forces. The protesters also condemned the Israeli policy of collective punishment, raised the photo of the people whose bodies have been withheld by Israeli officials. Israel cabinet decided to not return the bodies of those Palestinians it alleged took part in operations against Israel.


Wednesday, December 16

During the raid by hundreds of Israeli police and soldiers to a refugee camp in the West Bank overnight Wednesday, two Palestinian were killed and several others were detained.

According to the locals, a 2-year-old Palestinian rammed his car into the group of soldiers who had entered the densely populate camp from all sides. The Israelis reportedly shot him in close range, leaving him to bleed to death. Another 29 year-old-Palestinian also was shot dead after running his car into forces inside the refugee camp.

Several other homes and stores also were ransacked by the Israelis during the Israeli storm.

Along with the Israeli policy to restrict the freedom of press, a Palestinian radio journalist was detained in Bethlehem on Wednesday. According to the resources, the 19-year-old Palestinian was taken to a military base, while the Israeli police have seized his electronic devices.

A Palestinian female teenage, who had been injured by Israeli forces in October, succumbed to her wound in the hospital on Wednesday in Nablus. She was earlier shot injured by the Israeli police after the alleged attempt to stab an Israeli soldier.

Another Palestinian farmer was shot inured in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip on Wednesday. The Gazas Ministry of Health Spokesperson said the Palestinian 20-year-old farmer, suffered from multiple wound in hand and leg. Earlier the regime also attacked the fishermen and farmers, injuring them under the baseless reasons.

Elsewhere in Bethlehem, Israeli forces shot injured 14 Palestinians and detained at least 18 other in an overnight raid. Palestinian locals said that 10 of the injuries have been shot by live fire while others were wounded with rubber bullets.


Tuesday, December 15
While Israeli regime has beenaccused of the massive imprisonment of Palestinian minors; the Tel Aviv forces detained another child in East al Quds on Tuesday.

Witnesses said the 8-year-old child was arrested on Tuesday when he was about to enter a market. This is while according to a Palestinian rights group, since the beginning of October Israeli forces have arrested some 2,256 Palestinians, at least 399 of which are children.

In its latest report on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, Addameer, the Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, announced that Palestinians mark the human right day while mourning over 118 Palestinian including 25 children who were killed by Israeli occupation forces in the past two months.

Meanwhile a new poll indicated that majority of Palestinians support resistance against Israeli through attacks. A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Research (PCPR) found that 67 percent of Palestinians sees knife attack as effective to confront the Israeli violence.

Some 119 Palestinians have been reportedly shot dead by Israeli military forces and Israeli settlers for the alleged stabbing attempt in the occupied territories during past two months.

The Palestinian resources also said Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian girl allegedly for carrying a screwdriver in East al Quds on Tuesday. Israeli officials alleged that she carried it for the intention of stabbing attack against Israelis.

Elsewhere in Ramallah and al-Khalil, Israeli soldiers detained at least 12 Palestinians during overnight raids on Tuesday. Israelis alleged that they were detained for illegal activity.

Monday, December 14
A Palestinian was shot and critically injured in East al-Quds on Monday. An Israeli official alleged that the Palestinian rammed his car in to the Israeli soldiers, injuring 11 Israelis in the city. The Palestinian had reportedly succumbed to his wound later in hospital.

As the clashes continue across the Palestinian occupied territories, the statistics indicatethat almost 100 journalists have been injured by Israeli forces in past two months while the regime has violated the Palestinians media freedom in almost 361 cases during the first ten months of 2015.

A report by Al Jazeera on the statue of journalists highlightsa big increase in Israeli violations recorded during two past months clashes and particularly since last October. Quoting the spokesperson of the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA), the report underlines that in the first 10 months of 2015, the organization has documented around 361 violation cases by Israeli forces against Palestinian journalists, 100 of which occurred in October alone.

