20 Oct 2024
Monday 6 April 2015 - 09:59
Story Code : 158581

Iran: US fate in Mideast waiting for Saudi Arabia in Yemen

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian warned Riyadh that if it does not immediately halt its aggression against Yemen, it will be destined to experience the same fate that the Americans had in Iraq and Syria.

"We advise Saudi Arabia to take lesson from the US' fate of military interference in the region and immediately halt its military attacks in Yemen," Amir Abdollahian said on Sunday.

He warned that enemies of Islam are trying to turn Saudi Arabia into a new Libya by engaging the country in a war against Yemen in a bid to weaken the Muslim states.

Amir Abdollahian pointed to the present conditions of Yemen, and said, " Siege of Yemen and blockade on humanitarian aid supplies by the international bodies has no justification by any means."

He also warned that the only result of Saudi Arabia's strategic mistake of attacking Yemen will be the growth of terrorism, reduced power for Muslims and reinvigoration of the Zionist regime of Israel.

"Those contributing to the military attack on Yemen will be held responsible for regional insecurity, while making their country insecure as well," the Iranian deputy foreign minister cautioned.

The Iranian legislature in a statement issued on Sunday strongly deplored the Saudi-led military strikes against Yemen, cautioning that Riyadh is implementing enemies' plots against the worldwide Muslim community.

"We as members of the Iranian parliament support the Yemeni nation's popular uprising and condemn the foreign, specially the Saudi, meddling and military attack and consider it as a clear interference in the Yemeni people's sovereignty in deciding their fate," the statement read by member of the parliament's Presiding Board Zarqam Sadeqi said.

Noting that the Saudi strike against Yemen proved that Riyadh is serving enemies' plots against the Islamic world instead of strengthening unity and being a source of honor for the Muslims, the statement said, "The Saudi regime should know that the fire they have set will backfire and will impose a heavy cost on the Muslim world."

The statement cautioned that the "fake coalition" against Yemen will further complicate the Muslim world and the regional problems, and said the US and the Zionist regime and their allies' support for the Saudi aggression against an independent nation is against the international laws and shows the US and its allies' hypocritical policies once again.

The Iranian lawmakers also blasted the international community for its deadly silence on the Saudi crimes in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen for 11 days now to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression against Yemen has killed at least 874 people, including hundreds of women and children. Another 1,700 people have also been wounded in the last 11 days.

Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.

Despite Riyadh's claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

Five Persian Gulf States -- Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait -- and Egypt that are also assisted by Israel and backed by the US declared war on Yemen in a joint statement issued on March 26.

Iranian people and officials have strongly condemned the aggression and called for its immediate halt.

Iranian protesters condemned the Saudi aggression against Yemen in rallies staged after the Friday prayers in different cities.

During the rallies held in the cities of Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad and Ardebil, the protesters chanted slogans in support of the Yemeni army and popular forces and against the Al Saud regime.

In Tehran, the protesters carried out placards which read "Down with the US", "Ansarullah will win", "Down with Saudi Arabia".

In Tabriz, the worshippers underlined that the people of Yemen have and will never be alone and the Iranian nation will forcefully stay beside the Ansarullah movement and their resistance against the Saudi-led aggressors.

In Mashhad, the protesting people also condemned the Saudi aggression against Yemen while carrying posters in support of the oppressed Yemeni people.

The people of Ardebil also took part in rallies against the Al Saud regime after the Friday prayers and called for immediate halt to the aggressions.

By Fars News Agency

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