19 Oct 2024
Sunday 22 November 2015 - 16:14
Story Code : 182784

Al-Aqsa Unrest Update: Israel possesses 115 nuclear weapons

Al-Aqsa Unrest Update: Israel possesses 115 nuclear weapons
Tehran, The Iran Project The new wave of tensions in Palestinian occupied territories took place in earlySeptember when theIsraeliforces stormed al-Aqsa mosque compound, aggressing the worshipers inside and causing damages just hours before theJewish New Year. Since then, the people of Palestine have been subjected to attacks by the Jewish settlers andIsraeliforces' live fire and rubber bulletson an almost daily basis. According thePalestinian rights groups, totally thousands of people have beennabbed, killed orinjured including children during therenewed clashes across the Palestinian territories. The followingtimeline of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict lists events from September 13th to the present.


Sunday, November 22

Meanwhile in al-Khalil Israeli forces continues to harass Palestinians near the checkpoint under the pretext of security reasons. On Sunday, the Israeli forces arrested a young Palestinian woman for allegedly carrying a kitchen knife.

Israeli forces also closed several roads in the southern village of Beit Ummar in the West Bank, causing many troubles for Palestinian residents' free movement. The development came one day after the Israel tightened the security measure in Gush Etzion settlement.

Elsewhere in Ramallah three Palestinians have been shot and injured by the Israel forces' fire during the clashes. According to the Palestinian resources the clashes came after the Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian protesters. Another Palestinian also was injured in Qalqilyia checkpoint on Sunday after he attempted to reach a hospital in Nablus where her father had passed away.


Saturday, November 21

A 16-year-old girl was shot dead by an Israeli settler in Nablus on Saturday evening. The Israeli settler ran over a Palestinian girl for alleged stabbing attempt, then shooting her dead. This was while no Israelis were reported as injured. Few hours later, second Palestinian also was shot and killed in the illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank in which the Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces following a car accident.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] An Israeli settler ran over a Palestinian girl for alleged stabbing attempt, then shot her dead in Nablus on Saturday.[/caption]

The Palestinian Authority Committee said Saturday that over 40 women including 18 minors have been arrested by Israeli soldiers and are being held in Israeli women prison.

Israeli forces have banned the activities of a radio station in the city on Saturday morning. During a raid by Israelis to the al-Khalil radio, the broadcasting equipment was confiscated and office was damages. The Israeli regime alleged that the media encouraged terror and acts of violence against Israel. This is the second Palestinian media closed by Israeli warrant ordering in last month.


Friday, November 20

A Washington based think tank says despite the regime policy to maintain the ambiguity about its nuclear capacity, the regime possesses over 115 nuclear weapons.

A report by the Institute for Science and International Security published in 19 November 2015 says Israeli regime has produced over 660 KG of plutonium in Dimona reactor, the heart of Israel's nuclear weapons production located near the city of Beersheva. Based on the report, the Dimona production complex contains several "secret nuclear facilities for the production of plutonium" and a heavy water reactor, too.

The American think thank whose mission is to make the nuclear activities worldwide transparent also reiterates that the Israel holds a variety of ways to deliver nuclear weapons.

They also raided Palestinian homes in West Bank overnight Friday, detaining 18 Palestinians. Palestinian resources also said the city of al-Khalil has turned to the area into a closed military zone by Israel.

The areas in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have been the scenes of bloody clashes on Friday between Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces. Israeli troops opened fire during the unrest, injuring at least 156 people.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, only 69 Palestinians in West Bank have been shot by live bullets while others have been injured in Ramallah, Bethlehem, Gaza and Qalqiliya. A further 210 also were injured by tear gas inhalation.

The clashes in the occupied areas were broken out after Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian protesters on Friday. Witnesses also said that Israeli soldiers used three Palestinian cars as cover from the Palestinians' rocks while passengers were locked in their vehicles for several hours.

Israeli authorities blocked several main roads in the city of Nablus on Friday. Palestinian security sources said that the maid roads have been closed for alleged security purposes until further notice. The frequent closures of the roads and massive arrests have been part of the Israeli measures in the city of Nablus since last month.

Meanwhile, a Palestinian right group said Israel holds over 400 children between 11 and 17 in jails. The Palestinian Prisoners Society released a statement on Friday, saying that several of the children are being held while were hit by Israeli live fire. It also added that some 11 of detainees are held without any charge or trial.


Thursday, November 19

On Thursday evening, Israeli forces raided Palestinian houses in al-Khalil, demolishing the houses and searching the properties.

Two alleged attacks left at least four Israelis dead and dozens of others injured on Thursday. According to Israeli media two Israelis and a Palestinian bystander have been shot dead and 10 other Israelis were wounded in a shooting attack in Gush Etzion illegal settlement, in the West Bank. The attack has come hours after another alleged stabbing attack by Palestinians which left two Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.

Israeli forces reportedly have increased security measure in the settlement following the Thursday's attacks. They restricted the free movement of Palestinian, deployed extra military forces and constructed fence along the roads.

A senior Palestinian student who has been injured by Israeli fire earlier in the last week succumbed to his wounds on Thursday. Palestinian medical authorities said he was shot in head during clashes in last week in Ramallah, and died on Thursday evening from his wounds. During his funeral processions, on Friday, thousands of Palestinians took the street of East al-Quds, raised Palestinian flags and chanted anti-Israeli slogans.

Elsewhere in al-Khali, Israeli soldiers detained at least 16 Palestinians in the raid overnight Thursday and early Friday. According to the locals, the Palestinians were arrested after searching homes in the city. Israeli military spokesperson alleged that some of the detainees were "Hamas operatives".

A village near Ramallah has been the scene of Israeli settlers' violence against Palestinian residents. According to the Palestinian resources, numbers of Israeli forces on Thursday threw rocks and stones at Palestinian homes in the village, spraying racist graffiti on the wall. During the assaults, several houses' windows were broken and "death to Arabs" was also written on the walls. The Israeli settlers have routinely carried out attacks against the Palestinian residents in October have at least left one Palestinian dead and dozens of others injured.


Wednesday, November 18

Another 9-year-old kid was arrested in East al-Quds along with three others on the same day. The Israeli police have alleged that the kid was arrested for throwing stone at Israeli military vehicle.Israeli forces also alleged that they hit Hamas infrastructures in Gaza during the multiple airstrikes on Wednesday.


Tuesday, November 17

Unlike the global condemnation of Israeli illegal settlements constructions, Israeli officials said that prime minister approved the construction of 454 more settlers' home in occupied East al-Quds. Speaking to Reuters and Associated Press, unnamed Israeli officials on Tuesday announced that Netanyahu has ordered the construction of hundreds of houses in the illegal settlements in East al Quds. He also reportedly lifted the freeze of the construction in the area since 2013.

In another move, Israeli security cabinet outlaws the Islamic Movement's northern branch in Israel. According to a statement from Netanyahu's office Israeli forces are authorized to jail the member and to seize the property belonging to the movement. The protests by the movement's leader, Sheikh Raed Salah against the Israeli activity in al-Aqsa mosque compound seem the main reason behind the Israeli measure.

A lawyer from the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) also announced that at least three Palestinian prisoners have being held in solitary confinement for a prolonged period. Speaking to Maan news agency, the lawyer highlighted that all three prisoners are held in Israeli custody under the charge of collaborating with Hezbollah. He also added that the extended period of jail for the prisoners is a violation of UN practices.

Elsewhere in Bethlehem, Israeli forces raided a village on Tuesday morning, forcing two factories' officials to close the firms. According to the Palestinian resources Israeli soldiers alleged that the stone throwers have used the area around the firms to attack forces. At least 150 workers have been reportedly put out of work under the pretext of "security reasons".

A high school for girl in Nablus, the West Banks has been raided by Israeli forces for second time on Tuesday. The locals have said that the Tel Aviv forces have accused the school administration of inciting violence, forcing them to remove Yasser Arafat posters.
During the multiple raids by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank overnight Monday, at least 18 Palestinians were detained including minors and a local journalist. The witnesses also have said that Israeli forces confiscated more than 16 thousand dollars, damaging Palestinian homes.

Another 6-year-old Palestinian also was arrested following the raids by Israelis in Bethlehem's Aida camp on Tuesday. The head of local coordination committee for the popular resistance, Munther Amireh also was arrested following attempt to release the kid. The kid later was reportedly freed after several hours of interrogations by Israelis, but Amireh is still being held in Israeli custody.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] The boy, Abdullah Youssef, was detained in the Bethlehem's Aida camp in the clashes between Israeli military forces and Palestinian youths. The head of a local coordination committee for popular resistance, Munther Amireh, was also arrested while attempting to free the young boy.[/caption]

Another 9-year-old kid also was arrested in East al-Quds along with three others on the same day. The Israeli police have alleged that the kid was arrested for throwing stone at Israeli military vehicle.

Bethlehem on Tuesday was once again the scene of bloody clashes in which at least two Palestinian were shot by live weapons and three other were wounded by rubber bullets.

Elsewhere in Ramallah a Palestinian was shot dead during the armed clashes on Tuesday evening. Israelis also injured another Palestinian with live weapon in Gaza on Tuesday, following the renewed clashes between Israelis and Palestinian protesters in Gaza.


Monday, November 16

Palestinian Liberation Organizations (PLO)denounced Israeli Prime Ministers statement after Paris attacks, explaining it "the exploitation" of the Paris inhuman incidents.

A Senior PLO official on Monday said that Benjamin Netanyahu has "cynically exploited" the pain of the tragic attacks in Paris by comparing the attackers to Palestinians. Hanan Ashwari, then, accused Israel's Netanyahu of creating a misleading linkage in order to justify its state terror against Palestinians and to present Israelis as victims. "In fact, Israel is an occupying power," adding that Israel "has habitually terrorized Palestinian civilians, stolen their land and resources, and demolished their homes."

Earlier, in Israeli weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu had compared the terrorist attacks in Paris to the Palestinian acts of self-defense in the occupied territory.

In the latest raid by over 1,000 of Israeli forces to a refugee camp in West Bank, at least two young Palestinians were killed and dozens of other were wounded.

During the Israeli storm on Monday, up to 1000 soldiers raided the Qalandyia refugee camp, demolishing Palestinian houses and critically injuring dozens of Palestinian including minors. Two other Palestinian young men also were killed by Israeli fire in raid in which according to the witnesses, the Israeli soldiers detained 17-year-old critically wounded Palestinian.

The locals also said that Israelis forced the residents to leave their homes before demolishing houses, throwing tear gas at Palestinian ambulances carrying the injuries of the attacks.