Meanwhile, a senior Hamas official said Monday that the organization wont reveal any information about two Israeli soldiers being held captive in Gaza until Israeli releases all of the Gilad Shalit- deal prisoners. Israel released the Palestinian prisoners as part of the deal, but later rearrested them again.

Elsewhere in Nablus, Israeli forces raided the villages on Monday, chasing the school students under the pretext of throwing rocks at soldiers. This was while according to the witnesses Israelis forces deliberately threw stun grenades at students and chased them across the village.

The clashes also broke out in the same city when Israeli forces shot injured a Palestinian teenage at the Joseph Tomb area on Monday. Palestinian resources said that the development came after hundreds of Israeli extremists visited the tomb while escorted by Israeli forces on the same day.

Besieged Gaza also witnessed Israeli airstrike on Monday. Gaza security sources told that Israeli military helicopters launched two airstrikes in two separate neighborhood of Gaza. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the strikes were responses to a rocket fired from Gaza to south of Israel. The strikes reportedly caused no injuries.

Meanwhile, the UN Middle East Peace envoy arrived in Gaza on Monday to assess the situation in the area. Palestinian resources said that he plans to meet with the ministers of Palestinian unity government and the UN officials in Gaza.

Some 16 Palestinians also were detained by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank on Monday. Several homes also were ransacked by the soldiers.


Sunday, December 13

In a meeting between PLO Secretary General and the US Middle East coordinator Rob Malley on Sunday, Erekat told that fighting extremism and terrorism in the Middle East requires dehydration of the quagmire of the Israeli occupation. He also reportedlyunderlined the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East al-Quds as its capital.

Israeli forces shot injured a Palestinian teenager after an alleged stabbing attack in the city of al-Khalil on Sunday. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the threat of a stabbing attempt by a teenage Palestinian girl has been thwarted when Israeli police shot her at the scene. No further news has been provided for the girls medical status.

In a humanitarian move, Palestinian youth have raided thousands of dollars to donate the Palestinian families whose houses were demolished by Israeli forces during last months. According to the Maan news agency, the initiative started in Nablus when the youth raised about $ 207,300 in cash and $ 51,800 in construction materials.

Furthermore, a farmer was targeted by the Israeli forces on Sunday in Rafah, Gaza Strip. According to the locals, Israeli soldiers opened fire at the Palestinian farmer working on his land, injuring him.


Saturday, December 12

Israeli soldiers ransacked several homes and medical centers in Bethlehem on Saturday. Locals told Palestinian resourcesthat during the raid ata medical center, the equipment of the center was confiscates by the forces. During the separate storms into the houses and stores, the Palestinians properties were damaged.

Gaza was another scene of Palestinians' protest against Israeli crimes. Clashes reportedly broke out when hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets to take part in the funeral of a Palestinian killed by Israelis earlier. According to the resources, Tel-Aviv forces wounded at least58 Palestinians and killeda 41-year-old Palestinian bylive fire during the raids on Friday.

Elsewhere in north of Ramallah, at least 20 people wereinjuredby Israeli weapons. The locals have said that the forces opened fire at the peaceful march of the university students.


Friday, December 11

Israeli forces also killed a Palestinian young man in the clashes in al Khalil on Friday. He was reportedly shot in chest and critically wounded by Israeli military and later died in the hospital. The youngman was the second child of the family that had lost also another child a few months ago. According to Red Crescent, at least 12 others have been injured by live fire and rubber bullets during the clashes.

His funeral procession was anotherscene of renewed clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli soldiers later in the day. At least nine people were shot by Israeli live fire during the tensionsin the city of al-Khalil.

Elsewhere in Ramallah, five youths were severely wounded by Israeli forces after the conflictsbetween Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters on Friday. Sources said that clashes erupted when Israeli vehicles reached the city and opened fire at protesters.

Some 22 Palestinians also were shot injured by Israeli military during the tensions in Ramallah on Friday. Resources said that clashes broke out after the Friday pray during which Israeli military forces shed blood of at least 22 Palestinian protesters with rubber and live bullets.


