19 Oct 2024
Monday 3 March 2014 - 09:27
Story Code : 86790

Obama steps into peace effort With Netanyahu meeting

PresidentBarack Obamas meeting today with Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahuat the White House marks the first steps by the U.S. leader to insert himself more directly into Middle East peace talks as another deadline approaches.
U.S. Secretary of StateJohn Kerryhas hit resistance in his effort to settle, by the end of April, on a structure for negotiating a peace agreement that has eluded Israelis, Palestinians and successive U.S. administrations for decades.

Obama said in a Feb. 27 interview with Bloomberg View columnistJeffrey Goldbergthat time is running out to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. He urged Netanyahu to seize the moment to make peace.

If Netanyahu does not believe that a peace deal with the Palestinians is the right thing to do forIsrael, then he needs to articulate an alternative approach, he said. Its hard to come up with one thats plausible.

Obama said its his hope and expectation that Netanyahu and Palestinian leaderMahmoud Abbaswill reach beyond their differences. Obama has invited Abbas for a March 17 meeting at the White House. A week later, Obama is scheduled to visitSaudi Arabia, which has leverage over the Palestinians.

Netanyahu, who speaks tomorrow to the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, said in response to Obamas statements that I wont give in to pressure.
Netanyahu Response
I want a deal. It has to be a good deal, he told Israels Channel 2 television. It takes three to tango, he said, referring to Israel, the U.S. and the Palestinians.

For Obama, deeper involvement in the talks comes at probably as good a time as any, saidDennis Ross, a former Mideast negotiator in Republican and Democratic administrations. The fact is, you have an end-of-April clock ticking on the negotiations.

Its a way of demonstrating theres an investment here -- it is something thats important to the president, Ross, now a fellow at theWashingtonInstitute for Near East Policy in Washington, said. Obviously, when youre meeting with the president, the stakes go up.

For Israel, the more pressing concern isIrans nuclear program, and that will be the other topic dominating their discussion.

Netanyahu outlined his objectives for the Obama visit at a meeting last month with lawmakers from his Likud party. First of all is Iran, the prime minister said in a Feb. 10 broadcast statement.
Palestinian Recognition
As for the peace talks, the prime minister said he will reject the right of return to Israeli land for Palestinian refugees and insist that Palestinians recognize the state of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people, a step Abbas has rejected.

A senior Palestinian official said gaps in negotiations with Israel have widened in the latest round of peace talks set to conclude at the end of April.

It isnt narrowing,Mohammad Shtayyeh, who negotiated on behalf of Abbas until November, said Feb. 27 at his office in Ramallah. The offer made by Netanyahus team to cede land in theWest Bankfor a Palestinian state, he said, is less than half the area previous Israeli governments have proposed. Netanyahu spokesmanMark Regevdeclined to respond to Shtayyehs assertion.
Framework Critical
Obamas decision to engage in thepeace processa year after he delegated the work to Kerry suggests both that Kerry got further than the White House initially predicted in restarting peace talks and that the top U.S. diplomat has run into enough obstacles that his April deadline may be in trouble.

This framework is more than a speed bump, it is a critical piece, saidAaron David Miller, a former Mideast peace negotiator now at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington. Why not strategically deploy the president?

At the same time, sustained engagement by Obama would be premature, Miller said. What this is not is a prelude to Barack Obamas immersion in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The true heavy lifting isnt now.

Netanyahu emphasizes Iran in part because he sees the Palestinian conflict as less pressing, saidZalman Shoval, an adviser to the prime minister and Israels former ambassador to the U.S.
Iran Factor
Its not something that unless we reach an agreement by such and such a date, everything is going to blow up, Shoval said in a telephone interview. Weve been dealing with this for 100 years and if it doesnt happen now, well keep working on it.

The U.S. and five other world powers have a six-month agreement with Iran, to end in July, during which the Islamic Republic is supposed to freeze some of its nuclear program in exchange for relief from some sanctions.

Israel has expressed skepticism about the negotiations, and warned against the U.S. getting played by the Iranians. Netanyahu may have limited ability to enlist theU.S. Congressin keeping pressure on Iran.

Senate Majority LeaderHarry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, has blocked efforts by some lawmakers to bring new sanctions legislation up for consideration, and Obama has said he would veto any such measure should it get through Congress.
AIPAC Pressure
Ahead of the policy conference at AIPAC, the biggest pro-Israel lobbying group, Senate Republicans on Feb. 26 announced a new effort to try to force votes on new sanctions legislation by attaching language to popular legislation for veterans benefits. While AIPAC earlier called for new sanctions, it has backed away from that position.

Ross said even with the sixth-month agreement in place with Iran and congressional votes on hold, Obama and Netanyahu are sure to discuss Iran at length because the issue is profoundly important for Israel.

If the Israelis are going to accept a diplomatic outcome, the have to see that the results remove this Sword of Damocles they see hanging over their head, Ross said. This will certainly be a substantive discussion.

Todays meeting wont have the same heightened level of tension as that was the prelude to their last two March encounters.

When Netanyahu came to Washington in March 2012, he and Obama each were seeking re-election. Their mutual distrust and differences about how to manage Irans nuclear threat and peace negotiations with Palestinians were aired openly.

That colored the leadup to their meetings inJerusalemlast March. Obama and Netanyahu both sought to erase the sense of friction, operating under a strategy that a show of unity would serve each man domestically and in facing Iran. They courted one another aggressively in public appearances, and Obama visited the Dead Sea Scrolls and the grave of the founder of modern Zionism.

This is Bibi-Obama 3.0, Miller said of the latest visit. Theyve found a way to kind of be alone together in their relationship.

By Bloomberg


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