19 Oct 2024

MNA Senior member of Turkey's Republican People's Party (CHP) believes Iran's proposal is not only a concrete demonstration of regional ownership but also a genuine opportunity for addressing the Syrian situation with a chance of success.

After suffering its worst casualties in years, Turkey openly declared awar against the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad, a move which has created many concerns not only inside Turkey but also in the region.

Many believe that the US and Israeli regime's officials are leading Turkey towards a quagmire in Syria andwarned of falling into a trap. They are leading not only Turkey but also its president to the trap.

it is believed that theconflict in Idlib will isolateTurkey and pushes it away from strategic allies, including Russia.

To shed more light one the issue we reached out to Dr. Osman Faruk Logoglu a senior member of Turkey's CHP and veteran politician.

He said, "The attack on Turkish soldiers was a major mistake on the part of Syria, knowing it would surely draw a disproportionate response from Turkey. Similarly, the sustained military operation (dubbed as Spring Shield) now launched and in progress by Turkey, however, justified it might seem like an act of retaliation, is set to further complicate an already explosive situation. The confrontation has the potential of leading to wider clashes between Turkish and Syrian armed forces. It also has created cleavages between Turkish and Russian positions on Syria which the US is trying to exploit to its advantage. On the other hand, developments on the ground will make the humanitarian situation of the civilian population in Idlib even worse and increase the pressure on Turkey in handling the refugee issue."

Following the escalation of tensions in Syria Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a telephone conversation with his Turkish counterpart referred to the importance of direct talk between Ankara and Syrian legitimate government recognized by the UN andnoted that trilateral cooperation between Iran, Turkey and Syria is very significantand expressed Iran's readiness to host atrilateral summit.

Referring to the Iranian President'sproposal, Logoglu said, "The possible solution, though unlikely to materialize, lies in Ankara talking directly to Damascus, the seat of the legitimate Syrian government recognized by the UN. The two neighbors know each other and enjoyed better times in the not too distant past. However, Ankaras refusal to engage Esad and its handling of the Syrian issue through Moscow only serves to enhance Russian influence and clout over Esad, leaving Syrias fate in Russian hands. That is why the trilateral meeting proposed by the President of Iran is a genuine opportunity for addressing the Syrian situation with a chance of success. It would be a concrete demonstration of regional ownership with the countries of the region taking the responsibility to resolve their problems by their own means without the intervention of non-regional actors. I hope the Iranian offer is taken up. "

Interview by Payman Yazdani

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