Thursday, December 10

Israeli forces closed Tulkarerm in the West Bank to search for a man who allegedly has been involved in injuring of Shaul Nir, a former member of Israeli terror group. According to the locals, the forces raided the area, closing the entrances on early Thursday. The Palestinian resources said that clashes between Palestinian and Israeli soldiers erupted after military search for the suspected man.

Following the clashes, Israeli forces also raided different towns and villages in Tulkarem, injuring at least three Palestinian with live fire. They also detained dozens of others in a refugee camp.

Israeli army has alleged that four Israeli soldiers have been injured following an operation by a Palestinian in the West Bank.

Elsewhere in Tulkarem, at least nine Palestinians have been shot injured by Israeli forces after the clashes broke out around the Palestine Technical University of Tulkarem on Thursday. The Palestinian Red Crescent told that Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians, injuring at least nine people with live fire and rubber bullets.

Number of Israeli extremists prevented Palestinian school children from going to school in al-Khalil, in the West Bank on Thursday. A local said that Israelis also attacked the school children to harass them and prevent them from reaching the school.

Furthermore, a Palestinian was shot dead by Israel fire in al Khalil over the claim of attempt to attack Israelis. Israeli army spokesperson has alleged that the Palestinian attempted to ram his care into Israeli forces.


Wednesday, December 9

During the Israeli forces raid to Palestinian homes on Wednesday, at least 31 people were arrested and five people were injured by the Israeli live weapons. According to the locals, several homes were also ransacked by the forces across the occupied West Bank and the city of Nablus.

A former member of Israeli terror group and his wife were shot injured on Wednesday evening near the city of Tulkarem, in the occupied West Bank. Shaul Nir has reportedly involved in a string of attacks in 1980s against Palestinians.

Israelis also shot dead a Palestinian in al-Khalil over the claim of stabbing attack at Israeli forces. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that the Palestinian has stabbed two Israelis before being shot in the scene.

Israeli military vehicles also assaulted the Palestinian lands in Gaza Strip, leveling the agricultural fields. Witnesses have told that Israeli excavators entered the border area in the center of Gaza, leveling the lands and firing gunshots in the area.

Meanwhile in East al-Quds, Israeli municipality workers removed a sign depicting an Islamic verse in a Palestinian shopping center. Witnesses told that the verses have been displayed in the area for more than 30 years. Israeli workers reportedly used crane to remove the large sign. Israeli officials have reportedly told that this is a sign of Islam and cannot be displayed.

An investigative report by Haaretz indicates that Israeli illegal settlements have received over $220 million over past years. In its report after analyzing the documents, Haaretz said that several of US nonprofit organizations have been involved in such aid programs, majority of which are tax-exempt nonprofit organizations.


Tuesday, December 8

On Tuesday Israeli forces shot and injured two young Palestinians by live weapon during a funeral ceremony in Bethlehem. Clashes erupted in the city during theceremony of a Palestinian teenager who was shot dead earlier in the day.

Several Palestinian fishermen were targeted by Israeli fire in the north of Gaza on Tuesday. Witnesses have told that Israeli naval forces opened fire at the fishermen working in the coastal area. No report of the injuries is available yet.

A Palestinian man has been banned from entering East al-Quds, where he lives and works, for six months. The man has told the Palestinian resources that he was initially detained by the forces inside hisstore and was given the order to stay away from the city for six months.


Monday, December 7

Palestinian department of the Prisoners Affairs says that Israeli forces use sever torture against the Palestinian prisoners, talking about a prisonerwhose body has been covered with 28 cigarette burns. Another Palestinian Committee also talked about holding at least 520 Palestinians including five children under administrative detention.

The Palestinian Authority of Prisoners Affairs on Monday announced that Palestinian prisoners have been severely tortured by Israelis in prison. The departments directors, Louay Akka pointed to a prisoner burned by cigarette who has been hold imprisoned for the charge of attempt to stab an Israeli soldier.