On Monday evening, the funeral ceremony of the Palestinians killed by Israeli in Qalandyia refugee camp was the scene of renewed clashes between Palestinian mourners and Israeli soldiers. The clashes broke out in the area after Israelis opened fire at thousands of Palestinian mourners who took to the street to take part in the funeral processions of two Palestinians. The Palestinian resources said eight Palestinians have been injured by the Israeli heavy fire while a photo journalist was also detained by Israelis.

The area in the town of Halhul, near the city of al-Khalil has been once again the scene of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians. The city which has been the center of violence in past weeks, witnessed a renewed clashes on Monday afternoon. Palestinian resources said that Israeli forces used tear gas and stun grenades and rubber bullets against the protesters. No report of injuries is available yet. Earlier over 20 Palestinians have been shot dead by the Israeli fire in the area.

Israeli forces also demolished several Palestinian structures in a village in al-Khalil on Monday. The demolitions measures by Israeli forces are taken under the pretext of having to building permits.

In an attempt to silence the Palestinians leader to speak out against Israeli policies, Israeli interior ministry has banned several senior officials in Islamic movement from traveling outside.Sheikh Raed Salah, the movement's leader together with deputy leader Kamal Khatib and Yousef Awawdeh, head of the movement's public relations office are three Palestinian officials who are forbidden from leaving the countryby Israeli government until next January.


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="772"]Israel's interior ministry has banned Raed Salah, centre, from international travel several times in the past [Reuters] Sheikh Raed Salah, the movement's leader together with deputy leader Kamal Khatib and Yousef Awawdeh are three Palestinian senior officials banned by Israeli interior ministry from leaving the country.[/caption]Sunday, November 15

Palestinian medical authorities announced that during the clash in Ramallah on Sunday, at least nine Palestinian have been shot and injured by Israeli live rounds. The clashes broke out after the forces raided al-Bireh area in north of Ramallah, using live weapons and rubber bullets to drive the Palestinians away from the checkpoint.

Elsewhere in Nablus, the West Bank, Israeli forces raided the homes in a refugee camp and detained 17 Palestinians overnight Sunday. The Palestinian resources also said that Israeli security forces also nabbed two in Jenin and five in al Khalil and a father and his son in a village in the occupied East al-Quds on Monday evening. The Palestinian resources also said that an Islamic charity in a village in al-Khalil was ransacked by Israeli soldiers.

Gaza stripon Sunday witnessed an explosion which leftat least one Palestiniandeadand three wounded. According to the Palestinian medical resources the victims are young men whose their condition is unknown.


Saturday, November 14

While Israeli regimecontinues the illegal occupation and violentpolicies toward the Palestinianson a daily basis, in harsh commentsIsraeli Prime Minister has describedthe Palestinian legalresistanceas "terrorism".

Amid the growing fear of the terrorist moves around the world, in a harsh stance toward the Palestinian people, Netanyahu compared the terrorist attacks in Paris to the Palestinian acts of self-defense in the occupied territory. Duringhis speech on Saturday after the Paris attacks, Israeli Prime Minister in a strange remarks compared Jerusalem to those in London, Paris, Madrid and Buenos Aires as the victims of what he called "terrorism".

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President on Friday also issued a statement in which he expressed his solidarity and sympathy with France.

Al-Khalil and Ramallah on Saturday also has been the scene of the clash between the Palestinians protesters and Israeli forces. During the funeral processions of two Palestinians who were shot dead earlier in clashes on Friday, thousands of Palestinian in al-Khalil waved the Palestinian flags, demanding international protection against Israeli violations. The tensions escalated in the scene after the Israeli forces opened fire at the protesters, injuring at least five demonstrators with live bullets.

The Palestinian resources said that Israeli forces also detained 13 Palestinians including 6 children in the same city overnight Saturday. The locals said that Israeli regime raided the homes in al-Khalil, arresting the Palestinians. Israeli military spokesman confirmed the news, alleging that they have been detained in the raids because of"illegal activity". Another young Palestinian man was also reportedly nabbed for attempting to leave Gaza for medical treatment in the West Bank.

Following a week of intense violence in Ramallah, the Nationalistic and Islamic factions in Ramallah on Saturday urged Palestinian to continue to resist against Israeli occupation "by any available means". The faction also called Palestinians to stage a rally on November 16thto commemorate the 27thanniversary of Palestinian Declaration Independence.

Elsewhere in East al-Quds an Israeli military vehicle have run over a Palestinian toddler, injuring him in head. The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health has said that the two-year-old Palestinian was evacuated to hospital for medical treatment while provided no details of his condition. Israeli military spokesman has alleged that it was an "accident".

Israeli soldiers once again harassed a Palestinian family in the olive harvest season in the West Bank. According to the Palestinian resources, Israeli security guards from nearby illegal settlement have forced a Palestinian family to leave their olive lands in al-Khalil. According to the locals, when Palestinians avoided to leave their farmland Israeli forces have moved to throw tear gas to force them to flee.

Earlier, many reports of Israeli settlers and soldiers' illegal actions against the Palestinian farmers have been reported particularly in olive harvest season.


Friday, November 13

Al-Bireh in the occupied West Bank has been the bloodiest scene of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters on Friday in which more than hundred ofPalestinians have been shot and injured. Three other Palestinians also were shot dead duringmultiple raidsin the West Bank on Friday.

The clashes came after the Israeli forces stormed the area and opened fire in order to disperse the crowd. Witnesses also said Israeli soldiers used live bullets and rubber bullets to prevent demonstrators from accessing the checkpoints.
The Gaza's Ministry of Health also said during the renewed Clashes in the Gaza Strip, at least17 Palestinians were injured by live fire during marches in the city.
Three other Palestinians also has been shot dead by Israeli forces on Friday in al Khalil and Ramallah, both in the West Bank. A23-year-old Palestinian was killed during the clashes in north of al-Khalil while another one was shot a day earlier by Israeli forces during clashes in al-Khalil and succumbed to his wound on Friday. The third man also was killedby the Israeli fire in Ramallah, the West Bank in the same day.

Al- Khalil once again has been the scene of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters. On Friday, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at the Palestinians who took part in the march following Hamas call. Medics have told that a 55-year-old man and three other youths have been shot and injured during the demonstration.

Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee and Hamas movement on Friday condemned Beirut deadly explosions in which about 41 people were killed. The PLO statement said Beirut crime which seeks further instability in Lebanon, only serves Israel.

Three other Palestinians also have been detained by Israeli soldiers after the soldiers raided to an area in al-Khalil on Friday.

Two Israeli settlers have been shot dead and another injured in a shooting attack from a car in south of al-Khalil on Friday. The Israeli military spokesperson confirmed the news, adding that the Israeli soldiers couldn't arrest the suspect.


Thursday, November 12

Amnesty International on Thursdaysaid the Israeli killing of Palestinian in al-Khalil hospital is an "extrajudicial execution". On early Thursday, a 28-year-old Palestinian has been shot several times by Israeli undercover forces that raided the hospital to detain a Palestinian. In response to the same incident, Doctors without Borders (MSF) on Friday also denounced the attack to hospital, demanding access to the young patient kidnapped by Israeli forces from the hospital.

Speaking to Maan Palestinian News Agency, Cristina Carreno Glaria, medical coordinator at MSF said: "it is not acceptable for armed people to enter a hospital and take a patient as a prisoner. We are asking Israeli authorities to respect International Humanitarian Law and the special status that is afforded to sick and wounded people."

In a statement on Thursday, the Palestinian Prisoners' Society announced that over 416 Palestinians including 122 minors have been detained by Israeli forces since the beginning of November. 118 Palestinians were detained in East al-Quds including 42 children while al-Khalil in West Bank also witnessed over 70 detentions including 50 minors.

Meanwhile, during an Israeli storm to a hospital in al-Khalil, the West Bank, undercover Israeli forces killed a young Palestinian, detaining another.

Witnesses said on Thursday midnight that around 20 undercover Israeli soldiers raided a hospital surgery room to detain a Palestinian, killing a 28-year-old Palestinian who was there to visit a relative. Some resources said one of the undercover Israeli soldiers disguised as a pregnant woman.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Undercover Israeli forces on Thursday shot dead Abdullah Azzam Shalaldah, 28 Palestinian during a hospital raid in the occupied West.[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Witnesses said Abdullah and another relative were in the hospital visiting Azzam when around 20 undercover Israeli soldiers entered the hospital overnight Thursday.[/caption]

The Israeli army spokesperson confirmed the news, alleging that the Palestinian was shot multiple times after he had attempted to attack the forces.

Dozens of Israeli forces have stormed al-Arrub camp, in al-Khalil for third consecutive day, detaining 24 Palestinians including children on early Thursday. Before the raids, Israeli forces distributed statements, warning the camp residents against throwing stones.


Wednesday, November 11

EU commission which is the executive branch of EU has lately requires the producers to clearly label products to indicate that "the origin of goods is from the territories illegally occupied by Israel."

The new labeling guidelines for the goods produced in Israeli illegal settlements, which were published on Wednesday, is in line with International law which doesn't recognize the Israeli occupation of some territories including Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank since 1967.

"Since the Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are not part of the Israeli territory according to international law, the indication 'product from Israel' is considered to be incorrect and misleading in the sense of the referenced legislation," the EU said.

The Palestinian leadership praised the European Union move to label goods produced in the illegal Israeli settlements. Speaking to Al-Jazeera, Mustafa Bargouthi, a senior official of Palestinian Liberation Army said that the EU decision sends the message that Israeli occupation is illegitimate.

Israeli Energy Minister, in response, denounces the EU decision, describing it as "disguised anti-Semitism".

West Bank on Wednesday has been the scene of bloody clashes after the Palestinians marked the 11th anniversary of Yasser Arafat death. The Palestinian resources said at least 70 Palestinians have been injured by the Israeli soldiers bullets. During the separate rallies in Hebron, Bethlehem, and other cities in West Bank, the Palestinian crowds waved the Palestinian flags, chanting slogans against Israel.

Medical sources said a Palestinian who had been shot in chest with Israeli live bullets is in critical condition. Some medics and journalists are also reportedly among the injuries of the clashes.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas took part in a televised speech on Wednesday to commemorate the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat death. He strongly denounced the Israeli moves to expand occupation and settlement building, saying that Palestinian security and stability is not achievable until Israel continues to Palestine's military occupation.

This land is ours, we were born here, we lived here, our fathers and grandfathers lived here, we build our present and future and cherish our history and cultural heritage of thousands of years on this holy land, the Palestinian president added.

On Wednesday, Israeli forces raided the village of Huwwara in Nablus, storming dozens of stores and seizing the surveillance cameras. According to the locals, Israel have imposed curfew on the village.

The Qalandiya refugee camp near Ramallah, the West Bank has been the bloodiest scene of clashes in Palestine on Wednesday.

