19 Oct 2024
Sunday 22 March 2015 - 22:42
Story Code : 156657

United States to continue pressure on Iran after ending nuclear talks

CIA director John Brennan said that the United States has a global mission to stop Iran from destabilizing the region.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) The United States is determined tomaintain pressure onIran aftera deal onthe Islamic republic's nuclear problem is reached, CIA director John Brennan said onSunday.

International mediators have been negotiating a deal withIran aimed atlimiting its nuclear activity. Tehran insists it has the right toenrich uranium and that its nuclear program is forpeaceful purposes butsome mediators fear the country have nuclear weapon ambitions.

The CIA director said that the United States has a global mission tostop Iran fromdestabilizing the region.

The nuclear program is one issue that were hoping tobe able tohalt; butalso, we see that Iran is still a state sponsor ofterrorism, Brennan said duringan exclusive interview broadcast byFox News.

Brennan added that there will be tremendous costs and consequences forIran if the country were todecide togo fora breakout withits nuclear program. According tothe CIA director, the Unites States possesses all intelligence data necessary tohave a good appreciation ofwhat the Iranian nuclear program consists of.

Earlier onSunday, Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Irans negotiations withWashington are confined tothe nuclear program issue, and any further cooperation withWashington inthe Middle East is impossible.

Khamenei added that the nuclear deal is possible butstressed that Tehran would resist Washingtons bullying approach and would never accept what the US government wants toimpose byforce.

Tehran and the international mediators have agreed toreach a political framework agreement onthe nuclear issue inMarch, and a long-term comprehensive deal byJuly.

The next roundof talks will begin inthe Swiss city ofLausanne onMarch 26.

By Sputnik
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