The Palestinian senior official described his injuries as unfathomable, adding that those responsible for such measures are criminal.

Earlier, the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) criticized the poor conditions in Israeli prisons which have led to the deterioration of health for a large number of Palestinian prisoners.

Meanwhile, in the same day, the Palestinian Authority Committee for Prisoners' Affairs announced that currently 520 Palestinians including children are being held under administrative detention without trial or charge. The head of the committee told Maan that five children are among the detainees without trial.

He also described administrative detention as illegal and unfair policy which allows holding a person without trial for six months.

Palestine Technical University in Tulkarm was the scene of bloody clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian students on Monday. Clashes erupted around the university when the Israeli forces fired tear gas and live rounds at the students demonstration, injuring at least five people. Ten other Palestinians also were wounded following excessive tear gas inhalation.

The university students reportedly staged regular rally against Tel-Aviv policy and their raids onto the campus since last October.

At least 22 Palestinians including minors were arrested across the occupied West Bank by Israeli occupation forces on Monday. According to the Palestinian resources, three children from al-Khalil also have been arrested during the Israeli massive campaign of detention. Israeli resources also alleged that ten Hamas members are among the detainees.

Besieged Gaza was once targeted by Israeli airstrikes on Monday. According to witnesses, Israeli warplanes have fired two missile attacks on the area which reportedly caused no injuries.


Sunday, December 6

Israeli forces also demolished Palestinian homes in late Sunday and Monday in West Bank. The Israeli resources have alleged that homes belong to the Palestinians suspected of carrying out attack on Israeli forces or settlers.
They also delivered dozens of demolition notification and stop-work orders to Palestinian families in Qalqilya in West Bank on Monday.

Following the warning by the US Secretary of State that Israeli policies endanger the viability of a two-state solution, Israeli Prime Minister has explicitly responded that Israeli will not be a binational state.

Speaking at the Saban Forum in Washington, John Kerry, the US Secretary of State warned Saturday that Israeli policies have imperiled the two state solution and have paved the way for the Palestinian Authority collapse.

During hisreportedly strongest comments, Kerry has said that the key Israeli policies including settlement activity and home demolitions were pushing the region away from peace.

The US senior official speech came a week after his visit tothe Palestinian occupied territory during which he admitted to feeling of frustration about the peace process between Israel and Palestine.

As the tensions broke out in the Palestinian occupied territories, the witnesses have told the Palestinian Maan Agency that Israeli right-wing groups have raided al-Aqsa mosque compound on Sunday.

Witnesses said that under the protection of Israeli forces, extremist settlers raided the compound before the start of Jewish holiday Hannukah. The attacks are while Israel prevents the free access of Palestinian worshipers to the mosque.


Saturday, December5

Speaking at the Saban Forum in Washington, John Kerry, the US Secretary of State warned Saturday that Israeli policies have imperiled the two state solution and have paved the way for the Palestinian Authority collapse.

During hisreportedly strongest comments, Kerry has said that the key Israeli policies including settlement activity and home demolitions were pushing the region away from peace.

Amid the clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters on Saturday afternoon, a Palestinian teenage was shot injured by the Israeli live bullets in West Bank, near Qalqiliya.According to a Palestinian official, the clashes broke out after Palestinians demonstration in the area which was soon targeted by Israeli live rounds and tear gas.

Israeli forces also detained a Palestinian young girl over the suspicion of attempt to stab Israeli forces in al-Khalil on Saturday. The Israeli police spokesperson has alleged that the woman has dismissed the border police order to not approach the checkpoint.

As the tension has escalated in al-Khalil, Israelis raided the homes of Palestinians in north ofthe city. During the recent storm of the Israeli military, a female Israeli soldier on Saturday forced an elderly Palestinian woman and her daughter to take off their clothes forstrip-search.