The locals and medical staffs said the resources that Israeli forces have opened fire to Palestinian protesters, injuring some 13 Palestinians in Qalandiya refugee camp with live fire. The reports also noted the detention of several people including an injured 16-year-old child.

The development came after the Israeli forces raided the Palestinian residents in the camp and in response Palestinians threw stones. An Israeli military spokesperson alleged that the Israeli entrance into the camp is a "routine activity" in order to "arrest suspects involved in illegal activities".

The clashes in al-Arrub refugee camp near al-Khalil in the West Bank broke out on Wednesday for the second consecutive day. During the tensions in the camp, Israeli used tear gas to disperse the Palestinian protesters who marched to commemorate the 11th anniversary of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat death.

A witness has told al-Maan news agency that during the camp raid on Tuesday, Israeli forces "tortured" the owners of the homes.

As Israeli government broaden the measure to surpass Palestinians, Israeli forces have destroyed three water well which they alleged has built without permission. According to a Palestinian security sources, Tel-Aviv forces used bulldozers to demolish the wells in the West Bank. This is not the first time that Israel destroyed the Palestinians homes and facilities under the pretext of no building permit.

Israeli forces also detained eight Palestinians in al-Khalil on early Wednesday. The local resources said the detention made after the forces' raid to Palestinian homes in the city.


Tuesday, November10

The released footage of a 13-year-old Palestinian boy who was interrogated and verbally abused by Israeli forces has aroused angers in social media.

The video shows Israeli police officers yelling and verbally abusing the boy while he is heard saying he can't remember anything. Israeli police alleged that the Palestinian boy, Ahmed Mansara, together with his 15-year-old cousin is accused of stabbing two Israeli settlers in East al-Quds earlier in October.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="722"]Manasrah, 13, was admitted to hospital after being struck by a car after he and his cousin allegedly stabbed two Israelis [Reuters/GOP] As a 13-year-old Palestinian went to trial for allegedly attacking Israeli citizens in occupied East Jerusalem[/caption]Earlier, a video showing Mansara lying on the ground and bleeding to death while humiliated by Israeli passerby has been extensively released in the social media. That footage also aroused many feelings against Israeli crime all over the Palestinian occupied territory.

Tariq Bargouthi, Mansara's lawyer, said using intimidation tactics are even barred by Israeli law. A member of the Public Committee against Torture in Israeli also called the boy's interrogation by Israeli detective's "brutal".

A senior Palestinian official on Tuesday also demanded action such inhuman measures by Israeli government. The Palestinian resources said that the Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the embassies to distribute and share "the painful and barbaric" scenes.

In two separate incidents, two other Palestinians also were shot dead on Tuesday in Bethlehem after the alleged attempts to stab an Israeli border police. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said the 16-year-old Palestinian has succumbed to his wounds after being shot by the Israeli border police. In the second incident a 37-year-old Palestinian was killed while another only 12-year-old child was critically wounded by Israeli fire.

During the clashes in the same city on Tuesday also another Palestinian teenager was shot in face and critically injured. The incident came after the Israeli raid into Aida refugee camp in north of Bethlehem.

Israeli forces also raided homes of Palestinian teenagers in East al-Quds who they alleged to have been involved in attacks against Israeli forces or settlers. During the recent raids on Tuesday, members of some Palestinian families have been detained an delivered to unknown places by Israeli forces.


Monday, November 9

The Palestinian resources said that Israeli intelligence officers raided a hospital in East al-Quds for third time, allegedly in search for a Palestinian teenager's medical record who has been treated there. The hospital medical staff stated that the incident came after the Israeli police deployed the hospital yard to search for a teenager's information, demanded the medical records of him.

The witnesses also said the Israeli soldiers threatened to investigate against the staffs who don't mention the name of patients. Dr. Rafiq al-Husseini denounced the Israeli move, calling it the violation of patients' privacy which also is a breach of international humanitarian law.

This is not the first time Israel stormed the Palestinian hospitals. Earlier, Israeli undercover unites dressed as Palestinians raided this hospital, detained a Palestinian and urging the staff to providethe patients' medical records.

In series of Israeli massive arrests in the West Bank, some 36 other Palestinians were detained by Israeli security forces overnight Monday. In a statement by Israeli army it confirmed the news, alleging that it arrested some "Hamas operatives".

Elsewhere in Tulkarerm, the West Bank Israeli soldiers opened fire to the Palestine Technical University students; injuring five with live fire and 13 other with rubber bullets and some 50 more with gas inhalation on Monday. The incident came after the Israeli forces raided the university campus which according to Red Crescent has left totally 70 injuries to students.

Furthermore, Israeli settlers once again harassed the Palestinian olive farmers in Nablus. Palestinian resources said an Israeli settler opened fire at farmers in Nablus on Monday. Earlier frequent cases of Israeli settlers and soldiers violence against the Palestinian farmers have been reported.

Israeli forces also killed a Palestinian 24-year-old woman in Bethlehem for the alleged attempt to stab Israeli forces on Monday.


Sunday, November 8

Gaza strip has been the scene of Israeli airstrike overnight Sunday. The locals said that Tel-Aviv warplanes have raided the area on Sunday evening while no report of injuries is available yet. Tel-Aviv alleged that it is in response to the rockets fired from Gaza earlier in the day.

A new poll by the Israel Democracy institute indicates that some 53% of Israeli support the extrajudicial killings of alleged Palestinian attackers.

The poll largely reflected the violent views of Jewish settlers toward Palestinian civilians as the tensions have flared throughout the occupied territories.

The survey that has conducted late October also shows that 80 percent of Israelis believe that the family homes of alleged Palestinian attackers should be demolished.

Some resources on Sunday said the water crisis in Gaza strip has deepened and the quantity of drinking water has dwindled. This is while the Palestinian in besieged Gaza bear the burden of a decade-long Israeli-Egyptian siege, three major wars by Israel since 2008 and Israeli jets that bomb the area.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President on Sunday met his Egyptian counterpart, holding talks about the humanitarian and security situations in Palestine occupied territory. In this meeting, both sides agreed that all measures including the illegal constructing settlements by Israeli that cause more tensions should be stopped.

Palestinian presidency also called the Obama recent position as "discouraging". Speaking to the Palestinian news agency Wafa on Sunday, Nabil Abu Rdeineh the Palestinian President's spokesperson said the US recent position would not help pacifying the tensions in the Palestinian territories.

He also stressed that the situation in Palestine has reached a "dangerous crossroads" that could spread all over the region, adding that the US statements is discouraging particularly when Israel is seeking the policy of shooting and arrest without reason.

Earlier Obama's senior adviser in the Middle East said in a press briefing that President Obama concluded that a peace treaty would not be succeeded in his time left in office.

As Israeli security forces continue their crackdown on Palestinian protesters across the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip's border, the number of Palestinians wasdetained by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Sunday morning in the West Bank, has raised to 27 including children. According to locals, IOF have terrorized the families before nabbing the Palestinians who Israel allege participate in the clashes and hurl stones.

Earlier 14 Palestinians were reportedly detained by the Israeli soldiers in al-Khalil. According to local resources, Israeli forces raided the houses, nabbing dozens of Palestinians including children in overnight Sunday.

A refugee camp in south of the West Bank was the scene of renewed clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians on Sunday. The development came after Israeli soldiers raided the camp, and in response the Palestinian protesters threw rocks and bottles. While the reports said Israeli forces have used live fire and rubber bullet to disperse the protesters no report of the injuries is available yet.

Furthermore, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian whom allegedly injured four Israelis on Sunday in Nablus. Israeli media claimed that the Palestinian carried out a vehicular attack that left four Israeli injured.


Saturday, November 7

Another 16-year-old Palestinian also was detained by Israeli army allegedly for involving in shooting an Israeli soldier on Saturday.

Palestinian resources said dozens of Palestinian have been injured in the clashes across Palestinian occupied territory on Saturday. They particularly reported the renewed clashes in West Bank that left some Palestinians suffered tear gas inhalation.


Friday, November 6

an Israeli rights group on Friday slammed the Israeli government measure in al-Khalil, calling it "immoral" and "awful" acts. The group BTselem mainly denounced the restrictions imposed by Israeli forces in al-Khalil, saying the move punishes Palestinian public.

During two separate shootings, three Israeli soldiers were injured in al-Khalil on Friday. An Israeli military spokesperson confirmed the news, saying that one soldier has been critically injured. He also told the Palestinian Maan News Agency that the military has conducted the search in the area to detain the suspect.

A 23-year-old Palestinian also was shot dead by the Israeli fire in Gaza on Friday during the clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, as the tensions erupted in the Palestinian occupied territory. Three other Palestinians also were shot by the Israeli live weapon in the clashes in a refugee camp in Bethlehem on the same day.

According to a Palestinian hospital authority, one of the injured who has been shot in neck and chest is in critical condition. In the clashes, the Israeli undercover forces infiltrated the Palestinian demonstrators, detaining several people.

As the clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli forces in Ramallah, Tel-Aviv regime injured 29 Palestinians. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, five have been injured by live weapon and some other has been wounded with rubber bullet. Israeli soldiers also opened fire on the Palestinian protesters in al-Khalil on Friday, injuring five civilians. The clashes in al-Khalil broke out when the Israeli forces surrounded the mosque, with Palestinians worshipers left the mosque after Friday pray

Meanwhile, a Palestinian right group announced that the detained Palestinians are under harsh torture under the Israeli custody. The Palestinian Prisoners Society said that the Palestinian youths were harshly beaten by Tel-Aviv forces inside the military vehicle after being detained.

Elsewhere in north of al-Khalil Israeli forces also killed a Palestinian elderly woman over the claim of vehicle attack on Friday. Israeli resources said that the woman was injured by the Israeli fire and killed later upon arrival at hospital after the alleged attempt to run over Israeli soldiers.


Thursday, November 5

While the tensions have erupted in the Palestinian territories, an Israeli 19-year-old soldier's was praised in Israeli media for killing Palestinians. The celebration comes after a deadly month in the occupied Palestinian territory that left more than 70 Palestinians dead and hundreds of other injured.

On Thursday, an American Jewish Weekly praised an Israeli soldier, known as "Corporal T", calling him "the Terminator" in an article entitled "Meet the Terminator" after he killed three Palestinians in occupied territory in nine days.

"Kfir Brigade officers commended the rapid response and cool temper of the warrior, who prevented more serious results," their report added. Ynet, an Israeli news website also commended the worrier's operational skills, referring his response as impressive.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="575"] Israeli soldier named 'Terminator' after shooting dead 3 Palestinians. Photos taken from the spokesperson of Israel's defense forces (Maan News Agency)[/caption]

In another incident, a 25-year-old Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli fire in Bethlehem on Thursday over the claim of attempt to stab Israeli forces. The shot is while the Palestinian resource said no Israeli has been dead or injured.

