19 Oct 2024
WASHINGTON, October 24 (RIA Novosti) - The United States hopes to reach an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program, otherwise, the liability for failure will fully lie onIran, US Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said.
"We hope the leaders in Tehran will agree to the steps necessary to assure the world that this program will be exclusively peaceful and thereby end Iran's economic and diplomatic isolation and improve further the lives of their people," Sherman said Thursday speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Sherman refused to forecast the outcome of the negotiations on the Iranian atom, but stressed that the plan was supposed to be acceptable to all parties.

The West has accused Tehran of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian nuclear program - claims repeatedly denied by the Iranian authorities. At a meeting held in November 2013 in Geneva,Iran and the P5+1 groupagreed to reach a long-term nuclear agreement by July 2014. The deadline was later postponed to November 2014. The current deadline is set on November 24.

ByRIA Novosti


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