12 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces in West Bank on Saturday. Along with theIsraelidetention campaign, forces also raided several printing firms in al-Khalil, confiscating properties and causing damages over the baseless claim of printing inciting materials.

A Palestinian has been shot dead by Israeli gunfire after he allegedly injured two Israelis in central East al-Quds on Saturday.


Friday, December4

Elsewhere in Ramallah, thousands of Palestinians staged a rally to protest against Israel violence. According to the Palestinian resources, thousands of Palestinians took to the street on Friday to take part in the funeral procession of a Palestinian young man who was shot dead by Israelis over the claim of stabbing attempt in northwest of Ramallah on Thursday.

Palestinians in East al-Quds held a demonstrationon Friday, demanding the return of the Palestinians' body killed by Israeli forces. During the rally, Palestinians called Israeli authorities to hand over the bodies of those who killed by Israeli fire.

Israeli forces in October made the decision to withhold the bodies of Palestinian shot deadby Israeli gunshots in al-Khalil and East al-Quds. Since then many bodies have yet to be turned over by Israel.


Wednesday, December 2

In a move against the Israeli violation of the Palestinian childrens rights, the Palestinian Authority has launched an international campaign on Wednesday to put the Israeli regime under pressure to release the minor Palestinian prisoners.

In a statement issued by the Palestinian Prisoners Society, the Palestine Ministry of Education, as a sponsor of this move, has started a campaign entitled Give Them Space to Learn and Play across the occupied West Bank.

Within the framework of this plan, Palestinian schoolchildren will write letters to Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General to take required measures against the Israeli violation of the childrens rights in Palestinian territories.

Further, Israeli forces shot and critically injured an elderly Palestinian woman in on Wednesday. According to the reports by Palestinian resources, the old woman was shot in neck near a refugee camp in central Gaza.

More than 1,000 Israeli police and border guards raided the Shufat camp in East al-Quds on Wednesday. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, Israeli forces have shot injured 13 Palestinian in the raid. Clashes inside the camp broke out when the occupation forces stormed many houses including the home of a Palestinian who was already shot dead by Israeli fire on the early of November. Israeli forces reportedly restricted the free movement of the residents inside the camp.

Along with the Israeli detention campaign, some 28 Palestinians were detained during the search and arrest raids in the West Bank early Wednesday.


Tuesday, December1

Amid the tensions in Palestinian occupied territories, Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian woman in Tulkarm on Tuesday. Israeli army has alleged that the woman has attempted to stab an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint near the illegal settlements in the east of the city. Death of the Palestinian woman is while no Israelis have been reportedly injured or dead.

Another two Palestinians also were shot dead by the Israeli fire on Tuesday in the occupied West Bank. The later killing brings the number of deaths in the Palestinian territories to more than 100 people. Israeli army has alleged that both of Palestinians have attempted to stab Israeli settlers.

As the tensions broke out inside of the East al-Quds, Israeli forces fired tear gas at a hospital on Tuesday night. According to the locals, the forces then raided the hospital to arrest a Palestinian whom they alleged have hurled a Molotov cocktail at the armys vehicles. The hospital administration issued a statement and confirmed that the tear gas has been fire into the pediatric and intensive care department of the hospital.

Three other Palestinians were shot injured and another was arrested by Israeli forces on Tuesday evening in al-Khalil.


Monday, November 30

Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLO), denounced Netanyahus move to suspend contacts with EU bodies on Monday. The senior Palestinian official accused the Israeli regime of blackmailing international community and maintaining the culture of impunity to continue violating international law.

"Israel has violated all signed agreements, stopped negotiations and erased the principles of the two-state solution. Netanyahus political program of one state and two systems, Apartheid, is what we have left on the ground," he further said, adding that because of Israeli regimes measures there is no peace process.

Earlier, in response to the EU decision to label the goods produced in the illegal settlement, Israel has announced that it would suspend the diplomatic contacts with EU bodies involving in the peace process.


