19 Oct 2024
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian in a meeting with former Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour in Tehran on Wednesday said that the West's acknowledgement of the threat of terrorist groups vindicates Iran's correct policy towards regional developments.

"The regional developments in recent months and the acknowledgement by the West and the regional countries about the threat of terrorism shows the Islamic Republic of Iran and the axis of resistance in the region have adopted correct stances and approaches (in this regard)," Amir Abdollahian said during the meeting held on the sidelines of the first 'World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE)' conference.

Amir Abdollahian, meantime, thanked the former Lebanese foreign minister for the constructive measures that he had taken during his tenure to expand the relations between Tehran and Beirut as well as his stances in support of the resistance front at the international bodies.

Mansour, for his part, appreciated Iran's supports for the resistance and the Palestinian nation.

The former Lebanese foreign minister noted that extremism and terrorism represent the most vital threat to regional and global peace and stability, stressing that putting an end to financial and arms support for the terrorist groups is the most crucial and fundamental step war on terrorism.

Earlier today, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif lashed out at the world powers for using terrorism and extremism as a tool to attain their goals.

"The developments in the past three years, specially injecting violence and extremism into the Iraqi and Syrian territories, were aimed at nothing but overlapping the interests of certain international and regional actors through making an instrumental use of violence and extremism," Zarif said, addressing the closing ceremony of the WAVE conference.

He, meantime, added that the instrumental use of terrorism and extremism has backfired and those who initiated such moves have now come to realize that they have endangered themselves more than others.

Yet, Zarif welcomed the change of views in this regard as "important" and "positive", and said but the attitude of certain states shows that after wasting a huge amount of money they still have hopes for using more funds to this end to meet their short-term interests or even for the sake of personal vengeance.

By Fars News Agency



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