A Palestinian fisherman was also shot dead by the Egyptian military forces in the coast of Gaza strip on Thursday. While the reason for the Egyptian fire is unclear yet, it is not the first time that Egyptian forces opened fire at Palestinian fishermen. In last May a fisherman from Rafah was shot and injured by the Egypt navy forces.

Elsewhere in West Bank and East al-Quds Israeli forces raided several homes, detaining 13 Palestinians including teenage on Thursday.


Wednesday, November 4

Clashes were reported between Palestinian youths and Israeli forces on Wednesday as a military checkpoint in the Silwan neighborhood of East al-Quds remained shut for a second consecutive day.

According to locals, the skirmishes broke out after Palestinian children and workers were denied entry through the Ras al-Amoud military checkpoint between Silwan and the Israeli-occupied Old City of al-Quds.

The Israeli forces are said to have fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets at protesting students, injuring two schoolboys while several others suffered from tear gas inhalation.

The Israeli regime has reportedly set up three military checkpoints in Ras al-Amoud area over the last two weeks. The move has made it difficult for thousands of schoolchildren and their teachers to go to school in the morning, interrupting normal school schedules.

In a separate development, Israeli Knesset (parliament) approved a law imposing tougher penalties on Palestinian stone-throwers.Based on the new measure, a minimum sentence of three years will be placed on Palestinian stone-throwers, who will also be stripped of their so-called social security benefits, a punishment that applies to those living in East al-Quds.

Israeli forces have shot and killed another Palestinian amid escalating tensions in the occupied West Bank territories.The shooting took place on Wednesday near the city of al-Khalil (Hebron), with Israeli forces claiming that the victim had ran over and injured two Israeli policemen in the West Bank, Palestinian Maan news agency reported.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Israeli soldiers, police and ambulances gather in the area where an alleged Palestinian hit-and-run attack was carried out near the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil, on November 4, 2015.  AFP Israeli soldiers, police and ambulances gather in the area where an alleged Palestinian hit-and-run attack was carried out near the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil, on November 4, 2015. AFP[/caption]

Also, A senior leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called for a unified leadership by all Palestinian groups in the face of a recent surge in Israeli violence against Palestinians.Hamas Political Bureau chief Khaled Meshaal urged other groups to join "an operational leadership of the Intifada (uprising)... to put in place an agreed strategy for common struggle covering all options."

The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations (UN) says the Tel Aviv regime is harvesting the organs of Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied territories.

Riyad Mansour said in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday that the bodies of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces are returned with missing corneas and other organs, further confirming past reports about organ harvesting by the occupying power.

A medical examination conducted on bodies of Palestinians returned after they were killed by the occupying power found that they were missing organs, Mansour wrote in the letter.


Tuesday, November 3

On Tuesday morning, Israeli officials have taken a Palestinian Arabic-language radio station off air over what they described as its attempts to further escalate tensions in the occupied West Bank.

,Israeli military forces raided the office of Free Palestine Radio in the southern occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), located 30 kilometers (19 miles) south of al-Quds (Jerusalem), ransacked the building, and confiscated the radios broadcasting equipment, Arabic-language Palestine al-Yawm news agency reported.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"] A member of the staff inspects the damage at the main office of Free Palestine Radio in the southern occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron) following an attack by Israeli military forces, November 3, 2015.[/caption]


Monday, November 2

In the latest development in the Palestinian occupied territory on Monday, a Palestinian teenager was killed and another was detained in Jenin over the claim of attempt to attack the Israeli soldiers.

Furthermore, Israeli soldiers continue to demolish Palestinian homes. On Monday, the locals said the Israeli forces raided a house with the excuse of lacking building permits, demolishing the house and forcing the residence out at gunpoint.

Also, Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian youth in the town of Netanya, north of Tel Aviv city, in the occupied territories.A 22-year-old Palestinian was shot dead after allegedly stabbing and injuring an old Israeli, the regime's police said on Monday.

In a separate incident, Israeli forces arrested another Palestinian youth for allegedly stabbing three Israelis south of Tel Aviv.A 19-year-old Palestinian, from al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank, stabbed two people on the pavement and a third in a clothes store, Israeli police claimed in a statement on Monday.

Moreover, Israeli forces have attacked Palestinian students protesting against the Tel Aviv regimes so-called separation barrier as well as the recent wave of aggression against Palestinians across the occupied territories.Israeli police stormed the Al-Quds University in the occupied West Bank town of Abu Dis on Monday after clashing with the students who assembled at the foot of the controversial wall, separating the town from al-Quds (Jerusalem,) to demonstrate against the Israeli regime.

It is not clear how many people were injured in the attack but Palestinian medical sources say many students were hit and wounded by rubber bullets.

The occupied Palestinian territories have recently been the scene of heightened tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.At least 74 Palestinians were also killed in Palestinian territories by Israeli soldiers in October. 11 Israelis have also been killed during the time.

In addition, Israeli forces have attacked a funeral procession for two Palestinians killed by regime forces last month, wounding at least eight people with live bullet rounds.Israeli troops attacked the mourners and fired live rounds as well as rubber-coated steel bullets to disperse the crowd. They also hurled tear gas canisters at the Palestinians.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Mourners carry the body of 23-year old Muhammad Nathmi Shamasneh during a funeral procession for him and 24-year old Omar al-Faqih in the occupied West Bank town of Qatanna, November 2, 2015. (Photo by AFP) Mourners carry the body of 23-year old Muhammad Nathmi Shamasneh during a funeral procession for him and 24-year old Omar al-Faqih in the occupied West Bank town of Qatanna, November 2, 2015. (Photo by AFP)[/caption]

To wrap up, Israeli forces have razed to the ground several homes belonging to Palestinians in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).They demolished at least three apartments in the Beit Hanina neighborhood of East al-Quds on Monday, the Palestinian Maan news agency reported.


Sunday, November 1

The Palestinian Red Cross said the Israeli regime has wounded at least 2,617 with live and rubber bullet weapons in a single month of October.

The humanitarian organization's spokesman told to a Palestinian resource on Sunday that out of this number, some 760 were injured by live fire and further 1857 have been shot by rubber bullets. The official also added that another 5,399 were also exposed to the tear gas inhalation and some 246 have been wounded in other ways including beating, while the number of deaths in the same period is nearly 70.

Israeli forces also returned the bodies of two Palestinian youths to hundreds of Palestinians who were waiting to receive them in East al-Quds. They were shot dead by the Israeli regime after they allegedly attempted to stab Israeli border police earlier.

The recent move came after the Israeli cabinet decided to not return the bodies of Palestinian who were killed by fire after their alleged attacks. This decision by the Israeli authorities was made to prevent any further protest accompanying the funeral processions of martyred Palestinians.

Three Israeli police borders also were injured after a Palestinian rammed his car into the officers on Sunday afternoon in al-Khalil. Another Palestinian also was shot dead after an alleged stabbing attempt on Sunday in the same area. A paramedic at the scene told the Palestinian Maan that the Israeli soldiers prevented him from examining the injured Palestinian man. The death of this Palestinian brings the total death in October to 70.

Al-Khalil also witnessed the funeral procession of two Palestinian martyrs on Sunday. According to the Palestinian resources, thousands of Palestinian took to the streets of al-Khalil to protest against the Israel crimes in Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, during multiple raids by the Israeli regime in Palestinian houses in East-al Quds at least 8 Palestinians including 7 teenagers were detained. A human rights lawyer told the news to Maan News Agency, adding that there were mostly between 16-18.

On overnight Sunday, the Palestinian village mayor and his son were arrested by the Israeli security forces. The arrest took place after the Israeli vehicle raid to Qusra village in the south of Nablus.


Saturday, October 31

Thousands of Palestinian protesters took to the street on Saturday in al-Khalil to hold the joint funeral of five Palestinians killed by Israeli forces last week. The Palestinian young victims have been shot dead West Bank earlier following the alleged involvement in attack against the Israelis. During the demonstration, participants shouted slogans against the Israeli violence, waved Palestinian flags.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="699"] Thousands of Palestinian mourners on Saturday filled the streets of al-Khalil for the joint funeral of five Palestinians who were killed by Israeli forces[/caption]

The Palestinian local media said the Israeli settlers blocked the Palestinian farmers access to their farmlands in the olive harvest season in a village near Nablus on Saturday.While the Israeli police force stopped the buses carrying the volunteers of olive harvest, dozens of Israeli settlers prevented the Palestinian farmers' entrance to their lands in the olive harvest season.

According to the local people, the developments have been despite coordination between the Palestinian liaison department and the Israeli side. This is not the first time that Israeli settlers and soldiers harass the Palestinian farmers they stole the Palestinian's farming equipment and olive in Nablus villages annually in harvest season.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="713"] Israeli settlers and soldiers usually harass Palestinian farmers in the annual olive harvest season[/caption]

Another Palestinian also was shot dead by the Israeli police over the alleged attempt to attack an Israeli security guard in Jenin in West Bank on Saturday. Killing the Palestinian by the Israeli fire is while according to the Israeli army spokesman no Israeli has been injured.


Friday, October 30

Thousands of Palestinians protesters took part in the funeral procession of a Palestinian, who was killed by Israeli fire in East al-Quds last week. The protesters chanted slogans against Israel, pledging support to al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday ceremony.

Meanwhile, Ramallah has been once again the scene of deadly clashes on Friday. Israeli soldiers' regime has reportedly injured 37 Palestinians, including 8 by live fire and 29 with rubber bullets in al-Bireh near Ramallah.

Some 46 others were also injured by the Israeli fire during a demonstration in Gaza strip on Friday.

Israeli police also killed a Palestinian on East-al Quds allegedly for attempting to stab Israeli soldiers. An Israeli army official has said two Israelis have been injured by the 23-year-old Palestinian.

An eight-month-old Palestinian baby has been killed by Israeli tear gas inhalation in the clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in Bethlehem, in West Bank on Friday.

Israeli military also raided houses in al-Khalil, preventing non-resident Palestinian from entering the district on Friday. The measure has been taken following an order by the Israel army which according to an army official is to prevent attacks from the area.

During the recent Israeli military raid at the Aida refugee camp on Thursday in Bethlehem, Israeli forces announced that they will kill all Palestinians if they dont stop throwing stones. They distributed a message through loudspeaker in Arabic and said: Inhabitants of Aida, we are the Israeli occupation forces, if you throw stones we will hit you with gas until you die. The children, the youth, and the old people, all of you we wont spare any of you. The message also concluded: We will blind your eyes with gas until you die, your homes, your families, brothers, sons, everyone.