Sunday, November 29

Meanwhile, during the renewed clashes in the occupied West Bank on Sunday at least 12 Palestinians were shot injured by Israeli live rounds. According to the Palestinian sources five young Palestinians and an elderly man also were wounded by Israeli fire in Ramallah on the same day.

According to witnesses, Israeli troops have showered the protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas, injuring dozens of Palestinians.

Another Palestinian teenage also was shot dead by Israeli fire during the clashes in the occupied East al-Quds on Sunday. The 17-year-old boy was shot in chest and later died in the hospital. The Israeli forces later raided the hospital searching for the teenager's body, preventing the hospital's medical staff from leaving the place.

During the latest violence in the Palestinian occupied territory, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man whom they alleged has stabbed an Israeli police in East al-Quds on Sunday.

Following the new wave of pressure against the Palestinian prisoners, they refuse to obey the Israeli employees' order in the prison. Recently Israeli authorities have imposed more curfews in jail wards and have increasingly raided the cells. The head of Palestinian Authority Committee for Prisoners' Affairs said that the prisoners refused to comply with the orders of Israelis prison guards in order to protest the Israeli recent measures.

Meanwhile Israeli forces closed third radio station of al-Khalil on Sunday. According to the director of the radio station, during the raid, Israeli forces destroyed the equipment and damaged the offices' properties. This is the third time in this month that Israeli shut a news outlet under the pretext of "incitement against Israel". The director of the news outlet demanded action against the Israeli violation of media freedom.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] During the Sunday's raid, Israeli forces close third al-Khalil radio station this month.[/caption]

Saturday, November 28

In response to the EU decision to label the goods produced in the illegal settlement, Israel has announced that it would suspend the diplomatic contacts with EU bodies involving in the peace process.

Israeli foreign ministry issued a statement, underlining the order by Netanyahu to suspend all the diplomatic ties with the European Union related bodies. It also further allegedthat the government will reassess the involvement of EU bodies in the peace process.

At least 15 Palestinians including minors from the occupied West Bank have been arrested in the West Bank overnight Saturday. Israeli forces also have raided several Palestinian homes, damaging and ransacking Palestinians' properties.


Friday, November 27

Following Israelimassacre of Palestinians, the occupied territories have been bloody scene of clashes between the Tel-Avivforces and Palestinian protesters on Thursday and Friday that left several peoplekilled and more than one hundred injured .

Another Palestinian also was shot dead by an Israeli settler on Friday after allegedly running over two Israeli troops in the city of East al-Quds. Israeli military has alleged that during the so called "car attack", two Israeli soldier have injured.

Elsewhere in East al-Quds, a Palestinian worker was assaulted by several Israelis on Friday. According to the relatives, Palestinian worker was badly injured in neck by a reportedly "sharp object". They also reported that the attack may be a failed measure to nab the 32-year0-old Palestinian.


Thursday, November 26

Meanwhile on Thursday, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian mourners in a young Palestinian's funeral procession Qatanna in East al-Quds, injuring dozens of Palestinian with live bullets. The Palestinian resources have reported that following the funeral of a 21-year-old Palestinian killed earlier on Thursday by Israeli forces, Israeli's fire to disperse the crowds have left nine injured with live fire, seven with rubber bullets and 40 others with sever gas inhalation. In the funeral demonstration, Palestinian protesters chanted anti-Israeli slogans, waving the Palestinian flags.

Earlier in the day a 21-year-old Palestinian was shot dead by Israelis during the clashes in the city of Qatanna. The witnesses told that the Palestinian was shot in head while was left on the ground bleeding for over two hours while Israelis officials denied any medical access to the victim.

On Thursday Israelis also killed a Palestinian on Nablus over the claim of attempt to stab an Israeli soldier. Israeli police confirmed that the Palestinian man has been shot several time before he died. He is the second Palestinian died of Israeli fire on Thursday.

