19 Oct 2024
Monday 9 December 2013 - 11:13
Story Code : 70178

Iran most cooperative with IAEA: Emadi

Press TV has conducted an interview with Hamid Reza Emadi, Press TVs news director, in Tehran, to discuss the latest developments regarding Irans nuclear energy program.
The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV:Mr. Kaplan (the other guest in the program) is saying that nothing has changed and of course today (Sunday), we have seen inspectors coming into Iran and going to Arak and inspecting that plant. What is your take on Mr. Kaplans comments?

Emadi:Well, it is not clear where Mr. Kaplan gets his information from. Whether or not he is a nuclear expert, he knows that Iran is doing what at its nuclear facilities.
But as far as the IAEA is concerned, the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors are in Iran. They inspect Irans nuclear facilities regularly. Perhaps Iran has had the highest number of inspections in the history of the IAEA. No other country has allowed inspections at that magnitude that Iran has over the past several years.
So, instead of trying to portrait Iran as a threat, Mr. Kaplan and the likes of Mr. Kaplan will have to answer this simple question: While Iran is allowing inspections by the international experts of the UN nuclear agency, why is it that Israel never allows any inspections of its nuclear facilities? Israel is known to be the only nuclear weapons possessor in the whole Middle East region but Israel never allows any kind of inspections of its nuclear facilities.

We know that Israel is a threat to the region, to the peace and stability in this region and to the peace and stability in the whole world because Israel is technically at war with all of its neighbors. Israel has launched several wars in the past several years. Most recently, it launched a war against the Palestinians in Gaza and the people of Lebanon. And Israel has nuclear weapons.

So, an entity that has nuclear weapons and is at war with the regional countries and has not allowed inspections of its nuclear facilities is the real threat to regional peace and security and is the one that we have to be really concerned about.

[In response to Kaplan]...You tell us, Mr. Kaplan, what is going on behind the scenes? ... So, why would Israel want to have nuclear weapons? Why does Israel have nuclear weapons? ... There is no nuclear weapons program in Iran. It is a civilian nuclear energy program. And that is what the IAEA has said time and again, that Iran has a civilian nuclear energy program...

... That is a lie ... It was never proved that it was Iran. These are lies on TV... It is the United States, Mr. Kaplan. Please stop lying on TV... It is the United States that is murdering civilians. The United States has murdered civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States murdered civilians in Vietnam. The United States murdered civilians in Yemen. Every part of the world has seen the United States murdering civilians... Says who? That is a big lie again...You guys used atomic weapons and burnt... charred hundreds of thousands of people.

Press TV:Looking at the situation, can Iran actually trust the IAEA inspectors? We know in the past, when Iran had let the inspectors in the country and had actually given them very sensitive information regarding Irans nuclear scientists, several nuclear scientists ended up being assassinated.

How can Tehran ensure that things are different this time around?

Emadi:Well, Iran cannot make sure that things are different this time around... But Iran has said it during the Geneva talks and under the deal that was reached in Geneva on November 24.

Iran said that we are ready to be more transparent and in order to be more transparent, Iran needs to trust the IAEA this time and Iran has shown its goodwill by opening up the gates of the Arak reactor. They have been inspecting that reactor. They have seen some of the most sensitive parts of Irans civilian nuclear program and they have recorded everything and got back to their countries.
So, Iran has been trying to be more transparent under the deal. Iran has done its own part and Iran has expectations this time. At this point in time, Iran says that we need to get the sanctions lifted as soon as possible. And that is because Iran has taken the first step that the West has to take the next step, too.
It is just two and two makes four. And regarding the assassination of Iranian scientists, yes, last time Iran helped the IAEA and gave them names... and then the names turned out to be in the hands of terrorists and the Israeli terrorists who killed Iranian scientists. Yes, it happened before. But I am sure Iranians...

[In response to Kaplan] Well, who else could assassinate them? Israel is the only one who is just talking about Irans nuclear program. No other entity in the world makes such a big deal out of Irans nuclear program... Can you prove that, Mr. Kaplan? You are lying...What is Israel hiding, Mr. Kaplan? ... Iran does not have to answer you if it wants to have a ... Iran has not done that, Mr. Kaplan. Stop lying on TV...

Iran has not threatened any country. Iran is a democracy. Elections are held in Iran unlike in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the major allies of the United States in the region. Iran holds elections. Iran is a democracy. Iran has never threatened any country in the world and you are just lying on TV, Mr. Kaplan. You cannot base your remarks on documentation... I am saying that Iran has never threatened Israel.

By Press TV


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