Soon after the message, Israeli soldiers raided the camp, firing tear gas and flash grenades indiscriminately at the houses' windows, balconies, and the streets.


Thursday, October 29

In the latest storm by the Israeli forces to the occupied East al-Quds 8 Palestinians including children were detained and held outside in the cold in an Israeli site on early Thursday. A Palestinian right group confirmed the news adding that around 150 children are among the detainees since October.


Wednesday, October 28

Meanwhile, Ynet, the Israeli news site, said that a Palestinian was detained and wounded by an Israeli settler in Bethlehem on Wednesday in West Bank, over the allegation of attempt to stab a settler.

The Palestinian reports said besieged Gaza has been once again the scene of clashes between the Israeli military soldiers and Palestinian protesters on Wednesday. According to the Gaza Ministry of Health quoted by Maan News Agency, Israeli forces have injured a Palestinian man along the border fence in central Gaza strip.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="720"] Gaza Strip has been the scene of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters on Wednseday[/caption]

As death toll rises in the Palestinian occupied territories, Mahmoud Abbas demanded international protection for the Palestinians living under Israeli violence immediately and urgently. Speaking in the special meeting of the United National Human Rights Council in Geneva, Abbas also noted the extrajudicial killings of Palestinians. "The status of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, as a result of the continued Israeli occupation and its practices, is the worst and most critical since year 1948," he added.

A UN official voiced concern over the escalation of tension in Palestine territories, calling the situation "dangerous and extreme. "The violence between Palestinians and the Israelis will draw us ever closer to a catastrophe if not stopped immediately," Zeid Raad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday.

Israeli military forces also stormed the Palestinian lands in east of Nablus, the West Bank on Wednesday, claiming that they seek to halt "Palestinian martyr operatives". The Palestinian resources said Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOU) have also confiscated the Palestinian lands in several villages in Nablus. A Palestinian official told the Palestinian News Network that such measures will open the hands of Israeli settlers to easily attack the Palestinian properties.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="660"]79 Israel Occupation Authorities confiscated Palestinian lands in Nablus villages on Wednesday[/caption]


Tuesday, October 27

Amnesty International strongly denounced Israeli regime for the unlawful killings of the Palestinians on Tuesday.

In the statement, the Middle East and North Africa director, Philip Luther has highlighted the Israeli unjustified shooting to murder the Palestinians, stating that Tel-Aviv forces "has ripped up the rulebook".

"There is mounting evidence that, as tensions have risen dramatically, in some cases Israeli forces appear to have ripped up the rulebook and resorted to extreme and unlawful measures," the group added in the statement.

During the Tel-Aviv regime multiple raids, some 33 Palestinians have been detained in West Bank overnight Tuesday.

The Israeli army spokesman later confirmed the arrests in the occupied West Bank while the Palestinian prisoners' right group said over 1,000 including more than 130 children have been arrested by Israeli forces since the beginning of October.

Meanwhile, Ynet, the Israeli news site, said a 23-year-old Palestinian man has been shot dead in al-Khalil allegedly for attempting to stab an Israeli force on Tuesday. Two other Palestinian youths were also killed by the Israeli fire at a bus stop in Bethlehem in West Bank over the same allegations on the same day, bringing the number of Palestinians killed by Tel-Aviv regime to over 60 since October.

Furthermore,following the call by the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the people of Gaza took to the street to support Intifada on Tuesday evening. The Israeli forces have reportedly opened fire and tear gas at the demonstrators to disperse them, during which a Palestinian has been injured.

Hamas also called the Palestinians to protect the al-Quds uprising through a national strategy. In the statement Hamas issued on Tuesday, the group underlined the need to "protect and escalate" the protest.

Tel-Aviv regime also detained 44 Palestinians in West Bank and 6 university students in Tulkram in multiple raids on Monday and Tuesday. An Israeli army spokesman has claimed that number of the arrested Palestinians were "Hamas operatives" while other were detained for suspected illegal activities.

Meanwhile, hundreds of the United Kingdom academics have moved to draw the international attention to the issue of Israel's violence in Palestine.

Over 343 UK university professors have released a statement on Tuesday, announcing that they boycott academic ties with Israel until it stops violation of international law. In thestatement they reiterated that they vow to reject any invitation to visit Israeli academic institutions or taking part in any event organized by them.


Monday, October 26

Despite the earlier agreement among US, Israel and Jordan to place surveillance equipment, Israeli police prevented installing surveillance camera around al-Aqsa mosque compound on Monday.

The Islamic Endowment, the authority of the mosque's Muslim affairs told the reporters that the Israeli police forces blocked the body's employees from installing security camera around the mosque compound.

The development came after US, Jordan and Israel agreed to install monitoring camera around the holy site to control the tensions in a meeting among US Secretary of State John Kerry, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordan's King Abdullah II in Amman.

The Palestinian sources say following the University Students' march in Ramallah, the occupied West Bank the tensions broke out in the area. Totally 19 Palestinians have been reportedly wounded by Israeli live fire, rubber bullets and tear gas that the regime used to disperse the crowd during the clashes.

The regime soldiers also killed two Palestinians in al-Khalil over the allegation of attempting to stab Israelis.

On Monday evening the Israeli army said it launched airstrikes in Gaza strip which it alleged that has been a response to the rocket fire from the territory.

The Israeli media said a Palestinian was also shot dead by an Israeli soldier gun fire in al-Khalilon Monday. The Israeli army alleged that the Palestinian young manstabbed a 19-year-old Israeli in north of the city.

Sunday, October 25

Amid escalation of the tensions in the occupied Palestinian territory, on the early hours ofSundayIsraeli settlers torched a Palestinian car in East al-Quds.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources claimed that they have shot dead a Palestinianin the northern part of the city of al-Khalil in the West Bank on Sunday, after he allegedly injured two Israeli soldiers.

Palestinian and Israeli sources saydozens ofPalestinians have been detained across the West Bank overnight Sunday. Israeli forces have raided the village of Beita near Nablus and detained a Palestinian on Sunday, amid the escalation of the tensions in the Palestine occupied territory.

The Palestinian sources say a-26-year-old Palestinian youth was arrested by the Israel soldiers over the claim of involvement in the attack to the Israeli settlers earlier in the day.

Israel Public Radio also announced that an Israeli border police was injured during an arrest raid by an explosive device in East al-Quds.

On early Sunday a Palestinian youth was shot and critically wounded by an Israeli settler in the West Bank. According to the Palestinian security sources seven Palestinians also were injured with the Israeli fire some moments later. The Israeli witnesses alleged that they attempted to stab the Israeli settlers.

Meanwhile, Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas senior leader once again voice support of the al-Quds intifada, reiterating that no one be able to stop the movement in the world.

Speaking at a demonstration in Beirut on Sunday, Hanyieh also added that "we are ready for political and popular unity at all levels and willing to agree on a united national strategy to protect the intifada, regain Palestinians' rights, and adhere to the inalienable nationalistic principles."

Saeb Erekat, the secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) also has demanded Arab countries to stop the Tel Aviv regimes violence. He made the remarks at a press conference in the Egyptian capital on Sunday, stressingthe Palestinians' need to international protection against the Israel aggression.


Saturday, October 24

Palestine al-Yawm news agency said aPalestinian was wounded by the Israeli fire in the West Bank of Saturday morning. Israeli sources alleged that he intended to stab an Israeli soldier at the northern entrance to the city of Jenin.The Palestine Red Crescent Society announced that the Israeli soldier prevented the medical team to approach the injured man, so he succumbed to his wounded a few moments later.

Thousands of Israeli protesters have staged a big rally on Saturday in Tel Aviv to protest the Israeli governmentpolicies. According to the report, protesters blame Netanyahufor the recent wave of violencein the occupied Palestinian territoriesas well as the Gaza Strip.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Israeli left-wing activists hold banners during a rally demanding fresh Israeli-Palestinian peace talks at the Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on October 24, 2015. AFP The Israeli settlers'took to the street on Saturday in Tel Aviv to protest against the Israeli government policies[/caption]


Friday, October 23

In response to the Palestinian factions' call for a protest against Israeli regime, the Palestinians took to the street on Friday, "Day of Rage". The reports also say Israel has tightened the security measures in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip to face the Palestinians' protesters on Friday.

On Friday morning, Israeli forces also wounded aPalestinian teenager in West Bank who was allegedly responsible forattacking and wounding an Israeli soldier.

In a latest video released by an Israeli human rights group, several Israelis brutally beat a Palestinian man to death by their rifles in the West Bank. According the rights group, Israeli soldiers stormed a place where a Palestinian youth was at work in Bireh in the occupied West Bank.

According to the medical authorities, a Palestinian man who wasshot and critically inured by the Israeli fire last week in the Gaza stripe, succumbed to his injuries on Fridayin the hospital.


Thursday, October 22

Israeli forces have mistaken a Jewish settler for a Palestinian and fatally shot him in the Old City of al-Quds (Jerusalem).

According to reports, the incident happened in the citys Romema neighborhood late on Wednesday when two Israeli soldiers, boarding a bus on Yirmiyahu Street near the central bus station, were asked for their IDs by an unknown man.


Wednesday, October 21

According to the latest local media reports, Israeliforces on Wednesday launched an attack against Palestinian protesters in the southern part of the West Bank city of Nablus, injuring a 14-year old Palestinian girl identified as Istabraq Ahmad Noor.

The Israeli forces reportedly arrested the injured Palestinian girl, who is from the village of Madama.

The Israeli forces also stormed the residential buildings belonging to the Palestinians in occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and other places in the West Bank, arresting at least 34 people.

According to a report by the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 51 Palestinians, including 12 children, have lost their lives in clashes with Israeli forces and settlers since the beginning of October.

The UN chief on Wednesday only expressed condolences to the victims of recent Israeli aggression against Palestinians during a press conference after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

Also,The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has approved a resolution, criticizing Israel for restricting Muslim worshipers' access to the al-Asqa Mosque and failing to protect Muslim heritage sites in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Moreover,Israeli authorities said on Wednesday that their forces shot dead a young Palestinian man after he allegedly stabbed a female Israeli officer in the neck.

Israeli police spokeswoman, Luba Samri, said another Palestinian was arrested in the incident which happened near an Israeli settlement south of the city of Ramallah.

Meanwhile, reports said an elderly Palestinian man died after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces in al-Khalil (Hebron).