Third Palestinian in only one day also was killed on Thursday during the clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in al-Arrub refugee camp in north of al-Khalil. The Palestinian medic announced that the 19-year-old Palestinian has been shot twice in stomach by Israelis and died of his wounds in hospital. The clashes broke out in the camp when Israel deployed the forces there.

Hours later, the Palestinian's funeral has been another scene of Palestinian protest against the Israel's crimes. During the procession Palestinian mourners protested against the 'execution policy" of Israeli regime.

Meanwhile, during a bloody clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters in al-Fawwar refugee camp in south of al Khalil on Thursday, dozens of Palestinian were injured. According to the reports, clashes broke out when Israeli forces entered the camp to raid a Palestinian home killed by Israelis earlier and other Palestinians resisted to prevent them from reaching the house.

The witnesses have told the Palestinian Maan agency that Palestinian youth threw rocks, empty bottles and Molotov cocktails to stop them while Israeli troops used live fire and tear gas bombs and rubber bullets. As the result of the clashes five Palestinian have been reportedly wounded with live fires while dozens of other were injured by gas inhalation and rubber bullets.


Wednesday, November 25

Israeli parliament has approved a new bill on Wednesday, that allows the authorities to jail the Palestinian children under the age of 14.

According to the Knesset press release, the Israeli officials are authorized to sentence the Palestinian minors facing so called "terrorism charge" in prison.

Meanwhile, some 24 Palestinians have been arrested across West Bank overnight Tuesday and Wednesday. The locals in a refugee camp have said that the forces also raided the homes and detained Palestinians youths. Homes belonging to two young Palestinians earlier killed by Israeli forces also were raided by Israeli troops.

Elsewhere in al-Khalil a 19-year-old Palestinian was shot, injured and detained by Israeli fire for the alleged attack against the Israelis.

Two young Palestinians who have been shot and critically injured by Israeli fire, have succumbed to their wounds in hospitals on Wednesday. A 19-year-old Palestinian student who was shot earlier has died of injuries in East al-Quds. Another 16-year-old Palestinian who was injured two weeks ago has succumbed to his wound in Ramallah hospital. The Palestinian resources have said that since last Sunday over six Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces.

Israeli bulldozers also created mounds in the area of Palestinian agricultural lands to restrict the access of farmers to the lands in Gaza on Wednesday. The witnesses have told that the Israeli measure will directly prevent the Palestinian farmers to reach their lands in besieged Gaza.

Israeli forces stormed a sport club in East al-Quds, ransacking the club on Wednesday morning. According to the club's officials, during the raid Israeli troops confiscated the footage recorded by the surveillance camera. They also raided the club in early November, detaining a man who they alleged had thrown stones at the Israeli forces.

A report by the Palestinian resources shows that due to the hard pressure by Israeli municipality, the village of al-Issawiya has fallen in to an "economic recession". According to some locals, the shop owners have shut their store due to the regular and arbitrary fines by Israeli municipality officials. Israelis, for instance, have fined a Palestinian salesperson for leaving empty boxes in front of the store.


Tuesday, November 24

In comments before a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, the US Secretary of State once again demonstrates the US double-standards approach in dealing with the concept of self-defense.

In the speech he delivered on Tuesday, he called the Palestinian self-defense the act of "terror", while simply made no mention of 50 years of illegal occupation of Palestine, Israeli state terror and its criminal measures against Palestinians on a daily basis.

He spoke of the Israel's right to defend itself from the so-called "terrorism" and "senseless violence" amid the news related to killing of 93 Palestinians by Israeli fire in Palestine since October.

Hours after meeting with Israeli prime minister, John Kerry also held talks with President Mahmoud Abbas. In the meeting Kerry also alleged that the US is "committed to two states with two people, living side by side in peace and security."

The US official visit came amid Israeli aggression against the Palestinians. In the latest tension, dozens of Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinians in olive farmlands in a village in south of Nablus on Tuesday.

Witnesses told the Palestinian resources that over 30 settlers attacked the Palestinians who were picking olives, setting fire to their trees.

