19 Oct 2024
Tuesday 30 September 2014 - 17:35
Story Code : 119266

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Sept. 30

Two stories generated headlines Tuesday on the front pages of Iranian dailies. The stellar performance of Iranian athletes in the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea which landed Iran in the fifth spot of the medal table was the first top story. The Caspian Summit and comments by President Rouhani at the gathering were also splashed across the front pages of newspapers.
Aftab-e Yazd:Once more an impeachment tsunami is on the horizon; some [MPs] are insisting on impeaching the minister of energy.


Aftabe Yazd newspaper-09-30

Arman-e Emrooz:Protesters thronged outside the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, chanting slogans against the minister. What is perceived as widespread disregard for the Islamic dress code was the reason why the worriers [a reference to radical advocates of the former president who have voiced concern about the state of affairs under President Rouhani] gathered outside the ministry.

Arman-e Emrooz:I will present evidence, I do not accept my conviction and will appeal the verdict, said former First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi, who was recently found guilty of corruption.


Arman newspaper-09-30

Ebtekar: Netanyahus delirium; the Israeli prime minister described Palestinian resistance and the killing of people at the hands of ISIL as two sides of the same coin.

Ebtekar:Extremists poisoned the atmosphere of the [nuclear] talks, said Chairman of the State Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Ebtekar:I did not take one iota of action which ran counter to the law, said former Tehran Prosecutor General Saeed Mortazavi.

Ebtekar: A state of emergency in the principlist camp is the headline of a report that underlines there are deep divisions among principlists prior to the 10thparliamentary elections. The daily speculates that following the setback the faction suffered in the presidential vote in 2013, it might have to set aside differences and acquiesce to forming a coalition with other groups, in particular the Islamic Revolution Stability Front, to secure victory in the upcoming vote and make up for the past defeat.


Ebtekar newspaper-09-30

Eghtesad-e Pooya:Oil revenues have beaten figures projected in the budget, said Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh.

Eghtesad-e Pooya:Today the worlds widest-body airliner is to touch down at Imam Khomeini Airport.


Eghtesade Pouya newspaper-09-30

Etemad:In privatizing oil companies, the previous government cherry-picked the best firms and left us with dead wood, complained the oil minister.


Etemad newspaper-09-30

Ettelaat: The Caspian Sea should be a symbol of peace, security, and cooperation between nations, said President Rouhani at the 4thCaspian Summit.

Ettelaat:Coalition jet fighters targeted the Iraqi army instead of ISIL positions.

Ettelaat:A service in commemoration of Mohammad Ebrahim Bastani Parizi [an Iranian author, historian and poet who died on March 25, 2014] at the Council for Cultural Assets and Works.


Ettelaat newspaper-09-30

Hemayat:The obstacles that America and Canada are throwing in the way of extraditing Mahmoud Reza Khavari [ the former CEO of Irans Melli Bank who is the main defendant in Irans biggest banking fraud case] are politically motivated, said the deputy prosecutor general for political and security affairs.


Hemayat newspaper-09-30

Iran Daily:Iran jumps to fifth spot in Asian Games medal table.


Iran Daily newspaper-09-30

Iran News:Iran has several squadrons of secret drones.

Iran News:S. Arabia urges peaceful solution to Iran nuclear issue.


Iran news newspaper-09-30

Javan:New York talks under wraps; apparently nuclear talks have made more progress than officials let on. is a report in which the daily encourages new speculation and casts doubt on the inconclusive outcome of New York nuclear talks. Drawing on the comments of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov [who said the negotiations are moving in the right direction and that some 95 percent of the deal is agreed.] and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier [We have never been so close to a deal as now.], the daily believes the Iranian and American negotiating teams are economical with the outcome of the talks and keep some parts of the deal to themselves.


Javan newspaper-09-30

Jomhouri Islami:Nuclear talks between Iran and P5+1 will get underway in less than two weeks, said Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araghchi.


Jomhouri Eslami newspaper-09-30

Kaenat:Threecooperation deals and a statement have been signed by countries on the Caspian Sea.


Kaenat  newspaper-09-30

Kayhan: The plan to open a joint Iran-America Chamber of Commerce has been scuttled, said the secretary general of the Iranian Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Kayhan:The individual who fatally stabbed Ali Khalili [a 19-year old man who was assaulted and beaten while promoting virtue in 2011 and died from his fatal injuries in 2014] was sentenced to death.


Kayhan  newspaper-09-30

Nasl-e Farda:The Supreme Leader sent a letter on [protection of] the environment to officials in charge, said a member on the Healthcare and the Environment Commission of Tehran City Council. The daily quoted the councilor as saying that in the last meeting between the city councilors and the Leader efforts to protect green spaces and gardens in Tehran Province were highlighted. To that end, later, the Leader sent letters, among others, to Tehran mayor, the minister of roads and urbanization, the interior minister, and Tehran provincial governor, instructing them to revamp the law to protect greenery.


Nasle Farda newspaper-09-30

Sharq:Plans to charge transaction fees from shops which use debit card readershavebeenputon hold.


Shargh daily  newspaper-09-30

Sobh-e Eghtesad:Holding talks with British officials is not among the announced red lines, said Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular and Parliamentary Affairs Hassan Ghashghavi.


Sobhe Eghtesad newspaper-09-30

Taadol:Iran and P5+1 do not seek to go back to the previous conditions, said Chairman of the State Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.


Taadol  newspaper-09-30

By Iran Front Page


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