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]An image released on Twitter purportedly shows a young Palestinian man who was killed by Israeli forces after allegedly stabbing an officer south of Ramallah on October 21, 2015. An image released on Twitter purportedly shows a young Palestinian man who was killed by Israeli forces after allegedly stabbing an officer south of Ramallah on October 21, 2015.[/caption]


Tuesday, October 20

A Palestinian senior leader was arrested by the Israeli forces in southwest of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. On Tuesday, the Israeli soldiersstormedthe house of Hassan Yousef, the senior Hamas leader in Beitunian and transferred him to jail.

Besides, Israeli forces have killed two more Palestinians near the city of al-Khalil (Hebron) in southern West Bank as the Palestinian death toll in the ongoing violence in the occupied territories rises.

Israeli media claimed on Tuesday that the two Palestinians had been killed following attempted knife attacks.

Earlier in the day, Israeli forces shot and killed another Palestinian youth during clashes along the border in the besieged Gaza Strip amid intensification of violence against Palestinians.

According to Palestinian media, the man was killed while five other Gazans sustained injuries.

Also on Tuesday, Israeli forces shot dead two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank during renewed clashes between the two sides.

The fresh violence comes as UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday made an unannounced visit to al-Quds (Jerusalem) in a bid to calm the rising tensions in the occupied territories.


Monday, October 19

At least six Palestinians have been kidnappedduringthe Israeli forces rush to the Palestinian homes in Ramallah in the West Bankon Monday morning.Another65-year-old Palestinian woman also died in East al-Quds, after the Israel military forces stopped her family car, causing them to get to the hospital with delay.

A 29-year-old African migrant died on Monday after he was shot and critically woundedby the Israeli gun fire and the settlers beating on Sundayin Israeli city of Beersheba. The Israeli security guard allegedly identified the man as the potential attacked and leaving him to die. He further was harshly beaten by the angry Israeli bystanders.

 Mulu Habtom Zerhoma, the Eritrean migrant who was shot dead by an Israeli soldier in Beersheba, Israel. (AP Photo)


Sunday, October 18

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the France's proposal to monitor the situation around al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the city of East al-Quds on Sunday. Paris has submitted a draft resolution on the issue of conflict to the UNSC during the body emergency session on October 16, a draft which was strongly condemned by Netanyahu for the second time.

The France proposal suggested the deployment of the international observers to monitor the situationin the area of the mosque compound, which has been the scene of deadly clashes for more than a month.Earlier, the Israeli Prime Minister rejectedthe draft resolution on October 17, as absurd, saying that the draft seeks the internationalization of the holy places in the Middle East.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]An Israeli woman is comforted as others react at the main bus station in Beersheba in southern Israel on October 18, 2018. (AFP) In an attack to a bus station in the Israeli city of Beersheba (Bir as-Sab) on Sunday evening an Israeli soldiers has been killed and 11 people have been wounded. (AFP photo)[/caption]

Amid the escalation of tensions in the Palestinian territory, in an attack to a bus station in the Israeli city of Beersheba (Bir as-Sab) on Sunday evening an Israeli soldiers has been killed and 11peoplehave beenwounded.

At least six Palestinians have been kidnapped duringthe Israeli forces rush to the Palestinian homes in Ramallah in the West Bank on Monday morning.Another65-year-old Palestinian woman also died in East al-Quds, after the Israel military forces stopped her family car, causing them to get to the hospital with delay.

The Tel-Aviv and some other cities' decision to bar the Jews and Arab workers from working in the schools when the students are present have caused many objections. Two members of Israel Parliament denounced the Tel-Aviv policy to impose restrictions on the Arab workers and many Arab Israelis also staged a rally in the Israeli cities to protest against the new policy. A Knesset member called it a dangerous measures and racist exclusion, while the spokesperson for the city of Rehovot reiterated that the measure would probably affect largely the Arab workers.


Saturday, October 17

A Palestinian youth was shot dead by an Israeli settler in the occupied West Bank. While the Israeli media has claimed that he attempted to stab the settler, the witnesses said he actedin self-defense. Another Palestinian also was killed by Israel military in the city of East al-Quds.

The Palestinians also took to the street to take part in the funeral procession of 2 Palestinians killed by Israeli gun fire in the cities of Nablus and al-Khalil on Saturday.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="650"] The funeral procession of a 26-year-old Palestinian Iyad Awawdeh, in the occupied West Bank on Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. (AP photo)[/caption]

A newly released footage by a Palestinian activist group, "Youth Against Settlement", has raised serious doubts on the Israeli claims that a Palestinian was killed for attempt to murder a settler in the city of al-Khalil. The video shows the Tel-Aviv force has planted a knife next to the Palestinian dead body that was killed on Saturday.

As Tel-Aviv regime has toughened its measures in thePalestinian occupied territory, four Palestinians were shot dead by the Israeli gun fire and another sustained severe injuries in the city of West Bank and East al-Quds. Such crime is while Israeli media try to cover them, alleging that the victims attempted to stab the soldiers or settlers.

During the illegal Israeli settlers rush to the homes of Palestinian in West Bank, at least five member of a family were injured on Saturday evening.

Meanwhile several other Palestinian protesters were wounded by the Israeli attack on the outskirt of Ramallah on Saturday.


Friday, October 16

The Palestinian news agency Palestine al-Youm says a 37-year-old Palestinian man has been shot dead in a refugee camp in Gaza on Friday morning. He reportedly was injured in the clashes a week ago on the bloody Friday of Gaza in which 7 Palestinians were killed and 150 more were wounded by theIsraeli live fire.

Gaza strip has been once again the scene of renewed clashes on Friday. According to aGazan Health Ministry official announced that at least two Palestinians have been killed and 27 more have sustained to injuries when Israeli forces used live weapons to disperse the Palestinian group of protesters in Gaza.


Palestinians evacuate a wounded protester after he was shot by Israeli troops in the east of Gaza City October 16, 2015. ( Reuters)


The Palestinian ambassador to the UN urged the body to take measures to stop the Israeli violence in Palestinian territories. Riyad Mansure made the remarks at the Friday UNSC special meeting on the issue of violence in the occupied territory. He also noted that: We come to you today asking the Council to urgently intervene to end this aggression against our defenseless Palestinian people and against our shrines which are subjected to violations by the Israeli military occupation and by Israeli settlers and by extremists.


Thursday, October 15
The Israeli forces have intensified measures to restrict free movement of Palestinian in several neighborhoods in East al-Quds. According to the reports, Israeli border police has blocked exits at the edge of Jabel Mukabar, Ras al-Amud in East al-Quds on Thursday.

Israeli soldiers have killed a 46-year-old Palestinian farmer in al-Janyia village in Ramallah on Thursday morning. The residents' farmlands have been frequently attacked by the Israeli settlers annually in the olive harvest seasons. The Israeli forces also usually prevent the Palestinian farmers to reach their farmlands, blocking the area under the excuse of "closed military zone".

Ismail Haniyeh, the Palestinian senior leader voiced Gaza support of al-Quds intifada against Israel aggression. He made the remarks in a visit to the injuries of the recent clashes by Tel-Aviv regime on Thursday in a hospital in Gaza strip. Elsewhere in his remarks he also said the message of our wounded is that Gaza, despite the distance and its deep suffering due to the siege and war, still stands behind the battle of Jerusalem, and that Gaza is in the heart of Jerusalems Intifada.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council is to hold an emergency session to discuss the highlyexplosive situation in Palestinian occupied territory. The UNSC meeting is expected to be held on Friday to examine the escalation of the violence in East al Quds, Gaza strip and the West-Bank.


Wednesday, October14

Following the Israeli security cabinet decision the Arab sectors of East al-Quds will be sealed. According to the statement from the Prime Minister officereleasedon Wednesdaythe security cabinet decided several measures notably authorizing police to seal off or impose a curfew on parts of Jerusalem in case of friction or incitement to violence.

The reports said the tensions in Al-Khalil in the occupied West Bank has escalated. Several parts of Al-Khalil on Wednesday such as arefugee camp and Awwa region, in the southwest of al-Khalil,have been the scenes of clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces.

Also on Wednesday, Palestinians in Gaza strip shot at an Israeli car which no reports is available yet on the casualties.

The funeral procession of a young Palestinian who was shot dead the day before, became a scene of erupted clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian mourners in Bethlehem on Wednesday.Israeli gunmen usedtear gas to disperse the protesters who carried Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against Israel.

The Palestinians in Bethlehem also will held a demonstration Thursday to protest against the Israeli increased violence against Palestinians.

The Palestinian resources said a Palestinian prisoner has died after suffering a stroke. According tothe Palestinian Authority Committee for Prisoners Affairs, 30-year-old Fadi al-Darbi has died of brain dead in hospital a day after stroke.

Israeli Police alleged that a Palestinian who attacked and stabbed a woman in al-Quds has been shot dead on Wednesday. Israeli forces have also killed another Palestinian in al-Quds (Jerusalem) over the same claim.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]The photo shows two Palestinian youths Ahmad Fathy Abu Shabaan (L) and Bassel Sadr killed by Israeli forces on October 14, 2015 in al-Quds (Jerusalem) over alleged stabbing attacks. Two Palestinian youths Ahmad Fathy Abu Shabaan (L) were shot dead by Israeli police on October 14, 2015 in the city of al-Quds[/caption]

While the tensions in the occupied territory has been erupted,Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah voiced support of the Palestinian cause and their uprising against the Israeli regime.According to al-Manar news website,Nasrallah made the remarks in a ceremony on Wednesday to commemorate the holy month of Moharam in south of Beirut. He also reiterated the full support of Hezbollah, adding thatPalestinian people have no choice but resistance, they are the leaders of this battlefield, let them decide their form of resistance.


Tuesday, October 13

The tensions between the Palestinians and the Israeli settlers have been escalated in recent days as Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian who allegedly killed one and injured number of Israeli settlers in East al-Quds on Tuesday.In the city of Raanana north of Tel Aviv, Israeli forces shot and injured a Palestinian after he allegedly wounded two Israeli settlers in a stabbing attack.

The Tel-Aviv regimealso attacked a Palestinian woman and her two children in the city of Netanya. OneIsraeli settler also was injuredin a stabbing attack in Holon Hankin district near Tel Aviv. Israelis also have shot dead two Palestinians allegedly responsible for the attack on a bus, in which two Israeli settlers were killed and several other were wounded.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="650"] The dead bodies of Israeli settlers following attack on a bus in East al-Quds on October 13, 2015[/caption]

The Israeli customs authoritiesconfiscated the gifts byIndian President Pranab Mukherjee to a Palestinian University.On Monday, Israeli authorities prevented the delivery of communications system to the Information Technology (IT) department of al-Quds University. In his first ever visit, the Indian President were to give the gifts to the al-Quds University and to inaugurate them.

