19 Oct 2024
Thursday 13 September 2018 - 14:33
Story Code : 319477

Europe's hollow threats

Iranian Diplomacy | Mohammad Ghaderi: Although there has recently been lots of controversies on issues such as developing an "independent payment system" Europe and a "pseudo-swift structure" to maintain the nuclear deal with Iran, many analysts and experts in economic affairs believe that there's no real intention to actualize this idea among the EU authorities. In the meantime, there are deterrent factors that have hampered European independence from the United States, and it seems that these factors are now highlighted under the presidency of Donald Trump.

The fact is that European politicians, and especially the current generation of European rulers act as the main barrier in this way. While some left-wing and Social-Democrats are about to put the idea into practice, some politicians such as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Theresa May are opposed to this idea.

They were committed to maintaining Europe's economic and security dependence on Washington. However, the key question is whether the European countries will succeed on this path or not? Is there really a will to develop an independent payment system from the United States in Europe? The answer to this question is negative!

One of the most important prerequisites for the formation of an "independent payment system in Europe" is the consensus of the right-wing and left-wing parties on this issue. However, the European officials don't seem to have such intention. On the contrary, they have become major obstacles to realizing this goal themselves.

It's interesting that such a fact has been taken into consideration by many Western sources. For example, Foreign Policy writes in this regard:

Whats different today is that the U.S. is imposing sanctions contrary to the foreign policies not just of Russia and China, which have long chafed against the sanctions tool, but against the fundamental foreign policy of our closest allies in Europe and elsewhere, Smith said. That is what has brought us to this situation.

It continues; "with their access to the U.S. financial system hanging in the balance, European banks know that, in the end, the EU must satisfy Trumps demands to fix the deal or be prepared to fully comply when U.S. sanctions return."

Recently, the Chancellor of Germany has announced her opposition to the creation of an independent payment system in Europe (to save the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action). Angela Merkel believes that the U.S.-EU security relationship is a priority and this should be considered in all the EU calculations! In other words, the German Chancellor has actually preferred "to play on the U.S. ground", and this she considers above all other options including "Europe's financial independence from the United States."

Theresa May, the British prime minister, has exactly the same opinion. She believes that, instead of confronting Trump's financial and economic policies, and even its illegal measures such as the White House's withdrawal from then nuclear deal, Europe should think about holding negotiations and interactions with Washington!

As for the French President Emmanuel Macron, his policies suggest that he has a strong desire to interact with United States under any conditions! In 2017 and during the joint-American-European Project on changing the JCPOA, he played an extremely important and highlighted role, though Trump had eventually pulled out of the nuclear deal.

Finally, it should be noted that the main obstacle to "Europe's independence from the United States" are the European authorities. As long as the current generation of European politicians is in office, such independence (in terms of security and finance) won't be actualized. When it comes to Iran sanctions, the EU seeks to satisfy Trumps demands, and this a rule which is not going to change.

Source:Tehran Times
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