Suchviolence against Palestinian's are while under an agreement earlier, Palestinian farmers are allowed to take the olive harvest.

The Israeli settlers of the illegal settlements in Palestinian occupied territories regularly attack and harass the Palestinians whose annual living depends on their olive products.

Meanwhile, a Palestinian man was shot and wounded by Israeli fire in Nablus on Tuesday morning. Israeli police spokesperson has alleged that the Palestinian rammed his car into a group of Israeli security personnel, injuring four Israelis soldiers.

Elsewhere in al-Khalil, Israeli soldiers raided a refugee camp and a village, searching and ransacking Palestinians' homes on early Tuesday. Witnesses in the refugee camp told that Israeli troops also fired live rounds through the area and detained several Palestinians including children.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] A lot of damages were caused after the Israeli searching and ransacking the Palestinians' homes in al-Khalil on Monday and Tuesday.[/caption]

Israeli forces also detained two Palestinian children in Bethlehem and Beit Ummar on Tuesday. Witnesses told the Palestinian resources that a nine-year-old boy was detained by Israeli troops on his way home from school, being transferred to jail for questioning. Another 8-year-old Palestinian minor also was arrested while his family was prevented from approaching him.Palestinian Prisoners Society earlier announced that Israeli forces detained 416 Palestinians, including 122 minors.

Israeli forces also detained two Palestinian children in Bethlehem and Beit Ummar on Tuesday. Witnesses told the Palestinian resources that a nine-year-old boy was detained by Israeli troops on his way home from school, being transferred to jail for questioning. Another 8-year-old Palestinian minor also was arrested while his family was prevented from approaching him.

This is while Palestinian Prisoners Society earlier announced that Israeli forces detained 416 Palestinians, including 122 minors.


Monday, November 23

Some31 Palestinians including minors were detained by Israeli in the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds overnight Monday. Israeli army spokesperson alleged that four of the detainees were "active Hamas operatives."

Israeli army also confirmed the news related to the airstrike form Gaza which landed in southern Israeli on Monday. Earlier on Wednesday, Israeli forces launched an airstrike on Gaza Strip.

Palestinian reports also said that Israeli regime has barred Palestinian workers to reach their workplace in the Gush Etzion illegal settlements on Monday under the alleged security reasons. An Israeli army spokesperson has alleged that the recent restrictions are due to the precautionary purposes.


Sunday, November 22
A Palestinian rights group says Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) haverecorded a new peak in series of coordinated attacks against the media in Palestinian occupied territories during October 2015.

According to the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms MADA, Israeli regime has committed a total of 131 assaults and attacks against the media and journalists in last October. The report also reiterates that IOF has violated the media freedom in Palestinian territorieswhich clearly indicates its intention to target the press.

"October 2015 witnessed a bull jump in the number and the seriousness of the violations and attacks, which targeted both males and females journalists across the West Bank and Gaza Strip" the report further says.

Meanwhile in al-Khalil Israeli forces continues to harass Palestinians near the checkpoint under the pretext of security reasons. On Sunday, the Israeli forces arrested a young Palestinian woman for allegedly carrying a kitchen knife.

Israeli forces also closed several roads in the southern village of Beit Ummar in the West Bank, causing many troubles for Palestinian residents' free movement. The development came one day after the Israel tightened the security measure in Gush Etzion settlement.

Elsewhere in Ramallah three Palestinians have been shot and injured by the Israel forces' fire during the clashes. According to the Palestinian resources the clashes came after the Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian protesters. Another Palestinian also was injured in Qalqilyia checkpoint on Sunday after he attempted to reach a hospital in Nablus where her father had passed away.

Another Palestinian also was shot dead by Israeli fire on Sunday after alleging attempt to stab Israelis. A 34-year-old man was the third Palestinian to be killed on Sunday, after another two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli settlers after allegedly attempting to attack Israelis on Sunday.
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