On the Palestinian "Day of Rage", Israeli troops killed three Palestinians in West Bank and East al-Quds. Reports said in Qalandyia near the city of Ramallah Palestinians held a demonstration, in which they set tires on fire. In a smaller protest in Beiy Hanun in Gaza, five Palestinian were injured.Witnesses also said dozens of protesters have been heavily woundedby Israeli fire.

Palestine Liberation Organization on Tuesday said anew petition will be submitted tothe International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Tel-Aviv regime's crimes against the Palestinians.(PLO) Secretary General Saeb Erekat once again denounced the Israel crimes in Palestine,demandingthe UN SpecialRapporteur Christof Heyns to visit the occupied territories andinvestigatethecrimescommittedby Israeli forces and settlers.

More than 300 Palestinians have been injured with the Israeli weapons on Tuesday. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said in the Tuesdayskirmishesa total of 326 Palestinians were wounded in the Palestinian territories, bringing to 3,730the number of injured since the beginning of October.

On Tuesday, hundreds of university students who staged a rally around the checkpoint in the northern part of al-Khalil, facedIsraeli forces shootinglive and rubber-coated bullets.


Monday, October12

Israeli regime has killed a Palestinian man in East al-Quds on Monday. The Israeli resources alleged that he attempted to attack an Israeli officer. In addition to the abduction of 33 Palestinians in the West Banks, 25 Palestinians have been shot dead since the last Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Watch criticized Tel-Aviv regime over the use of live weapons against the Palestinians. The human rights organizations on Monday called the Israeli attack as "Indiscriminate or deliberate firing" onthe Palestinian people.

MarwanBarghouti, a jailed Palestinian leader warned thatIsrael violence against Palestine may turn the conflict to a never-ending war. In his article published in Guardian website, he also said the Israel acts particularly in al-Quds will change a"solvable political conflict into a never-ending war.

On Monday evening, Israeli forces have fatally shot dead three Palestinians separately in the West Bank and East al-Quds. One of the victims was reportedly aa 12-year-old Palestinian teenage boy whose brother was also injured by the Israeli fire.

The Palestinian authority Foreign Ministry said Israel isdeliberately escalated the tensions in the Palestinian occupied territory to divert the attentions away from the failures in diplomacy. The Palestinian FM made the remarks few hours before the ceremony for the raising the Palestine flag at the UN headquarters in Vienna. He also accused the Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu of seeking another Intifada.

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu sabotaged the mission of an envoy from the Middle East Quartet diplomats that planned to calm the current tensions in Palestine. A Western diplomat said the Israelis told us that this is not a good time to talk about diplomatic matters. Speaking to theIsraeli media, he said on Monday that Netanyahu asked the delegation to cancel the trip to the occupied territories.
A recently released fearsomevideo showsa Palestinian teenager bleeding heavily on the ground while the Israeli Israeli soldiers and the passersby watch him bleed to death. The 13-year old Palestinian boy named AhmadManasra was shot by the Israeli soldiers in East al-Qudswas bleeding heavilyon the ground, while some Israeli bystanders shouted a mixed of Arabic and Hebrewobscenities at him. Mansara was reportedlytaken to a nearby hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="650"] Ahmad Saleh Manasra, a 13-yaer-old Palestinian teenage boy, who was injured by the multiple gunshots from Israeli soldiers in East al-Quds[/caption]


Sunday, October 11

Israeli jets have once again raided the besieged Gaza on early Sunday. During the airstrike a Palestinian pregnant woman together with her three-year-old daughter and her to-be-born kid died. The Israeli military reaffirmed the attack, claiming that ittargeted an alleged weapons manufacturing site belonging to Hamas.

As the tensions erupted in the occupied territories, an Israeli police officer has been injured on Sunday duringa car explosion on a road to the city of Eastal-Quds.

French President Francois Hollande in statement released from the office on Sunday, slammed escalating tensions between Israel and Palestine, calling any efforts for an end to extremely worrying and dangerous, violence.

A Hamas senior official urged Israeli regime to stop "foolish" measures. Sami Abu Zuhri,Hamas spokesman's remarks came after a Palestinian pregnant woman andher toddler were killed in the Multiple Israeli airstrike in Gaza said on Saturday

Relatives mourn during the funeral of a Palestinian toddler and her pregnant mother at the al-Nusairat refugee camp in central Gaza Strip, October 11, 2015 AFP


Israeli forces also wounded dozens of other Palestinian on Sunday. A Palestinian teenager was shot in neck near the city of Ramallah while another Palestinian was injured with the Israel live ammunition on Sunday.

Meanwhile the separate reports show that on Sunday at least 55 Palestinian students have been injured bothin Khaddoury College, located in the West Bank city of Tulkarem and in front of a college of al-Quds University in Abu Dis in East al-Quds by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets.


Saturday, October 10

According to the Palestinian Prisoners Club, the Tel-Aviv regime has arrestednearly200 Palestinians aged between 14 and 20 over the past 10 days. The group which monitors the cases of Palestinian detainees also saida total number of 400 Palestinians have been detained since the October 1 inEast al-Quds and the West bank.

Two Palestinian teenagers were killed and tens of others were injured by the Israel live bullets in the south of besiegedGaza stripe. The latest killings are whilethe Israeli military claimed that "Palestinians entered the perimeter along the security fence, approached the fence, hauled rocks and rolled burning tires at it" in southern Gaza.

A Palestinian protester is evacuated after being injured by a tear gas canister during clashes with Israeli security forces near the Nahal Oz border crossing with Israel, east of Gaza City on October 10, 2015. (AFP)

Meanwhile the Palestinian Authority Committee for Prisoners Affairs saidat least 650 Palestinians have been arrested since the beginning of this month in the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem). In the issued statementon Saturday, the body declared that most of the detainees are below20. It also noted thehumiliation and mistreatment by the Israel authorities during the detention.

Tel-Aviv regime has mobilized 13 companies of reservists to boot the military preparedness. In a major call-up ordered on Saturday, the Prime Minister Netanyahu deployed over 2000 military personnel for the matter.

While the tensions in the occupied territory has escalated, thousands of Israeli citizens staged a demonstration to protest the recent clashes, denouncing the Israeli disability to bring the situation under control. The rally which was held inin front of Netanyahus residence in al-Quds on Saturday evening the protesters also demanded the prime minister resignation.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Left-wing Israeli protesters participate in a demonstration against the regime in Tel Aviv outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus residence in al-Quds (Jerusalem) October 10, 2015. Reuters Israeli settlers protest against the regime in Tel Aviv measures in the occupied territory[/caption]


Friday, October 9

The Palestinian Maan Agency reported that an Israeli settler have stabbed four Palestinians in Dimona in the south of the occupied territory. The injured were reportedly workers between 35 and 50. Another Palestinian man also was shot dead by the Tel-Aviv police in a city of Al-Khali.

The Palestinian medical sources said 6 Palestinians have been shot dead by the Israeli live bullets in Gaza strip while tens of others have been strongly injured. The bloody clashes came when the Israeli regime forces used fire to disperse the group of Palestinian protesters in eastern part of Gaza.

Amid the escalation of the tensions in Palestine, Hamas senior leader Islamil Haniyeh in the ceremony of Friday pray at a mosque in Gaza insisted that intifada is the only way to liberate the occupied territory.

Gaza will fulfill its role in the al-Quds Intifada and it is more than ready for confrontation, he also added.

Mushir al-Musri the Hamas spokesman also condemned the Israeli crimes, stressing that the Palestinians blood will inspire a new Intifada against Tel-Aviv. Speaking a few hours after the bloody clash in Gaza, he also urged Palestinians to resist against Israel in the Friday rally in Gaza.

On Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry declaredthat 14 Palestinians were killed and around 1,000 others wounded bothwith live weapons and rubber-coated steel bullets of Israeli forces in the West Bank and Gaza stripe since the beginning of October.

The Palestinian Safa news websiteon Friday said during the Tel-Aviv forces assault to the Palestinian refugee camp in north of al-Quds, at least two Palestinian youths were killed and several others were injured.

Israeli forces have also stormeda Palestinian refugee camp in north of al-Quds (Jerusalem), in which at least two Palestinian were killed and several others were wounded.The latest assault brings the number of deaths to ten just inlast two days.


Thursday, October 8

A newly released video captured by the some journalists near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank shows that the Israeli agent provocateur joined the Palestinians protest, inciting the protesters to thrown stone.Then theinfiltratedIsraeli agents helped the Israeli armed forces to shoot the protesters and to arrest them. The short video also captured howharshlythe undercover soldiers beat and injure the captured young Palestinian.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that over 300 Palestinians have been wounded in the recent clashes in West Bank. According to the society the injuries have caused by the live bullets, the rubber bullets and gas inhalation. This humanitarian organization also added that since October 3 over 800 Palestinians have sustained injuries in the Palestinian occupied territories.

The Tel-Aviv regime forces rushed the Palestinian protesters near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank, using the tear gas to disperse the crowd. At least two Palestinians and one European photojournalist were injured during the Palestinians protest against the Israel measures in al-Aqsa mosque in al-Quds.

In a statement, the Israeli police still said it restricts the men under 50 entries to the al-Aqsa mosque.

While the Tensions have been escalated all over the occupied territories in recent days, the Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi strongly slammed Israel over the tensions, calling the regime measures as "racist and aggressive".

"The continuing escalation of attacks on the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation authorities and settlers threatens to exacerbate the situation in the entire region as the international community remains silent to these crimes, he stated in the statement on Thursday.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Right Zeid Raad al-Hussein also voiced deepconcern over the escalation of the tensions in the Palestinian territories, urging an end to the violence.

Healso on Thursdaywarned about the rising number of the Palestinians injured by live weapons, rubber bullets and tear gas.


Wednesday, October 7

The Palestinian sources said during a rush by the Israeli settlers into a village nearBethlehem on Wednesday, at least two local Palestinians were severely wounded. In al-Khalil other 17 Palestinians were arrested, while several other houses were searched which caused property damage. Another woman also was shot and strongly injured by Israeli settlers on Wednesday in East al-Quds. Israeli Police spokeswoman announced it, claiming that the woman attacked and stabbed the Israeli settler.

Meanwhile, a group representing some communities in the United States held a demonstration near the Israel mission in New York, protesting the Israel violence against the Palestinians

The Palestinian Maan news agency reported on Wednesday said a young Palestinian was shot deadin the city of Kiryat Gat in the occupied West Bank. The agency reported thatAmjad Hatem al-Jundi, 24-year-old Palestinian was killed by the Israeli live fire after he allegedly grabbed an Israeli gun and fled to anearbybuilding.


Tuesday, October6

During the recent clashes in the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces rushed into several houses and detained number of Palestinians. The measures reportedly escalated tension, causing the new wave of clashes around the city of Nablus. According to the Palestinian health officials at least five people were injured in Nablus and another Palestinian teenager was wounded in a village in northern part of Jenin. Three other Palestinians also were shot by the Israeli forces live fire in Bethlehem during the funeral of the 13-year-old Palestinian who was killed earlier.

Meanwhile the UN secretary General, Ban Ki-moon issued a statement on Tuesday in which he demanded Israel to conduct an independent investigation into the recent deaths of four Palestinian.

On Tuesday,Israeli forces shot and wounded a Human Rights Watchresearcher. The researcher whose name wasn't revealed, observing a rally outside the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.


Monday, October 5

A day after two young Palestinians were killed by the Israeli forces, another young Palestinian man has been shot in the chest on Monday evening in al-Quds when the Israeli forces used the live bullet to disperse the crowd.

While he is reportedly in critical condition at the al-Makassed hospital, another Palestinian teenager was shot dead in the Aida refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. The head of the emergency department of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) also said the tension has escalated on Monday evening in al-Quds.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas denounced the Israel for the deepening the tensions. In the Abbas office's statement issued on Monday, he underlined the Israel effort to drag "things into a cycle of violence".

Meanwhile, Israeli jets bombed two sites in the central part of the Gaza strip which reportedly belong to the armed wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas. Two Palestinians' houses in al-Quds also were destroyed by Tel-Aviv regime, following its new decision to severely penalize the Palestinian protesters.


Sunday, October 4

The Israeli Police force have applied new restrictions on the Muslim entry into al-Aqsa mosque for two days on Sunday. According to the new rule, while only the Palestinian men above 50 are allowed to enter the site through a single special gate, all Israeli, tourists, residents of the area, business owners and school children may visit the site freely.

In response to the new ban on al-Aqsa, the Palestinian government issued a statement, slamming the restrictions on Sunday. The Palestinian government denounces the Israeli escalation policy by Israeli occupation authorities against our people in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank, the statement said.

Despite the heavy criticism of the Israel violent measures to use live fire against Palestinians, 77 Palestinians have been wounded by live bullets only in past 24 hours. A Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced the statistics on Sunday, declaring the state of emergency in the West Bank and East al-Quds. It also added that more than 139 Palestinians have been injured for tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile, the Israeli forces have killed a young Palestinian man and injured a six-year-old child in West Bank only on Sunday.

According to Palestinian Maan news agency, Fadi Samir Mutafa Alloun have been shot dead near al-Aqsa Mosque, while the Israeli sources claimed that he tried to stab an Israeli settler, an allegation which strongly denied by Alloun's father.

In a statement on Sunday, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that 32 Palestinians have been shot by the live bullets and some 188 others have been injured by the rubber bullets of Tel-Aviv regimes since Saturday. This is while according to the statement, 234 others were hospitalized for the gas inhalation or the beating by the Israeli regime.


Saturday, October 3

A senior Hamas official urged Palestinians to take up arms to defend the al-Aqsa Mosque in the city of East-al Quds. In an interview published on Hamas official website, he said: "The only solution to defend the al-Aqsa Mosque and to prevent Israelis from carrying out their plans there is for West Bank and Jerusalem residents to take up arms," Mahmud Zahar said in an interview posted on Hamas website.

Meanwhile, the Israeli police spokeswoman, Luba Samri recently announced that a 19-year-old Palestinian was killed in al-Quds on Saturday. The Israeli source claimed that he was shot dead during a clash between him and Israeli settlers. A Palestinian source confirmed the clash, saying that two settlers were killed and two other were injured.


Friday, October 2

A Palestinian Prisoners defending group recently announced that Israel have nabbed 562 Palestinians in September only. The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) statistics has also indicates that 75 Palestinians in al-Khalil (Hebron), 38 in Ramallah al-Bireh, 32 in Bethlehem, 22 in Jenin, 20 in Nablus, eight in Tulkarm, six in Jericho, five in Tubas, four in Qalqilyaand two in Salfit have been kidnapped in last month.

According to the statement, in occupied East al-Quds, the Tel-Aviv regime has abducted 294 Palestinians including children, following the recent Israeli storm into al-Aqsa Mosque in mid-September. The group also added that all the detainees in the Israeli Prison are denied the basic rights and are subjected to the physical and psychological torture.


Wednesday, September 30

Meanwhile the UN human rights office voiced concern about the recent clashes, urging Israel to avoid use of live bullets against the Palestinians in both al-Quds and the West Bank. We urge the Israeli authorities to ensure that security forces only employ force as a last resort and in full accordance with the standards laid out under international law for maintaining public order, including detailed guidelines governing the use of live ammunition, Rupert Colville said.

On Wednesday and in the third day of Jewish holiday known as Sukkot, the Israel forces once again raided the al-Aqsa mosques, forcing the Palestinian prayers out of the mosque.

Meanwhile, Mahmoumd Abbas strongly denounced Israel, accusing the Tel-Aviv authority to pursue the goal of Palestine destruction. In an opinion piece in Huffington Post, Abbas wrote: Israel demolishes our homes, swallows up our land and works at breaking the spirit and will of our people.

In an address to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Wednesday, Abbas said: We declare that as long as Israel refuses to commit to the agreements signed with us [they] leave us no choice but to insist that we will not remain the only ones committed to the implementation of these agreements, while Israel continuously violates them.

President Abbas remarks came just before the ceremony of Palestine flag-raising at UNheadquarters for the first time.


Tuesday, September 29

Israel ignores the international law rules and regulation as it continues to restrict the free access to al-Aqsa compound. On Tuesday, Israel has abducted seven Palestinian on the charge of involvement in the recent tensions in al-Aqsa and three other children between 11 and 15. Israel police spokesperson alleged that the children were detained in the outskirt of al-Quds for the charge of throwing stone.


Monday, September 28

The clashes also erupted in al-Quds on Monday, as the Israeli police blocked the free access of the Palestinian men under 50 to the al-Aqsa mosque compound.

Amid the tensions, the Human Rights Democracy Media Center blamed Israel for using live fire against the Palestinians, calling such measures the violation of international law.

Earlier the Amnesty International denounced the illegal execution of an 18-year-old Palestinian girl in al-Khalil.

However, Israel continues to nab the Palestinians in the occupied territory. On Monday, the Israel police raided the dozens of homes in East al-Quds, arresting four minors between 11 and 13 and causing many property damages.


Sunday, September 27

However, despite the heavy criticism of the violent measures in the past weeks in al-Quds, Israel forces continues to attack the al-Aqsa Mosque. The new wave of tensions has occurred in and around the mosque compound in the last day of Eid Al-Adha holidays on Sunday.


Saturday, September 26

Following the Israel Cabinets decision to penalize more severely the Palestinian stone-throwers, on Saturday Israel police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld announced that the four young Palestinian between 16 and 19 have been arrested in al-Quds. The Israeli official claimed that they have attacked an Israeli old man earlier this month.

Meanwhile the Secretary General of Palestinian Liberation Organization, Saeb Erekat, firmly denounced the Israel new measures to target the Palestinians with live bullets, calling it dehumanization of the Palestinian people.

The Israel government continues to incite against Palestinian lives, with a culture of hate that dehumanizes a whole nation, the PLO Secretary General added.


13 September- 25 September

During the several consecutive days of attacks, dozens of Palestinians were detained and tens of other were wounded. In response to the new wave of brutality, hundreds of Palestinians took to the street, chanting the anti Israel slogans and calling the Arab League to take an urgent action against the assault. The attacks were also condemned by Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, Izzat al-Rishq a senior Hamas official, and Nickolay Mladenov the senior UN official.

However, in response to the UN concerns over the violent attacks, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, decided to toughen the measures and to punish the Palestinian stone-throwers.

Amid the unrest, Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the Mosque compound on the fourth day of clashes, a move which according to the observers has the potential to ignite the violence. Following Netanyahus decision to intensify the measures against the Palestinians, the Israeli forces were authorized to use snipers against the stone-throwers even children, in the city of al-Quds. An Israel lawmaker accused Netanyahu of people hunting, arguing that Netanyahu is apparently looking for a judicial license to kill and to murder.

While Israels latest aggression has aroused widespread international criticism and condemnation, the UN Security Council had been ineffective and inactive in addressing the Israeli crimes in Palestine. The organs inactivity made Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador at the UN to strongly denounce the UN Security Council. In an unanimous declaration, it merely called both sides to refrain from provocative actions but fell short to denounce the brutal assault by the Tel-Aviv forces.

The truth is that al-Aqsa is considered sacred to both Muslims and Jews, but Israel imposed harsh restrictions on Muslims entries into the Mosque since August 26. Meanwhile, thousands of illegal Israeli settlers escorted by Israeli soldiers are freely allowed to visit and pray inside the mosque. According to the observers all the developments is the Tel-Avivs plan to move toward judaization of the East Jerusalem.

On Friday, in solidarity with Al-Quds prayers, Palestinians in both Al-Khalil and the impoverished Gaza strip held a massive demonstration in the day of rage dubbed by Hamas. However, the Israeli forces continued to restrict the Muslims entry to al-Quds Mosque, since they prevented a Palestinian convoy including, the head of the Authoritys intelligence, Majid Farraj, and the head of its preventive security, Ziyad Hab al-Reeh to enter the al-Quds Mosque

On the ninth consecutive day of clashes, the Palestinians demonstrated to protest against the restrictions on access to the Mosque.

According to the reports, Tel-Aviv forces attacked the protesters in the Aida refugee camp near the city of Bethlehem and Josephs Tomb located on the outskirt of the city of Nablus.

In the meantime, Mahmoud Abbas has warned about what is happening in al-Quds. He strongly urged Netanyahu to stop aggression on the Palestinian prayers in the mosque, adding that the continuation of attacks may lead to an intifada which we dont want.

It is worth noting that the second Intifada happened when Ariel Sharon, Former Israeli Prime Minister visited the al-Aqsa on September 2000, an uprising which later also known as the al-Aqsa Intifada.

In the most recent developments, the latest twitter from Marian Houk, the international reporter indicates that on Wednesday the Palestinian Muslims returned to al-Aqsa mosque.

A week after the Netanyahus decision to toughen the measures against the Palestinian stone-throwers, the Israel security cabinet voted to approve a series of measures that allow the military forces to target the Palestinian with live bullets.

In a statement issues by the prime ministers office on Thursday, it also explained: We have decided to penalize more severely adult stone-throwers with a minimum sentence of four years in prison and also to authorize larger fines for minors and their parents.

In addition, according to the statement the stone-throwers under the age of 10 will be arrested or obliged to pay a fine up to 100,000 Israel shekels (about US $26,000).

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